Chapter 8: When You Call For Help, I Will Come

Notes before Chapter - Harrish6

I can see Error being one hell of an unconscious overprotective and dotting dad because of all the hell he has gone through and from never being able to remember his own family from when he was Sans. Like he is overprotective but doesn't realize that he is. The minute one yells for Daddy, he is there much to the shock of the others "Wasn't he in a different AU just a second ago?".

And by dotting I mean him stealing anything his kids ask for or want, only getting them the best either consciously or unconsciously. Do they want a new dress? Do they want a new pair of pants? Then for sure, it will be made of high-grade fabric or silk.

Original Multiverse Ink, or OM!Ink, would never believe it even if he ever saw it.


The cold, dark alley they landed in, more like fell in, was silent and empty when a glitchy portal opened. The sound of static and glitches filled the cool air before a figure rolled out of it, landing on their feet with a thud.

Error dropped to his aching knees, breathing hard as his head started to swim with memories and thoughts. His SOUL pounding as he finally started breaking through the fog that captured him when the children were screaming for him.

Little hands softly gripped his face, making his eyes snap down. Two pairs of worried eyes looked up at him. "Daddy...?" Null's soft voice forced itself into Error's skull. Error choked, all the pain that he has ignored until now coming up, and after that fight, he knows he has worsened the cracks in his ribs more than once. "WhAT...?" Error could not believe what he was hearing. 'Why are you calling me your 'Daddy'!?'

"WHHAH~" Little hands patted his face, Void's face the picture of the definition of glee. Error took in a deep breath, pushing all his thoughts away for now. After he gets them somewhere safe then he can think and tell Null that no, he is not their father. Error looked around, briefly moving a bit to glance out of the dark alleyway. A few Monsters and humans walked around, all dressed like they were in the 1920's.

'Shit, Mobtale.' Error can still see the original Mob!Sans pointing his gun at him, and really remember how the bullets felt when they grazed his bones. And that was the normal Mobtale, not counting what the Fell and Gaster version did to him. Putting his gloves back on, Error looked down at the kids. There was no way their clothes would fit in. And there was no way Error can keep to the shadows completely here. Looking up at the sky showed that it was early morning, so that meant there was still time.

Null could only smile when his Daddy picked him and his little brother up and sit them in a dark part of the alleyway on top of his coat, then proceeded to wrap them up with the warm, fluffy scarf. "i'M GOInG tO geT yOU nEW CloTheS...DO yOU wAnT sOMEthINg sPEcIFiC?" His Daddy questioned, eyes not really looking at them. Null could feel the warmth in his SOUL, his Daddy really did love them. First by protecting them and fighting off the bad monster, and now by getting them new things! "I wanna pretty thing!" Null immediately answered, tugging at his dress to show what he wanted. "Please Daddy!"

'Well if they both wear something that the other Sans and Papyrus won't, then they won't immediately connect the two.' Error ignored the twitch of his SOUL at being called 'Daddy', he had more important things to worry about. Like getting them clothes, fit in, and pray to anything that Ink doesn't find them. "OKaY. BE quiET, i'm GOINg to SHow yOU somE MAGic." And with that, Error made a small portal. Null and Void gave a gasp while Error stuck the upper part of his body inside. 'Now, what look's the prettiest?.... What is my life right now?'

Apparently he was looking in a high-end store, but the good thing is that he had no intention of paying. He was in an AU called 'Mobtale' of all things, what was the point anyway when all the Sans's of this AU is a known killer/Mobstar? Soon the colors of blue and orange caught his eye. Without hesitation, Error picked them up and made the portal move onto shoes and accessories. Error would forever deny that he was doing this because he wanted his kids to have the best....'Wait...My Kids-SHIT!'

He really needed to find a nice family for them fast, he was getting attached. God only knows what Ink will do to them if he ever finds out.

"iS tHIS pREeTY eNOUgh?" Error asked coming out of the portal with arms full of clothes and other items. Null's eyes turning into little sparkly hearts was all the answer Error needed.

