Chapter 5: Crisis Emerges

Bright light luminating the sky, Im awake at last it seems. It would appear that Mira is still asleep, I suppose that should wake her up. So I tapped her on the shoulder, and oh by the God's I regretted it. Suddenly I was struck by the feeling of metal, striking my face, Sending me flying into the tree. The pain from the blow was immense, and frankly I was caught off guard by it. ( I'm so sorry, I really didn't mean to hit you. It was just, I thought you were an enemy. Beside that, it looks like your not in the best shape to begin with, and you must have exerted alot of energy to take me thus far. I wanna thank you really, whenever we get back to Celestia you can eat as much food as your heart desires on me. But I guess we should probably start heading back now, so lets go we got a four hour walk back. We need to try and make it back, before they report us missing and send out search parties.) We headed off once again, with no clue as of what was in store for us. As we set off through the Forest of Leon, the air began to feel tense. There was a slight stench of death, lingering in the surrounding air. The feeling of a presence watching us was vaguely obviously. My heavy sword was drawn, as to be cautious in case of attack. We kept walking for quite some time, until we'd been stopped by a ominous man. It was a man wearing what looked to be, a black cloak. The man looked to be very old to, but there was a monstrous power eminating from him. He began to speak.( Three months, you have three months to prepare. In three months time , your precious Celestia will be reduced to nothing more than mere rubble. Ahahahaha, there are armies of darkness ready to destroy you. These armies are lead by the twentytwo Generals of Emporia. You have three month's to prepare an army of equal power, but sadly for you this war will be the end of your Kingdom. Know this is where I take my leave, goodbye for now ahahaha.) I dashed forward as to strike him, but he disappeared into thin air. I stood frozen in fear, of the power that man possessed. As I turned around Mira spoke.( Listen to me Artemis, it is of grave importance we get back to Celestia quick. That man was speaking of the Kingdom of Emporia. Emporia is a Kingdom of pure terror, controlled by the worst creatures imaginable. Celestia has been at war with Emporia, for over onehundred-sevendyeight years. Through many Kings, and many era's. The war has been stalemated with neither side a victor. My Father Amiel was struck down, by the hands of Gregemore the General of Destruction. That's why I fight, to someday hopefully have that creature meet his end by my sword. Now let's go, there is no time to spare.) She grabbed my hand, and looked me in the eyes with a smile. She really has been through a lot, I wouldn't know what to say so I smiled at her. We started walking again, but she wouldn't let go of my hand this time. After an what felt like an hour, We had finally made it out of the Forest. The kingdom was in sight now, at the gate we were greeted by two guards who let us in. We made our way to the castle, in hope of letting the king know. We were met with some resistance though, We were then greeted by the Minister.( These two are with Me, I'll allow them to speak to the king under my watch. Let us go my children.) The castle hallways were vast, the walls were made of pure stone. There were portraits of the king's of old. After entering the throne room, I saw him the man known as the King. Esclade Endora the thirteenth, sitting on a throne forged of gold. We kneeled before him as he spoke.( So the minister has told me that your were approached by an ominous man, on your way back from your mission in Merdock. Who spoke of war, if I'm coreect that is. So I have decided that we will begin preparations for war immediately, but this will be a military matter, not to be shared with the people. This is so that we will keep every day life, normal for the citizens of Celestia. Information will be relayed to you by noon tomorrow, I suggest you train hard, and enjoy everyday life while you can. That is all, you may take your leave.) We bowed, and were sent on our way out of the castle. The place we headed to was a little restaurant, near the barracks. We talked for a while stuffing ourselves full. But it was getting late, so I said my goodbyes heading out. When I had made it back to my room, all the adrenaline my body was running on had dissipated. So I layed down to sleep, thats when Ezra appeared.( My child I want you to tread with caution, I think this war could be directly involved with Oros. I need you to train not only your body, but your mind to. For when the time comes for me to lend you my power, you'll need to be ready. This is all I have to say for now, rest my child that's all for now.) As the void once again swallowed me, I slept in the darkness again.

Chapter 6: Knights Tomb coming Wednesday, May 18