Notes Before Chapter - Harrish6
LOOK! QNASkyDoesArt on Deviantart, or as they are called on ao3 Skystreakerz, made Fanart for this story! I just had to show it! I'm so happy that I could cry like a baby! I never thought that someone would want to make or be inspired to make fanart for this story.
Having said that, if you want to make fanart about this story, or any of my stories, go for it! I just ask that you tell me when it is done and where it is at, I would really love to see all the different interpretations and artwork. I love fanart!
Some people have been asking for an Everybody X Error, and I still have no idea. I have never written to someone with more then one romantic partner, but I am willing to try if enough people want it. Error deserves all the love in the world, so why not give him all the love in the world?
But I am still deciding on the romantic part, but like I said if enough people want it I will be willing to try to do Everyone/Error - and yes that would include Ink as well.
For now, though, I will just give Error moments with the others until the pairing is decided.
Now here is some fluff to dry all your tears with.
It was well into the night before all the other Skeletons went into their rooms to try and get some sleep, but they all knew that it wasn't going to happen. They all eventually decided to talk to Error in the morning, telling them what they found out and to then come up with some sort of plan of action to go on.
Although Skull and Blue did whisper to each other a lot, eyes looking grim and determined. Ink decided to just ignore them, even when Murder and Misery joined in. He had a feeling if he heard them, he wouldn't be able to stop them. Oh, no. He would join them in whatever insane plan that they are cooking up if he heard them, he just knows it.
After making sure all the kids were in bed, everyone had left for their rooms. Unsaid was the fact that there were going to be a lot of calls - making portals - home, telling their brothers what was going on and what they found out - or at least the version that would make them worry less.
Spoilers, it didn't work. In fact, it just made them worry all the more, as they heard what they weren't saying.
-With Error-
It was late at night, or more like early morning when Error heard a little noise coming from the bed.
Error had not left the chair, starring blankly out the window for hours. His mind wandering to what he was going to do once everything went to shit. Just when he thought he had an okay idea - One where he would hide out underwater. Hey, if he can survive days in it without dying, then he figured he should be fine. Like sixty percent sure that he would be fine. - a little noise caught him attention. Turning to the bed, all he had time was to blink before the color pastel orange glowed in the room.
Getting up, Error quickly and silently went to Void's side. Void was now whimpering, tears falling, and magical vomit on his shirt. 'Huh....' Error just looked confused when Void reached up to him, making grabbing motions. 'Is he hurt!?' It finally entered his brain that Void just vomited all over himself.
To understand Error's leap of logic, you have to understand that vomiting is different for him and Inky. Inky vomits black ink when happy/excited, and colorful ink when sad/distressed. Error himself vomits when his magic gets tainted - from poison for example - or if he is in too much pain - emotionally, physically, mentally, and everything else - his magic just builds up when that happens and he vomits to release it. But it has been so long since that has happened, Error is too used to pain now.
Quickly lifting Void up, Error CHECKED him over. A little upside-down pastel orange heart floated out. Void sniffed, tears stopping as he stared in awe at the little SOUL in front of him.
LV: 1
HP: 96/100 [EFF: Nightmare, Hunger]
MMP: 20/20
AT: 2
DF: 6
EXP: 0
[FACT: Used to be apart of an illegal experiment headed by the royal scientist. Tests hurt too much to really remember.]
- Little Babybones, youngest son of Error, little brother to Null.
- Just had a bad nightmare, is hungry. Vomited from the scary dream. Wants to be held by his Daddy, please?
Jolting, Error let the SOUL go back to Void. Slowly, he brought the little skeleton closer. Without hesitation, Void latched onto the taller one. Burying his face into his shoulder, whimpering softly. Error took in a deep breath, softly patting Void's back, before going to the travel bag to get out the onesie. "coMe ON yOu LIttLE tErRoR." Error muttered softly. 'It seems your just like Null...It will hurt all the more once they take the both of you. But, it's for the best...Right?'
But who was it best for? And who will it hurt more? Error had no idea, and the broke him all the more when he thought about it. So he pushed those kinds of thoughts into the back of his mind, better to be blissful right now.
While Error was busy with that, Null was slowly starting to toss and turn now that his little brother was moved out of his hold, but from waking up. From a nightmare.