Soon Null was giggling madly in his new dress. It was a silky light blue that was off the shoulders held up by straps, little sleeves on the sides. A sowed on black ribbon and flowers were on it, after that was ruffles mixed in with little fake flowers. The dress ended a few inches below the knees. Under the dress was silky blue shorts, not that you could see them, but Error figured he had to put something underneath. Error found a little flapper hat, a cloche hat, light blue, and black flowers and a bow on the side on it. Silky socks and little dress shoes that had little heels and black bows on the sides completed the whole thing.

Void was just having the time of his life chewing on the ends of his new dress. It was mostly orange mixed with peach. Square like pattern on the bottom, cut off so you could see the peach ruffles on the inside. It had little ruffly sleeves and long silken bows on each shoulder. Then it had a little silk bow in between each square, the dress ended a few inches before it hit his feet. That way it would fit him for a while. Error also found Void a little cloche hat, a bright orange one with red and peach flowers blooming on one side. Underneath the dress was little silk orange shorts, Error figured he didn't need a dipper. Then he got little silk peach socks and little orange dress shoes for babies.

All in all, Error picked out the most expensive things he could, the kids deserve the best after all they've been through. He pushed back the thought of having someone spoiling him, he would never get that so there was no use in thinking about it.

After making sure the tags have been ripped off of everything, Error put the old clothes into the bag and handed Null some jewelry he 'found' and 'bought' in the store before putting them on him and Void. Multi pearl bracelets and necklaces, one for each wrist and neck of the kids. The only difference is that Null could wear the necklace, Void couldn't as it wouldn't fit. Not realizing how expensive it really was, only that they were pretty, Error did not see anything wrong with the kids wearing them. Making sure everything was put on right, and steadfast ignoring Null's sparkly eyes filled with love directed up at him and how Void was shaking his arms excitedly making the pearls rattle together, Error deemed it safe enough to go. Putting on the scarf and trench coat, and seeing the sun about to come out, Error picked up Void and took Null's hand.

"WE aRe nOT UNdERgROUNd aNY mORE." Error began as he leads Null out of the alleyway, after making sure no one was out there to see them. "WE aRE aBOVE iN a DIFFeREnt PlaCE aND TImE sO StAY clOSe. I dID iT witH maGIC." Error tacked on when Null opened his mouth to ask.

'A different place and time?' Null frowned, not really understanding. But what he did understand was that they were not in the Underground. Looking up quickly for the first time, Null gave a gasp. "Clouds! Sun!" Null could not believe his sockets. The doctors always talked about these things, but he never thought he would see them! Without realizing it, Null let go of Error's hand and ran after the rising sun, his eyes never leaving the sky. "NuLl! COmE BAcK!" Error yelled out, his SOUL screaming out at him as he ran after. "YoU lITTlE BRaT!" Error nearly swore this little brat could be fast when he wanted to be. 'Well, I can tack off Undertale as being his AU! This little-MOTHERFUCKER WHAT NOW!?'

Toriel was in a bit of bind. She had left the mob life, but it seems to always find her no matter what time it is or where she is. She had just been shopping in the very early morning to get a few things before the crowds when a little blue blur passed her by. She jerked to look just in time for the little one to knock into a taller man, who was dressed in a pinstriped suit with his dark hair slicked back. Toriel couldn't help but give a little gasp when she finally got a good look at the little Monster, a skeleton Monster dressed to the nines. 'Are those PEARLS!?' And that's not counting that she had never seen another skeleton beside the skeleton brothers.

Null looked up with wide sockets, meeting the dark eyes of what Null correctly assumed was a human. The Man looked him up and down before taking a step closer. Null could feel that this was not a good thing. "Why, hello there. Why don't you come with me for a bit~" Tears filled Null's sockets, the man reminded Null of Him, before a memory hit him. Daddy had fought off the bad Monster, he was very strong from all the magic that rocked the building and filled the air from what Null could remember. 'Daddy can beat anyone! SO-'

Toriel dropped her bags of food, just about to go and help the little one, when the little Monster turned his head to her, looking beyond her, and screamed out fearfully. "DADDY HELP ME!" The little Monster screamed out for help, blue tears falling and face the picture of distraught.

