Let the game begin


Hey nerd, what are you doing


Leave me alone


Don't tell me what to do you puny little bitch. What is this stupid thing?


Hey! Don't touch it, it's fragile and you're fat hands might break it.


What did you just say!? I should kick you ass right now. Tell me why I shouldn't!!!

Brad grabs Seth by his shirt and puts his fist in the air ready to punch then seth answers.


Okay okay please don't. I have twenty dollars and my pocket and I'll do you history homework for a week.


Make it a month.


Okay deal, please just don't hurt me.

Brad puts him down, he and his friends and laugh and walk away.


What a fucking nerd.

Seth looks as if he wants to cry but then he gets a idea.


You'll pay brad, I'll make you wish you were never born.

That day Seth went home to hatch a plan. He though of an idea, he will use his science project to get revenge.


So brad you think my project is stupid we'll see how you like my project when I'm done with it.

Seth worked hard all night but he had done it he had finished his project and his promise to brad.


Where is that little bitch Seth at?


You wanted to see me brad?


Yeah, where the hell is my history work? Give it to me now!


Oh right sorry here it is.


Yeah you better be. This better be at least a B plus or it's your ass getting fucked, you hear me!?

Seth mumbles to himself


No it's your ass that'll be mine


Excuse me what was that.


Oh nothing I was just talking to myself, I said that the paper should be fine.


Yeah that's what I thought. Next assignment better be on time or else.



Brad leaves and heads home little does he know seth has been following him. Seth pulls out a bottle and a rag from his bag pours the liquid on it. Seth sneaks up behind brad and covers his face. Brad passes out and Seth drags his to his car and pulls him into his back seat. Seth drives for a while but he finally get to a storage facility out in the desert he pulls brad out and puts him on a metal bed and straps him down. Brad starts to wake a little so seth quicks put on a mask he has with.


What...where....where am I? How did I get here? Why am I tied down? Somebody help! Help me!

Seth walks out from behind a wall in the room.


No one can hear you brad yell all you want, I'd prefer it I like it. I like hearing you bed for help.


Who are you? What do you want from me? You want money? My parents have a lot they can give you want you want.


I don't want your stupid fucking money. I want to get even.


Even for what I don't know you what could I have done to you.

Seth rolls out his project on a cart. It is now complete. Along with it is a couple of car batteries and some jumper cables attached. And a cable run from the box to the pole in the corner of the room.


What is that thing?


You'll see


Wait that looks familiar where have I seen it before?

Seth grabs the jumper cable and clamps the ends to the batteries. Then he clamps the other to the metal bed Brad is laying on. He holds the last one in his hand.


What are you doing with that?

Seth turns the power on. You can hear a quiet hum.


You ready to find out? Now who is the little bitch brad?

Seth takes off his mask brad is surprised. Brad starts to cry a little begging for Seth to stop.


Please wait! You don't have to do this man. I'll do what ever you want I promise.


Do what ever I want huh? Well I want you to scream! Hahah

Seth touches brad with the cable and brads body jumps around and shakes his mouth starts to foam.


Aww...done already I wanted more, what am I to do now. I guess I'll find the next little bitch.

Brads lifeless body lays on the table his eyes In the back of his head, and black charred marks on his chest when the cable had touch. Seths leaves and heads to find his next little bitch.