Chapter 9: Flames of hell

We headed of for Desmond, with a long battle ahead of us. As we traveled through the country side. All I could do was look around in shock, the trees were burning, the ground was destroyed, and there were crumbled building's. I had no clue, what could have caused all of this. One thing for shure was that the closer we get to Desmond, the stronger the stench of death was getting. By time we go to Desmond, the town was already under attack. All the enemies were coming towards the border wall. There were achers lined up along the wall's. They were firing arrows one after another, hitting human like beast monsters. We dashed toward the wall, looking for the commanding officer. We had found him.( So the two of you finally made it. Well we could really use your help. The job I have for the two of you, is to find the one who's orchestrating this attack. When you find him, I want you to kill him. After you've done this, the rest should pull back for retreat. Go with haste, the longer you take, the more men will die.) We headed of through the gate. Cutting down every enemy in our way. Blood covering all who fall, those who die can never return. That is the harsh reality of war. Slashing away at my enimies, could they have lives. All I could do is ask myself these questions. Until we finaly found there leader, mounted on a horse leading the heard.( Stand back men, these two will cut you all down. I Marcus Valhalla, will personally dispose of them both. Well children , your time on this earth is about to end. Now its time to die.) He climbed down from his horse, standing at least seven foot. His amor and sword, were shining bright red with blood. Listen Mira, I want you to stand back. I will fight him alone, just watch the power of my sword. The two of us came toward each other, drawing our swords to begin. We began striking fast, he was hard to read. His movements were so fast, so it was hard for me tell what he was gonna do. He then vanished from my line of sight, that's when I felt a sword impale me from behind. Thrusting me forward, he sent me flying up against a wall. Falling to my knees, I was coughing up blood. My vision began blurring up, my body going numb in agony. Was this really it, everything to this point was all for nothing. He was getting closer ready to raise his sword, thats when everything froze. Ezra's voice was resonating, as it was getting closer.(My child, you must stand on your feet. If you can do this, then I will give you power of State one. There are five states, each state will grant you more power. State one will bestow upon you, twenty percent of my power. But be aware there are risks, if you cannot keep this power under control. Then it will destroy you, and worse case scenario, it could even turn you into a monster. Now if you are ready then I will grant you the power, when ready just announce state one. Then the seal will break granting you the power. Good luck my child, I'm trusting in your strength.) My body was fading, so I mustered all the strength I could. Shouting out State one. All the sudden, My wound began to heal itself. My body was overflowing with power. A light began wrapping itself around my body, wings of light began sprouting from my back. As he swung, I was able to dodge. My bones were bending from the emense speed, I realized if I wanted to defeat him. I would need to harness this power. Closing My eyes, I began focusing only on Him. The power began to settle, spreading around my body like armor. Planting my foot down, I appeared in front of him. As he began trying to jump back, his movements were slower now. I began a barrage of slashes, as he was sent flying back. I flew behind him holding my sword affront, until his body had been impaled by it. The man began to cough up mountains of blood, well it appears that it is your time that is up. Pulling My sword from his chest, he fell dead at My feet. The subordinates that were with him, began fleeing from the battleground. The power surrounding Me dissipated, and my body felt like a thousand pounds had crushed it.( Artemis, Artemis can you hear me. Someone help me lift him, he could be in serious danger.) As I began to fade of consciousness, I felt a feeling of reassurance. As long as Mira was with Me, I knew that I would never fail. The void of light, warming My body. I felt at peace, like a child frolicking in a field.

Chapter 10: The truth behind all

Coming Tuesday, June 2