She didn't even have time to take another step when a black and orange blur flew by her, making her dress fly out and almost made her loose her hat.


"OH MY-!" Toriel held a hand to her mouth and chest. A dark-colored Monster had come out of nowhere, slamming his fist into the man's face making said man almost go flying. And by almost, Toriel meant that the Monster grabbed the man's shirt before he could go flying from the punch. Kneeing the Man in the gut, making him spit out blood, then the Monster jerked forward, flinging the man into the street with a sickening crunch. The man laid there, unmoving as red seeped through his suit and under him.

Quickly turning back to the Monster, her SOUL gave out a lurch at the sight of a tall, black skeleton Monster bending down to check out the little one and have another in his arms. 'What a great Father. If only...' But with him wearing a dirty trench coat that was covered in blue stitching and his kids wearing expensive clothing did make quite the image and question.

"i TolD yOu TO sTAy cLSoE!" Error scowled as he checked over Null and bounced a squealing Void in his arms. "wHAt iF i DiDn'T mAKe iT IN tIME!?" Error would never admit that hearing Null scream for help made his SOUL shake and crack a little, that he was worried that no one would come and help him like what happened to him. The only good thing was that Void seemed to enjoy the run to where Null screamed, laughing and squealing in delight as colors flew by him. "NExT TImE lIStEN tO mE!"

Null gave a pitiful sniff, but a grin grew on his face. 'He's worried about me!' Daddy was worried about him, not mad he didn't listen. It was usually the other way around back in the lab. "I knew Daddy would come and save me...." Null rubbed his sockets, getting up and leaping into his Father's arms by his little brother, not seeing how Error froze at his words. "Sorry, Daddy!"

'He knew I would come...? How can he!? Not even I-!' Error slowly stood, making sure his bag and that the kids were stable before turning around to get the shock of his life. His eyes met the figure of Troiel, in her 1920's getup, standing there surrounded by bags and food by her feet. 'Shit...'

Seeing all the cracks and scratches on his skull made Toriel want to wince in sympathy. But seeing how clean and smooth the children were made her want to give a nod in approval. "Oh, I'm so glad everything is okay! I was worried when that terrible man came up to the child!" Watching how the taller Monster curled in around the little one's made her SOUL cry, such pain shadowed his sockets. 'It seems the children are not the ones that need help.' And wasn't that such a sad thing when the father is so broken but seems to give everything to the children and not himself. Those silk clothing had to have been a lot and it seems like the taller one had not spent a dime on himself.

What she didn't know is that he didn't spend a dime on anything, pearls and silk included.

Swiftly picking up the items and bags she could, Toriel took soft, unthreatening movements forward. Once she was in striking distance she lifted up a hand to shake. "Hello little ones, my name is Toriel."

Thinking she is talking only to the children, as Error was in no way little, Error did not raise to meet her hand. Null looked at her before burying his head in Error's chest and Void just chewed on the pearls around his wrist. "i Am ERroR." Error watched her warily before continuing. "tHIS iS nUll aND vOID." 'Maybe she would be the best for the kids? Toriel is usually the best bet for a nice Mother. It's not like Mobtale is known for its resets, the human child is usually a good one, and everyone is on the top already...Better here then HorrorTale that's for sure.'

Unknowing of Error's thoughts, Toriel gave a soft smile before putting down her hand. The voice coming from the skeleton sounded glitchy and the names were odd, she remembers skeleton's being named after fonts, but she had to admit that they seemed to work for them. "What lovely names!" Shifting the bags in her hands, she couldn't help but question them. For some reason her SOUL was whispering at her to help them, Error especially. "May I ask where you are going? I have never seen you three before around these parts." Toriel watched them closely, keeping her smile on her face. "I can point you in the right place if need be."

