Harrish6's Notes:
Because so many people are asking, Destiny and Fate can take any form. They just are, they are everywhere and are technically Higher Gods in this story. Myths have all the Gods in them taking many forms - Like Zeus as melted gold of all things - so Destiny and Fate can do the same.
Also, I am so happy that I am making so many people's shipping senses tingle. A lot of ships I like are considered crack ships as they are never talked about, see as insane or even thought of. I love so many ships so bad that I can't help myself. Like Nightmare x Error, Cross x Error, or really, I ship everyone with Error to be honest as long as it is done right. Can't help myself really.
And due to popular demand, I will put how cuddle time happened and the chart for it. Never thought that so many people would want to know, but I'm happy to provide and give more detail to this adorable idea.
-- Chapter Start: --
Cuddle Time - And yes, it deserved to be capitalized for how much thought and fighting went into it by the others. Error honestly thought that someone was going to get dusted for a few tense moments. Luckily no one was dusted in the creation of Cuddle Time. - was a simple thing if one thought about it. But then again, put in a bunch off different people with vastly different personalities then anything can get complicated fast and in a hurry.
But, Error knew who to put the blame on. It had been Grim who put the idea into the other's heads only a day after Error officially met all the skeletons.
It had been a normal morning so far before the Cuddle Time War started. Everyone was sitting at the kitchen table. Error was at the head of the table, munching on the glass cup that had the soup in it. He had just put the whole cup into his mouth again, making quite a few Monsters wince and freak out at first. But Error didn't see the problem with it. Death was sitting on his left side holding onto one end of Error's scarf, Grim on the right reading some kind of book. The kids had finished eating a while ago, having rushed as they wanted to go playing. After making sure that Null and Void would be okay, Error let them go play in the living room with the other kids.
Then Grim suddenly brightened, face lighting up as he read something in the book. Error watched him wearily as he jumped up with a triumph look on his face.
"I have found the most wonderful healing technique!" Grim lifted the book as if it was the holy grail. "In this insightful book I have gotten from Life, I have found something that will help Error on the right track to fully getting better not only physically, but emotionally."
That quickly got everyone's attention.
Meanwhile Error could feel like this was not going to work out well, a bad feeling creeping up his spine.
"Positive touching, as the book has told me, can help with many mental health issues! Ranging from helping one to sleep, eat, become emotionally stable and just feel better all around." Grim gently put down the book, a gleam not unlike Determination in his sockets. "Therefor I propose a few set times, multiple times a day, for such positive touching."
"What kind of touching?" Ink questioned, leaning onto the table interested in the idea. While they are helping Error get better physically, it is the mental and emotional wounds that will never truly go away. But that didn't mean they couldn't lighten Error's load. "Hand holding?"
"No, I propose something I like to call," Grim opened his arms as if he wanted to hug them all. "Cuddle Time!"
'You got to be fucking with me.' Error thought to himself numbly. He just watched Grim and the others discussing the idea like he wasn't there, making him want to flip the table to get their attention. But seeing how he knew he wouldn't get out of it? '.....Lets see how this plays out.' Error decided eventually. He would only speak up if he had too.
"A few times a day, multiple times a day may be too much for Error." Daze put in, looking worried. "I mean, if he's not used to cuddling it may get too much." The left unsaid part was that they all looked like people that have hurt him or look like said brothers to the ones that have hurt him.
"The time can range from five minutes to a half-hour. Whatever Error is comfortable with." Misery eventually said, finger tapping his chin in thought. "If Error doesn't feel up to it, we can push the time for later or just do it for a single minute."
"We can hella do it in pairs!" Fresh brightly added in, gesturing to his brother who was right behind him. "It would be totes radical!" Then he pointed to Geno and Killer. "Ya two could pair up because ya are without fresh bros."
"Thanks for pointing that out Fresh." Geno sarcastically thanked, looking at Fresh like he was a idiot. "I had no idea that my brother is pretty much dead and gone. Or that Killer killed his." Killer chuckled, fingering the butter knife in his hands.
"Ya totes welcome my home dawg!" Fresh grinned, not at all hearing the sarcasm. Geno groaned and face palmed.
"Now, this is all well and good...." Paint calmly started, sipping his tea once before putting it down. Then he glanced at everyone, grim seriousness in his eyes. "But now on to the most important question...." If Error had hair, it would be standing up on edge. "Who gets to go first?"
