Samuel Willis

The royal city was located at the corner of maepis Kingdom. The reason for this was because the Kingdom started from this one city and extended into the current size over the generations.

The Kingdom was brought to the current length mainly due to two kings. Darton the conqueror who was the most successful king in the history of maepis and his son Samuel who continued his father's dream of conquest. After the death of Samuel his son Henry took over the Kingdom and stabilized it over the course of his leadership making it a strong and stable Kingdom.

But unlike his father and grand father Henry was not interested in conquest but rather in maintaining the Kingdom and helping the people live a comfortable life.

Henry stepped down from his position of king on the day of his son's 30th birthday and made him the king of maepis.

The current king of maepis was Eric Willis. He became the king 4 years ago. He was a tyrant. After becoming the king he indirectly removed his father by asking him to teach the younger generation of the Kingdom. Henry had thought of it as a good idea for the developement of the Kingdom as the younger generation was the one who would continue the legacy of the Kingdom. He went to the city of Hatio.

It was the military center of the Kingdom. It was located around the middle of the Kingdom. Eric sent his father away to have full control over the nobles and his Kingdom. Unlike his predecessors Eric was a man without any care for his citizens. He only cared about the power he got from becoming the king. At 34 years he has 18 children.

He has seven wives the first wife gave birth to the eldest son Darton and the eighth son Samuel. The other second wife gave birth to a daughter. The third wife gave birth to 5 sons. The fourth wife gave birth to 2 sons and a daughter. the fifth and sixth wife were without any children. The seventh wife gave birth to 6 daughters and a son.

The first wife is the Queen of maepis. The other wives are of noble descent. Samuel Willis is the eighth son of Eric. He was named after his great grandfather similar as his brother was named after his great-great grandfather.

In the royal family it was tradition to name the children after their ancestors based on the characteristics they show similar to their ancestors.

All the royal family members have a chance to get a new name at their eighth birthday. That's where Darton and Samuel got their names. In the royal family there were only threepeople who got new names in this generation without considering Samuels younger siblings who had yet to turn 8.

It didn't really matter if the children got a new name or not as anyone was eligible for being the king. Back in the day Darton the conqueror didn't get a new name and yet he was the greatest king in the history of the Kingdom.

On his 8th birthday after Samuel got his new name there was a big celebratory party where all the nobles were invited. During the ceremony there was a sudden message that Maepis Kingdom was being attacked. All the soldiers of the Kingdom along with the adult princes and king prepared to go to the frontlines for the war.

The younger children were escorted back to their rooms. As Samuel was being escorted back a group of assassins attacked his guards and killed them. Then he was kidnapped. This was originally done by an elite assassination group to take revenge on Henry for having killed their previous leader. They planned it after they got a secret information that Maepis will be attacked today.

The Assassin's were planning on demanding the king to give them Henry in exchange for his son's life. They had information that the king loved Samuel a lot and would go to any length for him. What they didn't know was that this information was fake. The king would not have cared for a second about Samuels death. This fake information was provided to them by a man who was working under the fourth wife.

The fourth wife Andrea knew that the assassins wanted to have Henry killed so she deliberately saw to it that the assassins got this information which would make them go after Samuel.

As soon as the assassins reached their hideout a group of men entered the hideout and cornered them. It was Andrea's men.

Andrea gave the assassins two choices. Either fight her men and get killed in the process or take Prince Samuel far away from the royal city and get paid enormously for it.

The Assassin's didn't even discuss and decided to accept the second condition and they left immediately with Samuel to the city of Hamshire which was to the farthest West of the Kingdom as well as the continent.

The city of Hamshire was 6 months travel from the royal city. The Assassin's had to bring him safely hiding his identity or Andrea would have them killed.

They used a strong sedative which would make Samuel unconscious for a week. They took him to the city ruled by Andrea's family. There they had people dye his hair and made him wear peasant clothes to make him look like a peasant.

Then they started traveling again tying Samuel with ropes making it impossible for him to move. After 6 months they reached Hamshire. They knew the brothel manager of the brothel owned by baron mules. They planned on visiting the brothel and dropping him off. They figured that no one would search for the prince at a brothel and they could earn a lot of money the brothels paid for good looking people.

On their way they saw a very good looking boy about the age of Samuel. The assassins greed increased and thought of kidnapping that boy to bring him along with Samuel.

As soon as they saw the boy coming towards them four Assassins surrounded him. But before they could attack him all them had a knife placed on their neck.

The other Assassin's wanted to help them but before they could say anything the four Assassins were killed.

The leader of the assassins was furious but he knew that the for people who attacked his men didn't know that they were with him. So he planned to find them in a secluded place and kill them all.

The assassins didn't know how many people were there along with those four people and the kid. They planned to follow them to find out more about them.

The assassins followed the kid towards baron mules mansion.

"Is he baron mules son?" The Assassin's leader asked in astonishment

"I think he has to be or else he world have been kicked out by now"

"But if he was Baron mules son why would his bodyguards stand outside the mansion without going on?"

The Assassin's pondered on this question but didn't take any action. They wanted to wait and see their targets move before taking any move.

From the start of their surveillance till now they didn't see anymore people other than the four. If the for were the only ones protecting their boys they could kill them easily.

Soon they saw the boy come out of the mansion with a big bag of money. The assassins thought the boy was from a merchant family and the bodyguards were there to protect him from being robbed. Everything made sense in their brain and they were excited thinking about all the loot they would get from this mission.

They saw the group leave the city and the assassins silently entered the forest and hid in positions to wait and attack the merchant.

Soon they saw the boy coming in their direction along with the 4 bodyguards. They took their positions and as soon as the boy was near the position the Assassin needed, the leader jumped to move for a surprise kill. But just as he moved from his position a arrow came drilling a hole in the center of his eyes killing him immediately.

Before the other assassins could react all of them were shot with the arrows. Only one of them was attacked on the leg. He tried to run away but was surrounded by more than 10 people.

"w..who are people?"

The boy answered "we are 'Insurgents' and you have some explaining to do."