Hands harshly grabbed him, the smell of chemicals overtook him. He cried as they dragged him to another test. The doctors stabbing his fragile bones with more needles, pouring all kinds of chemicals onto and into him, blinding him and making it hard to breathe.
Then, he came in. He was here to see if he passed any of the tests, which he hadn't. Screaming and yelling, pain filling his whole body not a moment later. He cried for help, for anyone to save and help him, to just hold him-
Warmth, a soft feeling wrapped around him. Looking up, the doctor was gone and his place was Error. A hand was gently cupping his cheek, worried eyes looking down at him. "DiDn'T I TelL YoU? EvErY tIME yOu cALl fOR hElP, I'LL AnsWEr."
Everything started to blur away, making Null cry. He didn't want his Daddy to leave him! Shooting up, hands out, he reached out and grabbed his Daddy's hand.
Blinking, Null sleepily looked around. Seeing a room, his Daddy standing by his bedside with a confused Void in his arms wearing his onesie, and apple sauce smeared across his face, Null finally remembered where he was. "Daddy!" Null sniffed, raising his arms to show he wanted to be held.
Biting back a sigh, Error lifted Null up and sat down on the bed. Both Babybones settling down on his lap. Just as he changed Void, and finished giving him some apple sauce, Null had started softly crying out for help in his sleep. Error quickly went to his side, pocking and prodding his cheek until he stirred. Once he started waking up, Error lifted his hand off of him, only for Null to shoot up and grab onto his hand.
"sO.....WhAt iS tHE pRobLEm?" Came the awkward question after a few moments of silence. Null leaned his face against the other's chest, face looking up at him. Null's little face was painted in sadness and curiosity. "Daddy...What does a SOUL'S color mean?"
Now that was a shock, he never expected that question. He expected a much simpler question to be honest, not one that has studies and studies dedicated to it, and it still has so many questions unanswered. 'Well, when in doubt, ask a question back.' Error cleared his throat, looking down at the two. "WhAT dO YOu MEAn?"
"He said my and Void's SOUL color was wrong...." Tears swelled in his sockets, but not falling much to Error's relief. "What does my SOUL mean? Why was it wrong?"
Simpler to answer, but made him want to go back to that AU and slaughter Gaster and make him live through all the pain that he made these two go through. "SOuL'S hAvE a MAiN TRaIT WiTH sOME MInOR ONEs." Error began, trying to explain in a simple way. "dePenDIng ON ThE cOLoR, rIGht doWN tO THE sHADe, It CAn hAVE mAnY dIFFeREnt TrAiTS aND vICES." Error titled his head, trying to think of a way to explain all the different shades' meanings when Null spoke up.
"Vices?" Null frowned, having never heard that about SOUL'S. Not even from the bad Monster.
"EvERy GoOD HaS a BAd, ThAT iS bAlANcE. eVErY vIrTUE hAs a VIcE." Error pointed out. He knew that well, he was bad in the Multiverse's balance after all. "FoR eXaMPLe, tHe ViCe FOr DeTERmINAtIOn iS SPiTe. juST bEcAUSE iT is THErE doESn'T mEAn ThEY WiLL AcT oN it." Error tacked on, seeing Null's worried face.
"....Can you tell me mine?" Null asked in a whisper, as if afraid he would yell at him. With a shrug, and getting hit with an idea, Error made all three of their SOULS come out into the open. Null looked at the SOULS wide-eyed alongside Void. Awe filled them at the upside-down SOULS right in front of them.
Error pointed to one of the little SOULS, it was an azure color. Its shade was shifting, shimmering, reminding Null of water. "ThIS iS YOUr SOUl. iT'S ColOR iS AzURe, MEaNInG YoUR mAiN TrAIT - oR vIrTUE - iS FAiTH. MInOR tRAiTS aRE LoyALty aND tRuST." Error started to list off the facts, missing the kids' awed faces. "ViCE iS IdOlATrOUs."
Then he pointed to the little pastel Orange SOUL. "ThIS sHAdE of ORanGE iS moRE dELIcATE ThEN thE oTHeRS, lIKe BRavERy. iT'S maIN TRaIT iS CrEaTiVIty, miNOrs ArE jOY aND fAscINaTioN. VicE iS ImpETuOUS."
And finally, he pointed to his. The SOUL was a mix of colors, a bright yellow and a very light sky blue, glitching, and mangled and scared to hell and back. It was held together by string, colored in a dark blue unlike the string Null remembers seeing Error make from his hands.