If it were any other topic or not about him in any way, Error would have been impressed with how fast everything escalated from that little question. He hasn't seen things go down this fast since one Sans implied that Inky and Error were having 'relations' behind all the fighting when they were fighting for the life of said Sans's AU. Shame that he said it where he and Inky could hear, it only got worse because Nightmare and his gang along with Dream heard it too as they were involved with the fighting. First and only team up they ever did together. But it ended up with Inky and Dream fighting them off so they didn't kill off the Sans when they started going to far but also looking like they wanted to kill him off, one still pissed off Error and rest, and one very deeply scarred Sans. The Sans was so deeply scarred for life that Error is pretty sure he still hasn't left his house since in fear of them all. And this had happened more then a century ago.
"Well, obviously it should be us Paint!" Ink smiled before looking to the others. "And who should go next-"
"Hold the phone!" Fresh busted in, waving his hands in disagreement. "Why should ya be the one to be first?!" Fresh looked to his own brother. "I think me and my totally radical bro should be first!"
"Yea, me and Fresh would be totes radical!" Rad added in, grinning and nodding along with Fresh. "Totes would be so fresh to be first! Error would be for sure feeling the totally radical funky fresh vibes from our Cuddle Time!"
Error shivered at that while Grim interrupted them, sounding insulted. "Now, now there is no need to fight!" He placed a hand on his chest, chin going up as he looked down at everyone with a innocent smile. "When it obvious that me and Death should be going first!" He winked at all the enraged and insulted faces. "I came up with the idea after all! So it's only fair that we go first."
Death quickly nodded in agreement, smiling a small smile from where he sat, holding on end of Error's scarf. "I would like to go first....."
"Just because you came up with the idea doesn't mean anything." Misery pointed out before gesturing to himself and his brother. "We would be the best to go first. Daze's positivity and magic would be the best for Error."
Daze smiled brightly, a steel edge in his sockets. "Misery is right! And Misery would add some good stability and making sure Error is alright."
"You are all fools!" Fell scoffed, rolling his eyes at them all. "Red and I would only be the best bet for Error!"
"I understand anxiety better then you all." Red helpfully pointed out to the rest, grin growing as his brother growled at everyone. "So me and my bro would be the best bet to go first if anything went wrong."
"Not exactly strong stuff~" Compassion purred, leaning over the table so that he was only inches from Fell's face. Fell turned blood orange and gulped while the other grinned. "Hearts and I are the most loving after all, so why shouldn't we go first hmmm?" Compassion leaned back, grin still in place. "I think we would make Error feel very loved and right at home. Isn't that right Hearts?"
"Too right Compassion~" Hearts leaned his chin into his hand, propping it up on the table as he glanced to everyone. "We wouldn't want Error to feel unloved or uncomfortable now would we?"
'You all are making me uncomfortable right now!' Error started to sweat a little once he noticed the hostel expressions on everyone, Death's grip on the scarf getting tighter and tighter with each word. He wondered if he could make a break for it. Then he saw Skull pulling out his gun that was under the table for whatever reason. Yeah, no. He wasn't going to move when a MobTale!Sans got trigger happy, that would just make Skull shoot him on reflex.
But on a side note, Error was impressed that Skull and Sniper could sneak in such big guns without anyone noticing until they pulled them out. That took talent.
"Now Hearts," Skull began, standing up on his chair with his tommy gun out and ready. "I like ya, but I'm going to go first." Skull smirked as he loaded the gun. "I found'em first. It's only right that me and my brother here go first."
Sniper just gave a nice smile, a click sounding out showing that he turned off the safety on his own weapon.
"Well threatening us with a gun isn't going to help you." Killer laughingly said while Hearts scoffed, rolling his eyes, muttering to himself. "Some way to show that you like me!"
"Me and Geno here should go first." Killer pulled out a sharper knife out of nowhere, making Geno flinch back even as Killer laid a arm around his shoulders. "We don't have brothers, Error doesn't have a brother, it's a match made in hell."
"Don't you mean heaven?" Geno asked, raising a brow in question.
Killer just simply grinned, eyes laughing. "No."
Error shrugged when Geno glanced to him, Killer had a point. There was no way Killer was made in heaven let alone himself.