Error couldn't help but give a little grimace, from both the pain and that she has already suspected something. 'Did I not give the kids the right clothing to fit in?' It never hit him that he was the one that looked off with the kids being dressed so finely. Error shifted slightly, getting a pang from his ribs. It seems like his makeshift bindings are coming undone. "i-i...." Error sighed, trying to think before looking up when a thought hit him. "I Am LOoKInG fOR a HOtEl tO sTaY iN. We JUsT gOT iNTO tOwn."

Of course, they wouldn't pay after staying in said hotel or even let anyone know they were there. Error would just make a portal to a room, stay in it, and then leave before anyone knew any better. But Toriel didn't need to know that. And it should give Error enough time to talk Null and Void into living with her.

Error ignored how his SOUL gave a painful lurch and shake at that picture with practiced ease.

"Nonsense!" Toriel was quick to throw that idea away. She could see that the darker one was telling a fib about the hotel. "Why don't you come with me? I was just about to make breakfast."

Before Error could ask her why she was inviting a strange Monster over, as he was not for sure why she was inviting them over so soon, Void gave out a little cry. "WHAA~" Looking down to see little orange tears and Null's bones shaking in hunger, Error thought back to what was in his bag. Applesauce did not seem like a lot and Null didn't even get to finish it..."...OkAY."

"Wonderful!" Toriel clapped her hands together in delight. She turned and nearly laughed when the taller one followed her like a shadow. "Just this way. Do you have any preferences?"

Error just glanced at a shy faced Null, both looking a bit confused as they had no idea what she was asking for. Eventually, Error shrugged, lightly bouncing a now sniffling Void. "...FoOD?"

"Haha!" Toriel could feel something was off but laughed it off for now. She just hoped she was wrong and that everything would be fine. "I'll make a lot of it I assure you."

It was a shame she forgot about the company she was going to get in the afternoon.

-With Ink and Blue-

"-and that's all that happened." Ink finished, looking at all the different faces. He could only get a few AU's here at this time and would have to go tell the rest after. "I'm going to go tell the rest of Sans's and Papyrus's to keep a lookout as well, but I think this Monster means no harm."

"But didn't you say he dusted a few Monsters?" Honey, Underswap Papyrus, asked. "That doesn't seem harmless."

"Yeah, but that was in self-defense," Blue answered back. "From what we saw, from what we felt, they had taken his kids. Raise your hand if you wouldn't have done the same?"

"...You say his magic felt like it was in pain?" Skull, MobTale Sans, asked. "Like the guy was dyin' or somethin'?"

"Sadly, yes." Ink answered, a sad and worried look crossing over his face. "It was screaming, begging for help from anyone...But it also knew that no one would come. That tells me it has been like that for a long time if it knows for sure nothing will come and help the Monster."

"Is this Monster apart of the new AU?" Red, UnderFell Sans, inquired. "I mean, no one has been in it until today. If the Sans there called him 'Daddy' then maybe he took someone's place in this AU."

"But there was already a Sans, Papyrus, and Gaster there! And was saw the King and later the Queen when she came out after hearing what had happened." Ink gave a harsh sigh. "And Gaster had no clue who that Monster even was even as the Monster, who called himself Error, seemed to know about him."

"This is getting us nowhere." Blue cut off any other questions. "We'll never know unless we ask, and to do that we need to find the guy. For now, keep a lookout while we go inform the rest of the guys. If ya find anything, contact Ink or me."

"Fine with me," Skull sighed before jumping off his seat. "I have to meet the rest at Tori's in a few hours. But knowing Undyne, I'll have to be there early. She'll drag everyone there soon after getting impatient."

-With Error-

Watching a twitching Error, who was trying to hide a smile, bouncing both giggling children in his lap as he sat at the table in the living room made Toriel think back when her two children were here. Back when she was still happily married and blissfully happy. 'But that time was over.'

