Dukes downfall (4)

Ethan continued training his people in the morning training with Samuel and in the evening he would teach Samuel sword techniques to improve him.

Samuel had a good aptitude for swords and was very hard working. Ethan decided that he would teach Samuel how to use a katana. Of all the people Ethan had thaught in this world Samuel had the best aptitude for swords.

Ethan decided to make a katana when he finished Samuels task. It would take a month for Ethan to make 2 katana. So he didn't have the luxury to do the task now.

On the 6 th day the people came back from the city to report to Ethan what they found about the Duke.

The nobles had lost a considerable amount of money and men over the last 2 months. They expected the Duke to solve the problem but he couldn't do anything yet. He didn't even send his soldiers to take care of the bandits and he didn't lose a single soldier over the course of the attacks.

The nobles were frustrated at the Duke and were even thinking of contacting the royal city to send a royal constable to take care of the issue.

The Duke's daughter was going to be married to the son of the Duke from Zantia. Zantia was the richest city in the neighborhood of Hamshire city. The marriage was scheduled in 2 weeks. So the Duke was busy with the preparation.

Hearing all the details Ethan made up his mind on how to take revenge from the Duke. He needed to wait for Jack's recovery. He knew Jack must have recovered mostly by now. But as he had said to Jan he would visit the next day.

Ethan decided to go all out in destroying the Duke.

The next day Ethan reached the base of the bandits. Looking at the reactions of the bandits he knew that the recovery was successful. Jan came along with Jack upon hearing about Ethan's arrival.

Jack said " I am grateful for your help in recovering me. Many healers tried to cure me but no one was successful. I will honor the agreement and join you."

Ethan said " My aim is to recruit all the bandits under me. Now that you guys have joined me it is only a matter of time before the remaining ones join me. After we have added all the bandits I will be telling you about my plan."

As Ethan had expected once the other bandit groups were approached by Ethan and Jack's group majority of them accepted to join them. Some of them wanted the protection of being in the large group while the others joined to avoid conflict. Within a week all the bandits in the area of Hamshire were under Ethan.

After all the bandits joined Ethan he moved the headquarters to Jack's base. It was more convenient and would be harder to track.

Ethan hired some villagers to farm in the village he left and he also made a deal with the villages near the current headquarters to sell their produce only to Ethan. As Ethan was willing to pay the appropriate price the villagers didn't mind.

Ethan had a plan for revenge on the Duke. Ethan shared his plan with Jack and York and told them to be ready in a week.

/ City of Zantia /

Duke kale's mansion was filled with decoration. Next week his only son was getting married to the daughter of the Duke of Hamshire. The Duke's mansion was full of celebration.

Kale was the brother of the third wife. His family was one of the strongest in the Kingdom. Unlike the other families kale's family had multiple nobility titles.

Generally a person got a nobility titles which would be passed down to the eldest son when he died and it would continue so throughout the generations. But in some cases another person in the family could get the nobility titles as well.

This was mainly given for a high achievement which helped the Kingdom. Kale's ancestors were crucial for the stability of the Kingdom so the family had 4 noble title. 2 Dukes and 2 viscounts.

In addition to this there was also a baron title which was awarded to Kale's younger brother posthumously which was passed down to Kale's nephew.

Having 5 nobility titles made them the 3rd strongest noble family in the Kingdom. Kale was given the position of the Duke in Zantia by the family elder with a purpose in mind.

Kale had to take control of 5 cities surrounding him which would give him the control of this part of the Kingdom.

The marriage was meant to take over hamshire city. Kale would then use the combined force of the 2 cities to bulky other cities to come under his control.

With everything planned for his fateful future kale sent his family for the wedding of his son. Once the wedding finished he would take over the remaining cities in no time.