"Having brothers has nothing to do with this!" Hop sighed out, before smirking. "But if that was the case, then someone with a brother should go first! Make Error get used to them faster."
"Which is why we should go first!" Tango butted in, looking like a excited puppy. "We are the best brother duo!"
"That's a lie!" Blueberry jumped as many objections sounded out, starry eyes glaring out. "Only the Sensational Blueberry and his one and only brother Honey are the best there is! We shall go first!"
"Don't think about arguing," Honey shrugged with a lazy smile. But the orange in his eyes told a different story. "when my bro says we're going first, we're going first."
"Oh? So we're going based off the best brothers? If so, your not even in the running!" Blue raised a brow, arms crossed. "Because I remember a certain Easter party just last year. Involving some hard boiled eggs, chocolate, a bunny costume, ten glitter bombs, and five gallons of whipped cream and melted butter that ended with-"
Error glanced to the kitchen entrance once movement caught his eye. Seeing the kids peeking in, curious from all the yelling, he hurriedly motioned for them to go back into the living room. His own kids did so right away, the others following suit once they saw that some of the adults had weapons drawn.
Giving a silent sigh of relief, Error turned back to the mess in front of him, wishing that he could join the kids. The children did not deserve to be scarred for life this early in their lives, best have them wait in the other room so they don't see blood, dust, magic, and bullets flying once shit hits the fan worse then it already has.
"I do not see the problem here." Galaxy finally spoke up over Blue and Honey's argument. "It is obvious that I and my brother should go, we are more qualified to do so."
Orbit snorted, glancing to all the hostile expressions. "It's true. I mean, out of all of us, we're the least likely to do something or mess it up."
"That's a lie!" Razz growled out, fist slamming down hard onto the table. "If anyone is most qualified, it is me!" Razz gave everyone a smug smirk. "I am after all, the best Sans here."
Honestly, that alone would have made the Sanses jump Razz. But with how Maple was starring everyone down, they thought better of it. Didn't stop them from arguing though.
"Listen, none of this is helping the issue." Echo sighed, rubbing his eye sockets that were closed as if he was in pain. "We need to decide who goes first, so how about a vote?" Suddenly Echo looks up with a smirk. "I vote for myself and my brother obviously."
"I, of course, vote the same." Blaster softly added in, a small grin playing on his face. "That, or you could fight me for it?"
"Of course you would want to fight!" Blossom sniffed, glancing up at Blaster. "Voting and fighting wouldn't get us anywhere! Everyone would just vote for themselves, and a fight would just end in dust piles - so everyone would loose!"
"Not everyone, there still would be one pair of us left standing." Murder pointed out with a blood thirsty grin. "Then they can take up all the times then."
"I wouldn't mind going first for this 'Cuddle Time'." Blood said absent mindlessly. "So, we're going to fight for the right to go first? I'll get my claws ready~"
"No one is going to fight for it!" Paint finally called out, but was lost in all the arguments.
Error nervously looked around, trying to keep a eye out on all the threats as the voice levels grew. Then he felt it, the feeling of death. With a gulp, Error slowly turned to glance at his seat neighbor, only to start sweating.
Death's face had twisted into what one would imagine the face of the Grim Reaper to be, one that screamed anger as he scowled and lowly growled.
Before Error could even think of running for the hills, Death moved.
Everyone flinched back, some even diving out of their chairs when the scythe came down and stabbed itself into the table. Everyone gulped, looking up at Death who now stood, one hand on the handle of his scythe, the other tightly gripping one end of Error's scarf.
"I said; I would like to go F I R S T ." Death's deep voice growled out, dark sockets daring anyone to try and deny him this. "Let me rephrase that; I W I L L B E G O I N G F I R S T ."
No one went against Death or even said a word about this new fact. Death's face lightened up when no one tried anything, took out his scythe from the table, put it back in it's hostler, and sat back down, scooting his chair closer to Error so that their knees were touching.
Thus was the creation of Cuddle Time, the end of the Cuddle Time War - mostly, Error has seen the others give some dirty looks for getting earlier times then theirs. But no one said anything. - and the start of the time table for Cuddle Time.
