Golden Sword Spiritual Mark

"Alright kids, get ready"

And old voice snapped them all out of their delusions. Nothing exactly was attention grabbing about this voice but the aura that came with it descended on every one of them, preventing them from moving as much as a muscle.

The old man was one of the envoys sent throughout the country by the imperial clan to host the spiritual mark awakening ceremony at their various appointed location. The imperial clan rules over the Yu Country and to gather geniuses the appear in villages and towns all over the country, the imperial clan sends out envoys, each envoy is responsible for hosting spiritual mark ceremony at their appointed locations.

This time, the old man was appointed to host the spiritual mark awakening ceremony at the Blackwater town. The old man's expression turned serious after silencing the kids. Everyone also watched the old man with expectations. The old man was indeed capable of hosting the ceremony but that didn't mean it was an easy feat.

The old man clasped his hands together then slammed the hands on the field, immediately he erected an altar at the center of the field. The old man had an earth type spirutal mark and cultivated earth type techniques. Everyone on the field and far away including the town mayor watched the man in awe. No one was capable of what the man just did in their village. The mayor's eyes twinkled and he was drawn into a fantasy of his own " If Little Guan awakens a strong sword spiritual mark, maybe he can one day control the wind or control sword Qi!" Shen Guan was his only son and his only hope for a better life. He could only think positively when regarding to the youngling.

The altar had a huge depression at the center, acting as a container. The man vanished and reappeared on top of the massive altar, he then injected his Spiritual Qi into a rusty ring on his hand, a massive amount of blood gushed out of the little ring, filling up the altar. If one did not witness this, it would be impossible to believe such a little ring could contain such a huge amount of blood. The ring is a special type of ring called a space ring, there are rumored to be inscripted by an ancient sovereign. The art of inscribing one is now lost and everything that remained are only remains excavated from ancient ruins.

Immediately the blood filled up the altar, the old man clasped his hands and began some incantations.

"Unto the gods we come, Unto the gods we return, Beings from the beginning of time, Beings above the concept of time, beings in the void. Lowly we are, Lowly we plead, Grace us with your presence, Awaken our potentials! All hail the gods!"

In unison, everyone of them responded with a kowtow "All hail the gods!"

At that very moment, the whole field shook violently. Everyone present lost their ability to use Spiritual Qi, everyone present lost their spiritual marks. The presence of the gods descended, the apparition of a gaint with a war hammer manifested in the air. He exhaled and vanished. Everyone instantly felt a strange energy flow into them, the old man gained back his Spiritual Mark albeit stronger. The kids gained their spiritual mark and different tattos began to imprint itself on their foreheads. Between their eyebrows, different shapes and different vibes.

"Alright, you all should line up and come up for the test"

Frankly speaking, one couldn't decided the type of spiritual mark from looking at the tattoo between the eyebrows. A person with a bird shaped tatto can either have a Phoenix spirit mark, Bird spiritual mark, Fire spiritual mark and other possible relations, an absolute deduction cannot be made from looking at the tattoo between a person's eyebrows. However, through the ages, devices have been made and in the present times, the spiritual mark identification device is being used.

The old man beckoned unto them all and the lined up. The first person was a young boy of sixteen, this year was the last year he could've awakened his Spiritual mark. He's not to shabby talent wise. He walked forwards and thought "If I could awaken a dragon spiritual mark, I would soar the heavens and looked down on all men. Ladies and money would all be in my possession. Hahahahahaha" He laughed within himself, looking at the orb in front of him. He put his hands on the orbs following the instructions of the old man. An apparition of multiple boulders form above the altar, instantly his face paled. His dreams were shattered.

"Rock Spiritual Mark, Next." The old man said apathetically. The old man's mark was the earth spiritual mark which is a thousand times stronger than the rock spiritual mark. However, it's still acceptable.

The next person came.

"Water Spiritual Mark"

"Rabbit Spiritual Mark"

"Sickle Spiritual Mark"

"Cotton Spiritual Mark"


Countless unremarkable spiritual marks manifested. Some of them although not totally useless would totally depend on the commitment of the user and his luck. The old man wasn't interested in this, all he wanted was glaringly strong spiritual mark.

"It's Shen Guan! It's finally his turn!"

"I'm totally unsettled! What do you think his Spiritual Mark is?"

"For a monster like him, it's definitely sword spiritual mark!"

Shen Guan put on a proud face as he heard the remarks of the people, he however was a bit nervous deep within him. That orb will determine if he could ravish Duan Yu's demonic body tonight or not. He certainly didn't want to miss that chance. The old man as well looked at him expectantly after hearing the remarks of everyone in the village, after all he wouldn't be held in so much high regard if he was untalented and useless, he looked forward to what this youngling would offer him.

Shen Guan walked forward proudly and stopped before the white orb, he took a deep breath and placed both palms on the white orb. The orb vibrated vigorously causing the old man's eyes to unceasingly twinkling. That reaction was the sign of a high potential spiritual mark.

An apparition appeared atop the spiritual mark identification device, it was a golden sword, it gave off an overbearing aura from its position as if it looked down on all men. It was a Spiritual Mark that made the hands of the old man vibrate unceasingly.

"The Golden Sword Spiritual Mark!"

The old man yelled out land looking at the young man in disbelief, who would believe that in a backwater place like black water town, the legendary Spiritual Mark would appear! Even in the imperial city, possessors of such spirits are less than 100. Amongst thousands of cultivators, 100 is a very little number.