WebNovelShe Is75.00%

27—- full moon


We sat there smoking and thing felt strange tonight after i got high, i could feel the hotflashes in waves not so strong yet still there and it stayed in the back of head when i feel it creep up from inside my body,

Through out the night I've been alright, i thought maybe because i was back home that they weren't as strong.

Sitting down next to Landon i was glad it hadnt happen.

I got comfortable taking a very large hit and holding it in as long as i could when i flinched at Landons hand,

'Yes- thats what i need- i open my eyes thinking i had said that out loud but landos eyes didnt look the slightest surprised

'I only thought it' ... it felt good though i havent had a leg massage in a long time. The strength of his fingers made me fall into a comfort and i then hear myself say

" mmmm, thanks, my legs were hurting" i did alot today not to mention haul a full-size man around the city.

As i think that, this overwhelming feeling comes over me,

Its calling from inside my blood a firey sparkle tingle everywhere, it makes me shiver from the hot warm temperature around me.

I can feel my heart beating so fast and me toes tingle, i open my eyes..

and a a purple green haze of smoke start to come off of lando, its beautiful! Glowing translucenctly all over him creating a barrier 2 inches above his skin

where hes touching my leg is making and orange aura of smoke

Its the most mesmerizing thing ive ever seem,

Inside the orange flame is a delicious feeling. I uncontrollably feel myself move to see his face even closer.

-whats happening?!- my brain in fear but i dont have control of what im seeing.

The feeling in my body isnt scared as it reacts on its own

-dont move dont move- im telling my body from my inner thoughts and it doesnt stops.

His face was something ive never seen, his body covered in purple and green flames the closer i got to him. I hear him past all the muteness

"Yo" he says and he opens his eyes, his eyes look at me and they sparkle a wondrous midnight and reflect in a light blue

Instantly a rush of shivers goes through my entire body as im stunning into my place.

- he's surprised ...get off him- i say to myself but nothing is doing as i want it to, i cant even close my eyes knowing how exceedingly intense the shyness in me is turning into, my stomach feels like jelly at how nervous this moment is.

He takes the gel mask off ...!and his face is healed?!

No bruising, no marks,

my suprise got me to move its was frightening,

I feel this release, with a split second he cups my face in his hands and keeps me in place...

my anxiety dies down for that moment.

Lando pulled me closer and it caused me to be unbalanced. My hand could feel this warm feeling that almost exploded like pop rocks

I was the one facing him so close ... i couldn't help but look at those eyes, like fading Jems staring back at me.

It didn't stop the lack of ownership i had on my body.

I liked it...

It was a new exciting fear being here with him,

i caught myself on his legs to keep myself from falling on him,

The shutters were so extreme fireworks tingle up my hands ,coming from his legs.

I let it take over, not knowing what was going on i was scared but enjoying the pleasure of it.

The colors when he touched me, they changed and i couldn't help but watch in awe and let him continue doing it. The flash or orange and purple in front of my face as he held me in place, there was the blue in his eyes glistening through the translucent smokey flame

His head was against mine touching only at our head the sensation of our skin made me hot all over,it was passionate,

He suprised me as he rubbed his face against mine, he starts to breathe panting heavily and that made me do exactly the same. As the spasm of tingle went through my brain send a euphoric tremor through my veins.

He had a musk about him like sweet grass in the summer wind just before the rain. It looked like his color, the storm clouds in the evening kind of purple, the dark and bright green on the blade of grass in the wind.

I could feel his hand grab my leg as im still kneeling next to him, the shocking tingle from the pressure of him pulling my skin make my nerves giddy inside , i can only follow where im being guided...

-stop, stop just for a moment- i scream to my body from inside.

And it quit.

My eyes could see everything normally.

I had control of my legs

I take a moment to assess whats happening

I start to move off Lando.

when im half way off the couch, he stop me in place.

My hands are braced on his shoulder and my palms are now the only contact we have.

he holds my forearms in place and says with the ultimate bluntness

"What r u doing" he had this look of confidence that was sexually intimidating

"That was too hot , i uhm.." couldn't find a way out of what i just got myself into. I still studder to find my words

It was my own fault, i dont know what that was earlier, maybe i just took to much...

uhm drinks


i cant explain it...

his expression say, for sure , this is on purpose and hes non apologetic

"Thats the point" he says with this look!?!

Im done!

The voice

the intimidation,

again im blushing so bad and i hear something more alarming come out of me

-its my turn step aside b- in a quick blink of an eye im back in this beautiful trance of color hallucinations that dance around and the sparkling air around us.

He moved his palms behind my thigh and pulled me right over him, his smoking haze hands slowly making its way under my pajama shirt, it glows past the shirt when he grabs my butt and sits my ass back down on him,

i can see him glow more!