Cuddle Time was three times a day, after meal times. It could last a few minutes to a full hour if Error wanted it to. Everyone finally drew straws about who would go after who after Death claimed the first time slot. If they couldn't make it to the Cuddle Time or they were sick, then someone else would take their place for them until they could came back.
The Time Table went as follows;
Death and Grim - Monday Morning.
Blue and Blossom - Monday Afternoon.
Fresh and Rad - Monday Night.
Ink and Paint - Tuesday Morning.
Red and Fell - Tuesday Afternoon.
Hearts and Compassion - Tuesday Night.
Skull and Sniper - Wednesday Morning.
Murder and Blood - Wednesday Afternoon.
Killer and Geno - Wednesday Night.
Echo and Blaster - Thursday Morning.
Hop and Tango - Thursday Afternoon.
Blueberry and Honey - Thursday Night.
Razz and Maple - Friday Morning.
Misery and Daze - Friday Afternoon.
Orbit and Galaxy - Friday Night.
Saturday and Sundays were the kids's days with Error, they just piled onto Error or it was just Null and Void or whoever was in the house at the times needed. Seems the kids were listening in about Cuddle Time and wanted in.
Error just didn't want to admit that these skeletons still made him jumpy, that he wanted to run and hide from them because of the faces starring back at him. But, Cuddle Time was helping with that. Making him get to know them, not to see the shadows of other Monsters that share the same face. Sure, he still shivered and tensed up when some of the got near him, but Error was slowly getting better. It would take some time if not years for him to get used to them, but he was getting there. Being held softly was something he had never really experienced before.
It was nice.
-Council Room-
In the basement of the mansion, there was a council room that was usually unused. In fact, many forgot it was there unless they needed it, which was usually never. There was a large circular wooden table and chairs all around it, everything one would need to start, win, and finish a war of nay kind hanging on the walls and around the whole room.
It was something of a mystery in fact, no one made this room. It was always there, no one put anything in it or even knew about it until one day the noticed a door in the back of the basement that lead into this secret room.
But that doesn't mean that no one uses it.
"The Shipping Council is being called to order." Hearts called out from the head of the table. He nodded to Geno. "I know that we rarely get together anymore unless our Alphys and or Undyne has made a new ship that we should know about, but Geno has brought to our attention a new ship that must sail. Geno, you have the floor."
The Shipping Council wasn't large by any means, but that didn't mean they didn't have outside help. The main members are Hearts, Geno, and Maple. The members each had their own source of outside help, with Hearts being the largest as his whole AU would help him out if he said it was for love. Therefor, he is the leader. Most of the Council just gets together once a month to discuss all the relationships around them or talk about matching another with so-and-so, but never once had they tried it as they feared messing it all up, at least for the skeletons. They have paired up many monsters in different AU's and they are happily dating. One pair even Soul Bonded and became Soul Mates.
"Maple and I have noticed Error and Death." Geno gave a smile thinking about the two. "Before Maple and the others came to Life's home, Killer and I heard Death promise that he would help put Error back together."
"Death seems to be in love with Error already." Maple added in, shrugging with a grin. "When he slammed his scythe into the table? Jealous lover moment."
Hearts snorted at that, not having thought of it like that. Geno went on. "I think they could heal themselves." Both skeletons looked up at Geno when he said that. "Death for sure has some issues, hard not to when you are a reaper I think, and so does Error. But together, I think they could get better with one another."
"Love does heal many wounds." Hearts hummed, thinking about it. "But it can also make new ones."
"I know we don't usually involve ourselves with the other skeleton Monsters, but I think we should on this case." Geno sat back down, clearing his throat. "Error and Death deserve love, and having someone there for them in a way others can't be. So I say, we ship them so hard but also carefully."
"Playing matchmaker would take more effort on them, if only for the fact that Error seems clueless on the matters of romance." Maple muttered, rubbing his chin before speaking up. "Error is slowly healing, so we shouldn't push this too hard. But that doesn't mean we can't give them a push in the right direction."
"Hmmmm." Hearts's eyes narrowed for a moment before he stood up. "I have decided; We are going to help DestructiveDeath become canon!"
"Yes!" Geno fist pumped. "Let the shipping commence!"
"For DestructiveDeath we shall ship them harder then any other ship!" Maple clutched his fists, passion in his eyes. "We will make this ship a reality!"
