The Realisation

Ethan's father used to have a lot of blueprints of the guns he was distributing. Ethan had seen them before and used to be interested in them. But he never really tried to make a gun or modify the blueprints because he didn't have any reason to do so before.

But now Ethan had a purpose he had to secretly create a gun manufacturing company. He had the money required to do so but he needed to create new blue prints. He couldn't hire someone for the job because he could be found that way.

He had to create a gun manufacturing company and he had to design, make and sell the weapons without his original identity being revealed to the world.

Ethan started by designing a new handgun. As his father had many blueprints of how other guns are made he had a good idea of what can be improved but he needed to design it properly so as to make it acceptable by other people.

He created a design in 8 months time from scratch and the gun design was such that the speed of release would be faster but the recoil would make it a bit harder to be used by people without experience.

Ethan wanted to create a weapon which only the veterans would appreciate. This would give him more attention from three ones whom he needed to find.

He needed to build a gun manufacturing company. He hired his nephew who was 2 years younger than him.

He waited others to take his company lightly. his nephew being the owner at such a young age would make the people take him lightly. Ofcourse he had to hire staff who could be trusted but he knew that it might not be possible as even if one of them snitched all his plans would go to waste.

So Ethan hired a smuggler to bring people from the poor countries who were ready to do jobs and didn't know their language. All the people needed to be brought illegally so that they would not be able to return back to their countries without his help.

This world give them enough reason not to go behind his back and do anything that would harm him in any way.

After the preparations were completed he started designing a rifle unlike the handgun. The handgun was something that would be used by many people and the contracts for rifle were much harder to get.

While he was designing the rifle, the handgun reached the market and after a week people understood the advantages of the handgun and the gun manufacturing giants were very much interested to find out who made them.

The gun was better than their current models and would make a good choice for anyone to buy over theirs. This would eventually decrease their profits.

They hired people to find the one who manufactured them but the only thing they could find was that they came from Congo. But they knew that was not possible as the country didn't have the technology to create such an advanced handgun.

The gun manufacturing giants suspected each other for being the ones behind the company. They sent people into Congo to confirm the possibility but none of them returned as Ethan had hired a mercenary group specifically to kill all the people coming to the country to find out about the guns.

The gun manufacturers didn't know what was happening inside the country and they couldn't risk sending mercenaries because they might end up killing instead of finding the information. They let it go since it was just a handgun.

After the rifle was designed and made in the factory Ethan knew that unlike the handgun it would be very hard to hide the rifle. As rifles were mainly used for military use and some were even sold to the terrorists. So they were secretly regulated to prevent them from reaching the wrong hands.

So this time he changed tactics and started selling the rifle exclusively in the foreign market to change the approach he opened a manufacturing plant in the neighbouring country to hide his involvement. As expected many spies were sent to find the information and they eventually found the factory in the other country. But they couldn't do much with that information as they didn't know much about the person behind them.

While all this was happening Derek had a different goal. He knew the people behind Emilia's death so he secretly hired multiple mercenary groups and waited for his chance to attack.

The gun manufacturing giants held a meeting out of the country because they needed to bring some people to the meeting who were not allowed in the country. The killers of his wife were going to be a part of this meeting.

They were thinking of destroying the new company from the roots but they needed the combined power of all the gun manufacturers and the politicians under their control to first ban the new company then have them classified as a front for terrorists.

This way they would be able to remove any possibility of competition. This meeting would also help them find out if any one in the group is the real owner of the company.

Because if the company did belong to one of the members they would try their best to stop anything from happening to the company.

As the meeting was going on Derek dashed into the room. He had taken a job as the janitor 4 months back waiting for this day. He knew that this place was used by the gun manufacturers for their secret meetings.

As soon as he found out about the meeting he had all the mercenary groups he hired enter the island secretly then he hid them in the mansions basement for 2 days just to be safe. As the meeting started Derek had the mercenaries kill all the guards for the meeting who were present outside the mansion and in the hallways.

By the time he entered the room all the guards were dead. Inside the room there were no guards as the discussions were confidential. As Derek entered the room everyone was shocked and some people pointed guns at him. Derek calmly laughed at them and said " When I planned to attack you guys I had already decided to die along with you." he removed his jacket to show a suicide bomb attached to him. Everyone started panicking and ran for the door. But when they opened the doors they found the mercenary groups standing outside and they knew they couldn't escape their fate.

"I didn't know how I would lure you guys to come to a meeting here but who would have thought that my son would help me in this mission unknowingly." after saying that Derek pressed the button and before the people could react most of the people in the room died. The people who were left were killed by the mercenaries.

A few weeks later what happened in the island was reported in the news. The media thought that it was the work of a terrorist group but a person sitting in his sofa looking at the news nonchalantly finally understood what had happened to his father for the past few months. He found out that his father was discharged from the hospital but didn't return to his home. He was curious what his father was doing but was too busy to search for him. The doctor had told Ethan that his father would not live for more than a couple of years due to his heart problems unless he got a new heart but even then his possibility of his survival were low. His father had decided to sacrifice himself to get revenge for his mother.

Ethan didn't have a good relationship with his father for the past few years but he understood that his father really cared about his mother to go to such extent for revenge for his mother.

Maybe the divorce was not really his fault. Maybe he did that to stop my mother from feeling miserable with her life around his business.

A month later Derek's will was read. Ethan got everything. The lawyer gave Ethan a CD and a letter. He told Ethan that his father had told him to give this to him after his death.

Ethan played the CD. It was the video of his family together when Ethan was young. As Ethan watched on, at the end the video changed to Derek as he left the hospital. In the video Derek explained to Ethan that he loved him very much and he was going to get the revenge because it was his fault that everything happened and he would solve the problem himself.

It was that day he cried for the first time in a long time. Ethan had always blamed his father for everything that happened but deep down he knew that it was not his father fault. It was his immaturity that made him hate his father. That day after nearly 10 years since his mother seperated from his father, Ethan finally removed the clot in his heart.