"aS YOu gET oLDEr, AnD yOUr viEW PoINT cHAnGES, YoUR sOUl cAN gET mORE COLoRS oR chANGE CompLETlY. ThE yEllOW iS JUStiCE, ViCE iS VenGEncE. ThE lIGHt bLUE IS EthEREaL, VicE iS FrAnGiBLe." Error pointed to the colors as he talked, feeling relaxed as he went on.
"What about the strings?" Null asked in confusion. It didn't seem like they were apart of the SOUL, but they stuck on holding the SOUL together and pulsed with the magic inside the SOUL.
"It...WaSN't ORgINaLLy mINE, BUt WaS...GiVeN To mE." Error paused, twitching before going on. "iT iS DaRK blUE, mEanINg sTAbiLiTY. vICe, emOTionLeSS."
Void giggled in joy when Error patted them both on the head. Null looked up to Error, their faces alight from the glow from their SOULS. Error unconsciously gave a soft smile, eyes warm. "i ThInK hE wAS juST mAd thAT hE DiDn't hAVe SUCH a prEtTy sOUl lIKe YouRS." Null's eyes widened, cheeks starting to turn azure. "yOUr SOUl is A rArE oNe, JusT liKE VoID's. i bEt hE WaS pEtTY, hAvINg sUCh a sOUl coVEREd iN viCE."
"My...SOUL is pretty?" Null clinched Error's shirt, looking up at him in shock. He watched as Error gave a nod, pulling their SOULS back inside of them. Void gave a huff in disagreement, wanting to stare at the pretty colors.
"yEs, So nO mORe TEaRS." Error leaned back onto the headboard, letting the two lean against him on each side. He glanced down, smirking a little. "hE DoEsn'T DesERvE yoUr TEaRS."
'My SOUL is pretty.' Null buried his face into Error's chest, hiding a delighted smile. 'I'm...Pretty! Daddy says I'm pretty! The bad Monster is wrong, I didn't fail!'
"Da~" Void cooed out, patting Error's chest. "Da~"
"WhAT iS iT YoU, TeRRoR?" Error grumbled, trying to understand just what Void was trying to do or say. Maybe he wanted inside his ribs again? 'That reminds me, I'll have to fix the 'bindings' later.' He knew that they were falling apart by now, so he would have to tie new ones on. He was just waiting for his ribs to stabilize by themselves like they usually do, that or they break off and just reattach themselves as his SOUL does.
Null giggled, getting straight away what Void was saying. "He's telling you that you have a pretty SOUL too!" Null went on, not noticing Error freezing up. "I agree! Daddy's SOUL is the prettiest."
'I have the ugliest SOUL there is, one that should just be shattered already.' Was what Error wanted to say, but he kept his mouth shut, not wanting to aggravate the kids. Best to stay silent and say nothing in this kind of case. "I KNoW tWo thAT ArE pReTTiER." Was all he said in reply, making both of them giggle.
'I don't know why Daddy doesn't know why he would make the best Daddy....' Null thought back to before he fell asleep as he settled against the taller skeleton. 'Daddy's obviously the best there is.'
Once it was obvious that none of them were going to sleep again - Error didn't really need it and saw no point in it, Void was too hyped up, and Null was not tired anymore as he was used to going days without sleep. - he settled the two in his lap, holding them close as his magic swirled around them to keep them warm and started reciting a story he had heard over a million times but was never able to tell it to anyone else.
".....OnCE, ThERe WaS a SmaLL, FlUFFy, PINK bUNnY thAT liVeD UndER An OAk TrEE..."
'Daddy really is the best daddy there is.'
Notes From Author - Harrish6
The thing about SOULS and their colors/shades are my headcanon. There are too many colors, different personalities, and meanings for there to be seven SOULS. I think shades would play apart as well in the long run. And if you have a certain SOUL when your younger, I think that could change as you get older. What if you were mainly determined, but life taught you or made you be less determined and more patient or brave?
I also think that there are minor virtues, or traits, along with the main one. And it comes with a negative, just because it is your SOUL doesn't mean there isn't a bad side to it. And Error has shown he has vengeance in him, and he is quite fragile right now.
But this is all my own headcanon and is no way cannon. It's just what I think and believes it is like.
The next chapter is morning and all that talks that come with it. Meaning, Error finally finds out just where he is and what that means for him and his Multiverse.