Error sneezed, shivering from where he sat on a outside bench as he kept a eye out on the kids. Death pressed against his side, holding on to his arm as if trying to become one with Error. Error glanced around, not paying the shivering Death any mind. He had a bad feeling creeping up his spine again....Maybe if he just closed his eyes for a bit, the feeling would go away? Try to relax like the others wanted him to?
Meanwhile Death just snuggled closer, shaking and flushing all the more.
Compassion sighed as he glanced to all the adults that were outside, relaxing and talking. He saw Error sneeze and shiver, then glance around paranoid. 'It seems like the Shipping Council has come to a decision~'
When Ink saw Error sneeze, shivering and that three certain Monsters were gone, all he could do was sigh and pinch the bridge of nose hole. 'It seems like the Shipping Council has come to a decision.....I really hope anybody doesn't dust them all or anything once they start trying to mess with Error and Death.'
-With The Little Papyruses, A Few Yards Away From The Adults-
"Such a weakling!" Fallen scoffed, bending down slightly so that he and Void were face to face. "Be dead in a second if he ever left his Brother or Father!"
"I think the killer would soon regret it though." Aster pointed out as all the little Papyruses gathered around the new little one.
"He has a pretty smile~" Slaughter cooed out, making Void giggle.
"Tch!" Fallen scoffed, before glaring into Void's happy eyes. "Listen here you little cretin! I, the terrifying Fallen, am not under your spel-!"
Everyone froze, watching Void lean over and clumsily kiss Fallen's cheek. Void leaned back, falling down to his bottom with a giggle and clap. Fallen's cheeks slowly turned a blood red color, taking over his whole face.
"F-Fallen....?" Truce asked hesitantly, twitching at the sight of the other being still like stone. "....Are you okay?"
Before anyone had time to even blink, Fallen snatched up Void and clinched him close to his chest. "This Monster is now the Terrible Fallen's best friend! None shall have him!"
"We'll, so much for not being under his spell." Space snorted before glancing over to where the Sanses were. "Orange? Shouldn't you keep a eye on them?"
Orange shrugged, watching the amusing show that is a flustered Fallen and giggling Void. "Nah. Gaz will keep a eye on them fine."
-A Few Feet Away, With The Little Sanses-
"Hello!" Stars bounced up to Null. "It's nice to meet you~"
"Hello-Oh!" Null gave out a gasp when Stars suddenly scooped him up in a hug. "Hehe! It's nice to meet you to!"
Gaz felt sweat forming on his skull, feeling a dark aura behind himself. Slowly turning, he flinch back. TK was glaring for all he was worth at Stars, so much so that Gaz was shocked that Stars wasn't on fire. Never mind the dark aura surrounding him, like a cloak as he clinched a first. The fist was shaking as he gritted his teeth, making Gaz want to back up now.
"That little-!" TK growled out, making Tick snicker at him while Cloud rolled his eyes and Peace snort in humor.
The next thing they knew, TK was stomping over to where Stars was twirling with Null in his arms.
"You don't think he is actually going to hurt Stars right?" Cloud asked the others. "I mean, Orange will kill him if he tries anything.....He knows that right?"
"Honestly, he's in jealous Soul Mate mode." Gaz snorted, thinking back on all the Soul Mates he has seen. "So much so, that he's forgotten they aren't even Soul Mates."
"I hope it gets bloody~" Tick hummed, scratching his skull with a blood thirsty grin.
"I hope they don' get blood on Null, Mister Error will not be happy." Peace pointed out, making Gaz and Cloud pale dramatically and Tick laugh.
"Hey!" TK growled out once he was close to the twirling two, making Stars stop and spin around to smile up at TK. "Oh! TK! Have you come to play too?"
"No! I want-ARH!" TK made to stomp once more, but tripped over his shoe laces and fell flat on his face.
Silence. Everyone blinked and the spell was broken.
"AAHHH!" TK shot up to his knees, hands going to his forehead that was turning a bright light blue. Tears gushing out as he cried out in pain. But before he could do anything more, something soft touched his wound.
Blinking away the tears, he was greeted with Null's smiling face.
Null smiled gently, hand softly touching the spot TK had hit hard on the ground. "Kisses to make the hurt to go away~"
'Kisses.....But he....!' Shakily raising a hand, TK started to sweat. Something soft touched his forehead.....Soft like.....Lips?! "I-I-I-I!"