He kissed my hands i had on his shoulder,

i could see his lip mark haze traced behind where he just kiss them , with a beautiful flame of green dancing on my skin ..

he slid his hand over my forearm and pulled me so much closer to him ;It made me shake

His whole body was glowing brighter the hotter i got and in his voice it was an echo

"Keep them there" he said in this dream overtaking me, as he moved my arms to wrap around his head.

He shoves my shoulder down and now every parts of my body is touching his.

Every time i open my eyes hes orange color is like mine!

I can feel the wave of pleasure takes over my muscles,

His hands all over me, i moan to myself when he grabs my body, i can still feel him through my clothes

-amazing- i say to myself as i feel my body tremble,

When i run my finger through his hair i see it change colors and return back to his purple aura, the way each feeling got so warm, it left the trace of itself where he touched, a greenish haze on my skin, my legs, my chest. When he kissed me his mouth turned orange and the sweetness that shot all through my body each time he squeezed me in his arm was a shock and followed with a quick orgasam ,

it shook me from inside and the tickling tingle combined as it traveled closer to the center of my body.

His head presses against my chest , his heavy breathing makes me move to his sound like music in a club,

my legs shake uncontrollably when holds my shoulder down, i feel the need to be closer so i wrap my legs around him,

he held me in place as he got more comfortable lifting himself up and moving further into the couch cushions with me sitting on his lap, he was so hard and i was so wet,

I wanted him so bad.

I fear opening my eyes it was the heat in that moment that shook me so hard

... then he grumbled under her breath...

a beautiful dominance


in a shock i could feel this overtake of my body and i realized i could only watch from my inner window , i was now only a soul. I saw my body take over lando. The color or orange and green meshing in unison of full sex and heat,

-stop! ...Stop!- i plead to myself to not see this and to have my body back, why is this happening? i think to myself

-because u and i want the same thing, only u need me to make it happen- and thats when i knew i wasnt just my moms daughter, i was also the story.

-i understand- i tell her and in a swift feeling, im hit with the huge pleasurable shock, i open my eyes and im there on top of lando shaking in a sweaty sex smell that isnt bad, my legs cant hold me up anymore, i lay my head on his shoulder while i try to catch my breathe,

thinking to myself,

im fucked up,

With a smile on my face thats true to its selfish self i turn my head to it side and give lando a small silent chuckle,

Then In a lazy fashion i throw my arms on his shoulder as i prep myself to get up.

'Nope nope nope,' with his eyes closed grabs my hips and pulls me back , he then take hostage my feet keeping them in his hands

'Ur not leaving, we have something to talk about" he smirks as he looks at me...

i in my disagreement turn away smugly looking away from him with my body facing him.

I attempt to protest by shoving his hands away from my feet, i cant actually do that ...he is stronger than me... that didnt help after watching the porno i showed up in, and how hot he was...

i try again to stand up; when i did ...he moved my feet closer together behind me, making me open my straddle more.

I wiggled again and he moved me feet up to my butt making my sit up on my knees and pushing my body against him.

"Lando stop" i respond in my shysh whiners language

"No way" he says, breathing the words against my neck. Is was absolute when he said it. " ur gonna stay exactly were i want u to"

The shivers

with his eyes closed and his forehead pressing against my collar bone i feel his air when he talked ... calming me right down.

The colors at this point doesnt seem real;

giving off this wonderful intoxicating feel, i know i didnt drink!

It could feel mistakenly like a drunkard time,

with the one exception ..

the color flash that wont stop.

Its happy and passionate in feel like a cloud of ecstasy slowly drifting in from the woods.

Then it dawns on me...

'Can he see it too?'

In my heavy breathing i try to get his attention and break the horney mood in the air; that wont quit.

"Lando, (breathing pause) do u see that?" I exasper to get out the words

He shook is head in response

"I dont know, what do you mean what am i suppose to see?" He laughs thinking it was sarcasm...

As i fidget my body to get comfortable before i look at him he stops me from doing anything

"b dont move, stay there dont move"

At a quick self investigation i realize he's really hard and still inside his pants,

I nodd yes to his request and leave my own questions to myself wondering

What the fuck, i agreed so quick?

Seconds pass and i feel him throbbing between my legs, i can see the glow of his body past my pj's and in my horny state i reach down, grab him between both my hands, his soft skin is hot like my skin.

He let out a sigh and in one motion relaxed against the back of the couch and grabbed my thighs tightly,

He let out a sound of acceptance when i felt the soft skin between my fingers, and how it pulsed slowly like my breathing. Each time i ..slowly... rubbed.. up... he pushed his hips up to me making me even hotter, i saw his shaft change color with my hands, they went from yellow to orange and red as my legs turned light orange when the arousal made me thrust my hips forward using my legs to help me rub his penis against my skin.

"I think I'm too high, this is so good" i say while i stop myself. I needed to take a pause.

Why are the colors changing like that?

Why am i really horny? Like so bad it feels like hard drugs in me

This is Lando i cant do this to him

What about sky?

SHIT WHAT about sky?!