With both kids clinging to him, Error was having a tough time trying to make them let go without harshly dropping them. "i HAvE tO maKE a BOttLE fOR voId, GeT dOWn aND i wILl gET oUT thE TOy'S." Error tried to bribe Null into letting him go. Null perked up but glanced to where Toriel was moving around in the kitchen. "But...."

Error gave a sigh, rubbing Null's back. "DO yOU REallY thINK i WOUld lET aNYonE Do anYTHIng To YOU?" Error just wanted to hurry up and feed the two. 'Who knew hunger made kids so clingy?' Error obliviously thought to himself. 'Was I the same before I got used to it...But there was no one to cling to in my case...'

Null was quick to shake his head at the question. "Daddy will always save me!" Null pouted, not noticing Error's full-body twitch or Toriel's soft laughter, before slowly getting down to his feet on the floor. "...Toy's?"

Quickly putting the bag on the ground, he opened it and got out a few toys. He gently laid Void down on the carpet a few feet away from the table and handed him the eyeless teddy bear. Soon Null sat by Void, who was chewing on the bear, with a bright action figure of some kind of superhero that Error did not know. "BE nICe." Was all Error told them before he went to the bag and got out a bottle and formula.

Giving another smile to the tall Monster that just walked into the kitchen, Toriel watched him put water into the bottle. But then she noticed how he winced while doing so, as if in pain. "You know...I have a first aid kit in the bathroom right by the living room." Error froze at the, soon she was looking into dark sockets. She knew she would have to tread carefully. "I noticed that you are in pain, and while I won't ask questions, I will ask you to go take care of yourself." She glanced out to the kids playing on the ground from above the kitchen bar. "At least so the children don't worry about you."

No matter how much he wanted to curse, knowing he had to re-wrap his ribs and could get actual medical tape for it was a nice thought. Giving a quick nod in the direction, Error finished the bottle and stridden to were Void and Null played. Kneeling down, Error let Void take the bottle, who was quick to put it in his mouth and start drinking it laying on Null to keep from falling as he did so. Null helped him keep the bottle up, dropping his toy as he did so.

"I aM GOInG to THe BAThrOOm." Error pointed to a door not too far away on the left side of the room. "CaLL fOR mE iF yOU nEEd ME." Only after seeing Null give a hesitant nod did Error get up and go in.

Taking off his scarf, coat, and shirt, Error gave a harsh grumble at seeing his makeshift bandages falling off his ribs, which looked worse now than ever. "DAmN yOU gAStER, i shOULd hAVe DusTED yOU...ANd InK ToO nOW thAT i THINk abOuT iT." Error flinched away in pain as he took off his bloodied and slightly dust cloth 'bandage'. "YoU kNOw WHAt, DaMN ThE BAlanCE iN gENeRAl."

-In the Living Room-

Huffing in annoyance, Null lifted up Void to help him drink while keeping an eye on the goat Monster that was watching them from over the table, her sitting some food down on it that was ready to eat. "I have made a lot of different things for you and your Father to try." Toriel tried to make the tension leave the little one, who looked ready to scream for their father at any little movement from her. "May I ask where your Mother is?" Toriel inquired gently.

'Mother...?' That was a word Null hasn't heard before. "No Mother. Only Daddy." Null quickly answered, watching her closely.

Toriel closed her eyes briefly in pain, that opened other questions that she may not like the answers to if she ever got them. "Can you tell me about your Daddy?" At seeing the suspicious look directed her way Toriel hurried on. "He seems to love you very much, I just wanted to know what kind of Father he was!"

'There is more than one kind?' Null had no idea. Blinking, thinking of an answer, Null thought of Him. Thought of how cold he was and how much pain he brought. 'I wouldn't like him to be my Daddy.' "Daddy is the best! He is warm and safe..." Null tilted his head to look up at the goat. "He saved us from the bad Monster. Isn't that right Void?" Null smiled down at Void.