Null tilted his head confused as TK turned a bright blue. Then, jolting away once TK suddenly grabbed his hood, covering his hole face as he sweated and shook, voice becoming high pitched as he muttered and silently screamed to himself.
Frowning, Null turned to the others with concern swimming in his eyes. "Did I do something wrong?"
Laughter was all he got as his answer.
Back with the adults, Death smiled softly as he listened to the children's laughter and hung onto Error. Snuggling closer, he jolted once he felt Error go limp. Head sharply going up, he relaxed once he saw Error's eyes closed and breathing evening out. It seems he actually fell asleep.
"You better take him to bed." Death turned to see Misery sitting back down after getting a water bottle. "I've heard that he doesn't sleep that often. Maybe he's never been relaxed enough to try. If he wakes up, let him know we're watching his kids. Don't want him bringing the house down with him in his worry."
"Alright." Getting up, Death gently lifted up Error into his arms. While Misery explained what was going on to the others, Death floated into the house. While he could teleport, he didn't want to. It was nice to have Error in his arms. Even if it made his shaking worse, sweat coming down all the more as his face gets hotter, and his SOUL race all the more, he loved that something living was in his arms.
It made it all the better that it was Error.
With that in mind, once he finally got Error into his assigned bed, Death quietly placed a chair by the bed and sat on it. Not wanting to leave Error alone. Relaxing, Death settled and closed his sockets, letting the silence over take him.
All the while his bones tingled, making him want to reach out and touch Error once more.
- Two Hours Later -
Error couldn't feel anything.
Nothing but W H I T E .
Error couldn't breath.
D I D Y O U R E A L L Y T H I N K Y O U C O U L D G E T A W A Y ? R U N F R O M Y O U R F A T E ? !
Error couldn't hear anything as static over took everything else.
Hands coming out to grab onto a scarred throat.
Error couldn't scream, couldn't talk.
Cracking sounded out, a bright yellow and sky blue glowing from a covered chest, the glow fading fast.
T H O S E W H O R U N F R O M F A T E G E T D R A G G E D B Y I T .
Noise was slowly breaking into the static, Error couldn't make anything out.
Screams sounded out, one side shinning white the other shadowed black. The middle a static grey as hunger calls out. Hands cradled and grabbed, pulling and pushing.
Error couldn't feel anything.
T H O S E W H O R U N A R E P U N I S H E D !
Not even as his bones and SOUL shattered.
F A T E I S N O T K I N D A N D D O S E N O T C A R E F O R O T H E R S P R O M I S E S .
Fate only loves one.
You are not that one.
Error jolted awake, wildly looking around. Breathing heavily, sweating coming down. Jerking when he noticed hands holding tightly over his wrist, he only stopped when he caught sight of it being Death holding onto him.
"whAT hAppENed?" Error choked out, blinking once he noticed how blurry everything was.
"Y-You...." Death took in a deep breath, finally loosening his hold. "You were having a nightmare....You were clawing at your own throat! Your SOUL-!" Death choked, shaking his head.
Error just sighed, closing his eyes. "ThIS IS WhY i DON'T slEEp. No pOInt WhEn i CaN't GEt pEacE iN EvEN MY oWn MInD. nEvER MINd It cAN GET dAnGEroUS ONcE i LAsh OUt."
"But that's not healthy!" Seeing Error's 'I don't give a shit about that' face, Death sighed, thinking. T-Then...." Death bite his lip, letting go of Error. Error sat up, stretching. "Let me chase away the nightmares!"
Snorting, Error raised a brow at Death. "WHy WOuLD YOu dO THAt?"
"Sleeping next to someone is said to keep nightmares away." Death pointed out, face slowly turning indigo. "And who better then death to chase them away? If you have a nightmare, I will be here to wake you up and make sure that you don't hurt yourself."
Now Error would have scoffed at that, if only he hasn't seen proof of that little fact. The last time he slept was with Null and Void, and no nightmares or screaming greeted him. Usually when he sleeps, it never worked out so he went without it. But he always had on the fear that he would accidentally lash out at the kids if he had a nightmare with them in bed with him.
