Chapter 20. A Demon And A Monster

Warning: Contains gore scenes.

I released my marionette control, the warrior's body fell to the ground motionlessly. My fingernails extended and hard black skin covered my hands while the boy's tentacles moved wildly around us like vicious snakes that were ready to destroy their prey. They back to their feet, two other warriors rushed forward to protect the mage and healer.

I dashed towards them as the tentacles glided fast beside me. The healer immediately casts 'Accelerate' on the warriors to speed up their movements. One of the warriors quickly came forward to attack me. I bent down to avoid him, slipped to his side nimbly and moved forward to the mage who was preparing to cast his 'Stun Spell'. While the other warriors brushed aside all of the tentacles, preventing it from passing through.

When I almost reached the mage, the warrior threw the 'White Chain' at me. I swiftly avoided the side and glanced at the mage who was almost finishing his spell.

"Leave them to me. Take care of the mage!" I said.

"Okay," he replied.

I dashed towards the warrior that blocked his tentacles and struck each other while the other warrior dashed towards me. The tentacle boy moved his tentacles sliding between the warrior's legs towards the mage and healer, throwing them against the cave wall.

-Crraakkk - Crraakkk

Two large cracks were seen on the cave's walls accompanied by their groans of pain. The warriors 'Accelerate' and 'Power Boost' effects were cancelled, their speed and strength decreased. I took advantage of this opportunity. I concentrated my strength on my right claw and thrust it through the warrior's left chest. I pulled my claw, showing his heart in my hand. He staggered backwards and blood flowed from his mouth. Soon, his body collapsed as I clenched my fist, destroyed the heart in my hand. His blood flowed between my fingers and dripped to the ground.

Meanwhile, the boy moved his tentacles bound the mage's hands, feet, body and held him in the mid-air. The mage's scream echoed throughout the cave as his tentacles tightened their bonds, pulling his muscles and bones in all directions.

-Kkraakk --Claakk --Kkraakk --Claakk

Shortly, the mage's body was ripped into pieces in the mid-air. His blood splattered in all directions showering the cave with blood. Seeing his friend die, the healer immediately casts 'Healing Light' and 'Accelerate' on himself. The boy realized it, he moves forward as he moves his tentacles to attack the healer.

I dashed towards the other warriors as a splash of blood from the mage wet my body. The Healer casts 'Accelerate' on the warrior while he continues to dodge the tentacles that attack him. The warrior retreated avoiding my attacks and fled to regroup with the healer.

The tentacle boy and I stood side by side, our eyes staring at them like eagles. As on cue, both of us went forward together. The Healer cast 'Power Boost' and retreated while the warrior charged at us. I dismissed the warrior's attack, bent down between his legs and slid towards the healer. While the tentacles directly bound the warrior's arms and legs tightly. The tentacles held the warrior in the air and began to pull his bodies in the opposite direction.

I swung my claws towards the healer, he jumped away. But suddenly he was pulled back, he turned his eyes to his feet and realized his legs had gotten tangled in my hair. He swiftly pulled out a knife from his belt and cut the hair that binds his legs. With agility, I rushed at him, clamping my feet to his neck as I swung flexibly and threw him upward. I jumped at him, in one swing of my claws, I cut off his head.

At the same time, the tentacles tore the warrior's body in two. Rain of blood soaked the entire cave. I turned my gaze to the tentacle boy who was standing under the hole not far from me. I could see his eyes staring blankly at the corpses around him. Moonlight from the cave ceiling illuminates our bodies which are currently covered in blood while his tentacles surround us like vicious snakes circling around their prey.

I walked over to him as I turned my hand to normal.

"They've found this place. You can't stay here anymore."

He averted his gaze at me slowly, sadness clearly visible in his eyes.

"If I can't stay here, where should I go? Do I have another place besides here?"

"Come with me."

He looked at me doubtfully.

"Are you serious?"

I smile at him.

"Yes. Didn't you say we are the same?"

He looked at me shyly, his face flushed after hearing my words then he nodded in agreement.

Our eyes locked at each other as I rubbed the blood splash on his face slowly.

"From now on you are not an experimental object, your name is not 087. But Andrew... my knight."

"I'm Andrew..." he repeated. An innocent smile spread on his face before he returned to speak. "I'm Lilieth's knight."

"You're mine now."