"WHUU~" Void gurgled around the almost empty bottle, both not noticing the horror creeping up Toriel's face.

"What do you mean by 'Bad Monster' chil-"


"HEY TORIEL!" A fish Monster in a suit burst in, a group of other Monsters standing behind her. "We decided to come for breakfast instead of lunch!"

Before Toriel could say anything, Undyne caught sight of the two babybones not too far away. "Huh! Papyrus check this out!" Null's sockets widened as Void dropped his bottle and started to cry out. She reached a handout. "Do you know that there was-"

Just as the rest of the Monsters walked in, Sans's and Papyrus's sockets also going wide at the sight of the babybones, Null gave a terrified scream along with Void.





Everyone jumped when the bathroom door was literally kicked open, door slamming into the wall and leaving a dent.

Before Undyne had any time to back away, a multi-colored blur rush toward her. A black, red, and yellow scared hand harshly gripped her wrist. Her head jerked up in time to see a scared and scratched skull with multi-colored eyes glaring down at her before she was thrown away.

"Oh my god..." Toriel softly cried out, hand going to her mouth to quieten her cries. "You poor child!"

'Ink, Blue....' Sans gulped at the sight before him. A tall skeleton Monster, Skull came up to where his stomach would be, was standing firmly in front of the baby bones in only his baggy pants and shoes. But what took his breath away was how mangled and broken he was.

Scars littered his whole body, dents, scratches, chips, and even a few small holes were all over him. His ribs were cracked, and some looked ready to fall off with the slightest touch. His spine was scratched to hell and back, so much so that Skull was shocked he could even move. His skull looked ready to cave in if any pressure was added to it. Without even looking, Skull knew that the bottom half of his body must be in the same shape. All in all this Monster seemed to be in worse shape then Murder and Red. 'I think I believe you when you said that the Monster was in pain and dyin' now that I found the guy.'

Looking at the Monsters and human in front of him; a crying Papyrus, a shocked Sans, a very shocked Undyne that was still laying on the floor, a horrified Alphys, a frozen Frisk, and a wide-eyed Asgore, Error only had one thing to say as he listened to the soft crying behind him.


Notes From Author - Harrish6

I wanted to show the dresses that Null and Void are wearing because they are going to be their main outfits unless stated otherwise, so I am going to put down the image address if you want to go look. I feel like I didn't explain them well enough.

This is Null's:

Here is Void's:

I do not own these pictures or dresses, they belong to their respectful owners.

Error is one confusing mess while everyone misunderstands his choices. He goes to blend in only to make it look like he was a poor Monster spending all his money on his kids. He would not make a good spy at all. He also has no idea about what is appropriate for kids or prices. He only knew the clothes were expensive because he knows how to sew, knit, and make puppets, as fabrics are needed for that. And take into account that he really only steals if he really has to. He only bought stuff last chapter so that the kids could be out in the open and find a family for them. Honestly, I added the pearls because of the next chapter, when everyone gets to talking.

"You bought your kids pearls!?" "YeAH, SUrE. lEt's GO wITh tHAt." "You STOLE them!?" "StOLe IS a HARSh wORd."

Error looks very bad and is very hurt, from all the beatings he has had and where he has hurt himself, and there is also the fact he never eats. Monster food has healing properties, so because Error doesn't eat he has never healed any of his old wounds and let them fester making it worse. Right now he is only alive because of him being part of the balance, his SOUL's stubbornness and determination, and the fact that he is just made of tougher stuff than normal Monsters as he is a glitch. He can take more of a beating before he starts to become dust. He is just so used to pain that he has a very high tolerance to it by now.

He is also in denial about how he feels about the kids, as he feels he would not make a good father. And some of the hurt will be coming in the next chapter as some of the truth comes out.

In the next chapter, we get Error meeting the Ink of this universe. Fun times for all-around when he shows up. And after that Error is going to have one heck of a break down when they all figure everything out, as he was looking for death when he fell into the void, not becoming a Father and landing a new Multiverse.