'Sleep....A peaceful rest....Something I only thought that death would give me...' Error snorted, giving a smirk. 'It seems I wasn't wrong.' "FiNE...WE'LL tRY IT yOUR wAY. BuT iF iT DosEn'T WoRK, I'LL Go WiThOUt SLEEp lIKe uSuaL."
Within the next ten minutes, Death had taken off his cloak and scythe, laying down by Error in a black t-shit and shorts.
Within the next half hour, Error finally relaxed.
Within the next hour, Error fell asleep.
Within the next hour and five minutes, Death and Error curled around another, a tangle of limbs.
Within the next three hours, others peeked in only to smile and close the door, Null and Void having their first sleepover with the other children in a room not too far away with one adult supervising.
Within the whole night, Death was smiling even as he shook and shivered.
Within the whole night, Error slept peacefully.
Not one nightmare greeted him once he closed his eyes, not with Death himself chasing them away.
--Chapter End: Harrish's Author Note --
Here is some fluff! I love fluff so much, you have no idea.
Now, the thing about Soul Bonding and Soul Mates is my own headcanon. And although only mentioned a few times, I feel the need to explain my own head canon of this so no misunderstanding comes up.
I think Soul Mates is a step after Date Mates. In my head canon, Monsters do not have predestined partners, no it is all about choice. It's like the human version of marrying or asking someone to marry them. "Will you be my Soul Mate?" as you offer your SOUL to the other. Rings or anything else is up to the couple to use if they propose or in the wedding. Every couple is different after all. So when Gaz said that TK was acting like jealous Soul Mate, he meant in human terms that TK is acting like a jealous spouse.
Monsters have their own traditions, their own culture. While some may mirror human's, they are still different and may steam from something else or they just adopted it as they liked it so much. A lot of myths come from Monsters and how Human's misunderstood what was going on or twisted the facts as they were the victors.
Soul Mating happens during/after the wedding - the first time not being sexual, but after it can be as magic is all about intent - with at least one witness just in case anything goes wrong and to be proof that they actually Soul Mated and are now Soul Bonded in marriage and love. Two SOULS come out and touch, making you feel the others emotions. The SOULS start to bond, making you become them and them become you as you hear thoughts and wants. Then finally, the SOULS become one, like two pieces of a puzzle. When that happens, you see the others memories, you see the others life as it was. To understand your life partner, you must see their life and choices, their reasons.
After a few moments being one - which can feel like years to the Soul Mates - the SOULS separate, leaving a imprint on the other SOUL and the same for your SOUL. The imprint will make you low-key feel your Soul Mate's emotions, make you hyper aware of their wants and needs, to know if they are in danger and if something has happened. You can block the connection, but it feels wrong. You can break the connection, but it hurts a lot when that happens during said breaking, even after sometimes and it can dust the other if not both of you when you do that. A Monsters divorce if you will. Humans's divorce hurts the wallet, Monsters's divorce hurt the SOUL.
You can redo the Soul Mating and Soul Bonding after breaking it, but breaking it a second time means no one is going to come out okay or even alive. You can change your mind in the middle of breaking it and the other can feel reasons why you are doing it if they pay attention to it over all the pain they are feeling at that moment. For example if it was under stress or from panic or even if the other was drunk.
Soul Bonding is also different, as there are so many different bonds one can have. You don't have to be related to have a Parent-Child Bond or Sibling-Sibling Bond, but it takes time to form. Every Bond has a different purpose and EFFECT to them. It also depends on how strong the Bond is. Children can gain a bit of the parent's EFFECTS and FACTS. Like if the parent is weak to water, the child may become weak around it too. That or if the parent can say, touch Death and live, then they can to. The parent becomes aware of them, and can track the child's SOUL. Life spans can very, as if the parent is strong magical, then the child will have the same life span as they are getting the parent's magic from the Bond to grow on. But like I said, it takes time for the Bond to form and even then you have to CHECK it to make sure it is actually there.
Sibling-Sibling Bonds can come from magic/blood siblings, or claimed/adopted siblings. It makes them low-key aware of the other, creating a Family Bond. It can also give them a power boost if FIGHTING together. If the Bond is close enough, they can even use a version of the other siblings magic, but not as powerful as the original of course.
But this is all my own take on it and head canon, it is in no way canon. But these are what I am going to be using in my stories. More Monster traditions and other things may come up as well later on. But I wanted to explain this now so no confusion will come up later on.