Chapter 4: Dust Covered Jacket

Error doesn't know how long he laid there sobbing in pain. Time had no effect in the Anti-void, it could have been a few minutes to a few years before Error stopped. The stifling silence broken by hacking coughs and whimpers.

Slowly Error uncurled, feeling dust and marrow starting to pool to under him. Holding out a shaking hand, Error called out his SOUL to check his stats. Soon a glitchy SOUL popped out into existence. It was an upside-down heart colored light blue mixed with black and yellow with error signs on it, glitching, blue string on it, and slowly pulsing. When Error checked his stats, he wanted to start crying again.

High level of LV, EXP, attack, and defense, nothing out of the ordinary with them. No, it was his HP. He did not have a lot of HoPe himself, but with him having high LV and being a glitch he had quite a bit, and it always was glitching so it was a hard thing to do to make it lower down. But he wasn't freaking out because of how low it was. On no, he was freaking out because his HP was slowly climbing back up.

Even if his body is broken, his SOUL will never die. He is part of the balance, it would take much more than physical wounds to turn him into dust. Trust him, he tried that a long time ago. He would have happily told Ink that if he asked.

But now he was just so T I R E D.

'What was the point of going on?' Error thought to himself blankly as the Voices continued to scream out. 'For the Multiverse? What has it ever done for me?' It hurt to breathe. Error slowly sat up, softly crying out as he took off his jacket that was covered in dust and blood. Laying it down as his dust started to stop falling, Error was suddenly hit with a horrible idea.

"ThEy dON'T wAnT balAnCE...." Error crawled away from his jacket and dust pile, tears falling as he grinned. "TheEY dOn'T wANt ME...."

'They only want creation. Fate has made their choice and mistake.' Error's glitchy laugh echoed in the white nothingness, making the Voice's actually stop their screaming for once at the broken sound. 'Fate thought that I would take this abuse? On, no. I am Error! If this Multiverse want's only one half of the balance, who am I to stop them? I'll just give them what they want!'

Error looked around one last time, pausing once his eyes landed on the red scarf he made a few days before. Gripping it softly, Error put it on. It was the only thing he wanted with him once he goes, everything else can be left. He really doesn't need it where he was going after all. They can have his jacket, he knew they were wither going to use it as a trophy or burn it if they ever find it. 'Now the creator can be their destruction and death! I only wish I could see their faces once they find out what Ink is doing to them.'

It was nearly impossible to kill Error with his stats and stubborn SOUL, but he knew of one way to do it and stay dead. The thought actually hit him years ago but he never did it because of the balance. But now he just doesn't care. They all have made their choices, why should he help the ungrateful. It is a horrible thing all around as he has to kill to keep others alive, at least he chose the newer AU's, that made things slightly easier on them all.

'But that no longer matters.' Swiping a hand across the fluffy scarf one last time, Error let himself fall into the abyss calling for him.

The hungry static of the Void echoed against the screams of the Voice's before it all falls silent. The static and darkness wrapped around him, breaking him apart. Error didn't even scream as he closed his sockets, as he started to scatter across space and time. He never heard the regretful screams.

All he could remember is the pain, the screams that reminded him of his place in this Multiverse, of Fate taking him and twisting him into what he now is, of him trying and trying to end it only to be pulled back. Laughing hysterically, Error knew he had the last laugh. With his weak HP from that beating, not even Fate itself can pull him out of the Void.

Before he could be fully be pulled apart, he was suddenly pulled into a soft embrace. He could not open his sockets, nor could he talk, but he could still hear. The soft embrace was warm, something he has never had before in his life as Error.

'You will be fine, they and I will take care of you!' The soft voice whispered lovingly by his head, he felt someone stroking the cracks in his arms. 'You have changed your destiny, my child.'

And just like that the Voice and embrace were gone and he was suddenly pulled back together in the dark abyss. Before he finally blacked out, Error could feel the Void suddenly giving way, the static roaring becoming distant as he fell further and further away.

His last thought before blacking out was that he had never felt so loved as he had in those last few moments. He wished he could have that again, but he knew he wouldn't.

After all, worthless glitches like him don't deserve such love. He only deserves L.O.V.E and death. His Multiverse had carved that fact into his bones.

-With Ink-

When Ink finally came into the Anti-Void to see if Error was hiding out there, he wasn't sure what to expect. Maybe for Error to be waiting for him, laughing at the fact that they thought he could die from them. Or maybe for him to be weakened, hurt, and in pain. He even pictured it empty, as maybe Error was hiding out somewhere else. Ironically everything but him being dead had crossed his mind.

What he was met with was Error's jacket and a pile of dust. His items, puppets, knitting, and a few boxes, all still as Ink stood frozen, not being able to look away from the dust and blooded floor and jacket.

'Error's...Dead?' For some reason that never even crossed his mind, never really pictured it happening even as all the others plotted for this to happen. Error always seemed bigger than life, bigger then all of them combined. And now he is dead?

Ink could still see his tears, still, hear his screams and begging for help. Then the portal appeared and took him away. Everyone quickly went on the hunt for the glitchy skeleton to finish the job. And it seemed their plan worked, even if it took hours of beating the other to get to it. 'But why do I feel so empty?'

He thought there would be joy and happiness now that the destroyer is finally gone. The one who destroyed his creations is finally gone and never coming back! But for some reason, all he felt was empty, like he is missing something important.

"I won Error...But we had no choice!" Ink tried to explain to the pile of dust and marrow covered jacket. "You just continued to destroy and break apart the AU's for no reason!.....Right?" Ink took in a deep breath. "It was for the best that we did this. You had been in here for so long that it corrupted you, it was a mercy killing! I'm sure you understood in the end!"

Ink stilled, not looking away from the dust. What was he doing? He had nothing to explain to the one who killed his precocious creations, but for some reason, he felt he had to. That Error deserved at least a little bit of a reason. Finally tearing his eyes away from the sickening sight, Ink looked at all the well made dolls, puppets, and knitting. Ignoring the boxes and hanging SOUL's, Ink took a closer look at all of them.

'Error made these?' Taking a closer look at the well-made puppets, Ink had to admit he was a little impressed but also confused. 'Error can...create?'

Pushing the question away, it made him doubt and question too much, Ink decided to leave the items alone. Although Ink wanted Error dead, he would respect the last bit of what was left of Error. The others would want to burn them all without regret, but Ink couldn't let that happen. And it's not like they can get to this place without him, so he didn't see the harm with leaving them all alone.

Taking one more glance at the jacket and dust, Ink made a portal. He had to go and tell the others that Error is finally dead, that they can sleep without worry.

Tearing his eyes away, Ink walked out the Anti-Void for what felt like the last time.

'Sorry Error.....This was for the best in the end...Right?'

Note's From Author - Harrish6

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