CHAP36: The ten lords of flamma

''My lord urgent message arrived!'' a soldier barged inside the great hall making all the high-ranking officials eye him.

''What is it?'' Lord Lin stood up he had sent his son Adrian along with several Nirvana to join the investigation yet he had felt he had lost contact with him.

The soldier kneels to show respect before reporting.

''My lord message from lord Killian arrived and it says that during the investigation an unexpected battle happened at the train and unfortunately young master Adrian has received serious injuries'' he respectfully said.

''What are those Deities doing then'' lord Lin thought as he took the report scroll what he read ignited his anger.

Under the nose of dozens of Deities his son and a couple of heirs almost got killed by three Deities who were hiding among the passengers.

''Tsk.....Armand, where's my father?''

''My lord the venerable old lord is inside the isolation mountain right now''

''Bring a message to him that I'll be leaving.....Ion!'' The city Lord shouted, from one of the desks a young man with bright red hair came running towards him while holding a pile of documents.

''Yes my Lord''

''I'll be leaving the city to you'' lord Lin simply said while lightly tapping his shoulder but it seemed like Ion was yet to process the information.

''Yes.....huh....what me!!??''

His bewilderment expression was ignored by his lord instead he called out his other generals.

''Armand you'll be staying here as well.....Kam, you're coming with me''

He quickly ordered his three trusted generals as he quickly left without alarming the city.

Inside the isolation mountain, three figures sat down few moments pass all three of them stood up and shot towards the sky.

''Apologies venerable old lord but I have a message from your son he would like to tell....oh he isn't here'' Finally sensing their absence Armand looked at the sky trying to find any traces of the old Lord.

With speed far faster than before they travel the night towards the sky. From three shadows their number started to increase until their number became ten.

''It's been a long time fellas''

A husky voice sounded from the side and a brute-looking guy appeared.

''Little Wang good to see you again''

''Lin I'm back and ready for action!''

The brute man, Wang said as lift his axe while moving fast towards the high sky.

The ten figures ascend in the sky until a hidden temple appears in their view. It floats magically with great brilliance if Ethan was here he would be crazy to learn every sphere formation that supported this place.

''We had finally arrived now come out old Nava!'' Wang shouted as he land on the surface of the temple.

''Lin are you sure your brother is here?'' a beautiful woman wearing enchanting armor asked seeing the place look deserted.

''My brother is here mistress Fa he's just waiting for us inside'' Lin said as he started walking towards the temple.

''It's been so long since we last came here'' Oldman Chen said following Lin like everyone else.

''He's waiting for us inside'' a voice said beside Ignatius it was a lady clad in scarlet armor, Minerva Metallon. She walked briskly as well while looking at the temple until two more people spoke.

''Minerva to think you'll wake up this time for how much chaos happened yet you remain asleep, what makes this time different that you actually move?''

a brute voice said Minerva traced the owner of this voice and a familiar figure formed in her view.

His bulky lower body was covered with white wolf skin opposite to his upper body which was almost naked revealing many scars from his past battle on his head was the skin of a black wolf which blocked his face.

''Terah, you spoke as if I'm the only one who went dormant after the chasm battle all of us went to our hiding'' Minerva fired back as she looked at him.

''Things began to change while we went dormant and it seems like the demons had started to move once again, I am sure their aim hasn't changed they are still after the very same thing they have done all these years'' said the man walking beside Terah.

''Zander looking as good as before'' Mistress Fa said as he looked at Zander who stood like a nobleman wearing a black battle robe which was in contrast to the man beside him Terah.

Zander only laughs while smiling then he looks at the two beautiful twins who are busy admiring the temple.

''You two are strangely silent'' Zander walks closer to them while noticing a huge golden gate.

''We have arrived everyone all of you prepared for battle'' Lin shouted as he went right in front of the gate.

''Aliz, Aliza can you please lend me your technique to unlock this gate''

''Lin you're just afraid that your brother might have something to surprise us'' They both giggle while covering their mouths amidst this their eyes resemble the brilliance of the moon the word beauty can't be enough to describe their appearance.

''Sigh....of course even I would be cautious since we are up against the greatest prankster of our generation'' Zander told them while having a hopeless smile.

''Alright on the count of three we'll open the gate everyone please be prepared'' Aliz said while her braided hair swung with grace.

Dots of white light rise from her hand everything seems to stop the temple becomes an elegant sanctuary full of beauty.

All of them became unaware that they had become submerged in Aliz's beauty. They were mesmerized by her beauty stunning even the strongest man. No one dared to make a sound afraid that the beautiful deer would run and would disappear through the night but they knew it was just an illusion created by her majestic beauty.

''On the count of three 1....'' their emergent to the scenery was interrupted by Aliza's voice and all of them began to return to reality.

''.....2...3!'' Aliza and Aliz hold each other's hand as the lights begin to condense and begin to melt themselves on the gate.


The golden gate started to glow revealing all the defensive formations on it.

''Aliza'' Aliz called out her sister's name signaling to her to move.

''Okay'' she nodded while moving her slender hand up there dots of black light emerged it flew and attached itself to the defensive formation breaking it to pieces.

Without breaking a second after it the gate opened but none went inside instead everyone continued to act cautious not daring to act impulsively.

''Aliz, Aliza would you please...'' Lin said while still holding his stance knowing his elder brother there could be anything inside the temple.

''Ok!'' they both said holding each other's delicate hand.

White and black dots begin to dance through the hall of the temple every corner the white light touches emerges hundreds of defensive formations and traps while the black dots completely destroy them.

''Lin your brother just put so many things here I don't even know if we could enter safely'' Aliza and Aliz said while controlling the black and white lights.

''The gentle light of grace and the magnificent midnight grim are two different techniques that were modified and now became compatible with each other'' Zander said while still analysing the twins until he received a punch from Minerva.

''Stop scanning people like that'' she threateningly said to Zander.

''Okay.....okay.....I get it'' he just hopelessly replies.

A few moments later the twins stop and look at their friends it seems like they have found something interesting.

''We had found him Lin'' Aliz told him while waiting for their response.

Hearing what Aliz said Lin nodded while signaling everyone to enter.

''Right let's go!''

Their steps echoed throughout the hallway while they remained as cautious as before.

''Do you know that I am more nervous confronting your brother than fighting against thousands of demons'' Zander broke the silence that has been enveloping them since they started walking through the hall.

''Why.....did he do something to you?'' Minerva asks continuing the conversation.

''I remember when I just reached five stars of demigod level he insisted on helping me breakthrough since it came to him that I was having a hard with my cultivation.....but when we came towards one of the most dangerous forests of Earth continent, Lin that brother of yours left me while I'm being attack by five deity level beast'' remembering that horrifying past Zander's face was covered with annoyance.

''Mine is much worse Zander...that brother of yours Lin just went to our family's manor every night and would seduce every woman there until they gave up everything to him'' Mistress Fa suddenly became irritated remembering his smug face when he once caught him on act.

''I see so Nava seduce all the women there except you he must have realized you are not a.....bwuah!!!'' Wang was still talking when a huge red flame hit his face.

''Wang if you still want to live longer shut up'' Mistress Fa told him while holding a rose-like flame.

Hearing their argument the twins can't help but laugh since Lin's face began changing colors when the topic first started.

''Well should I add my story as well'' Oldman Chen said while teasingly looking at Lin.

''Everyone we're already here!''

When everyone was about to start another round of stories about his brother Lin diverted their attention towards the huge golden gate.

''Now then let's all try our best not to fall for his pranks'' Oldman Chen said while looking at the twins who were ready to open the gate''