Chapter 3 - Ocular

"My bride!" Alfie's eyes narrow in on Skylar, piercing straight through her. She grabs Jayson and hides behind him and Jayson places his arm next to her.

"And who the fuck are you?!" Jayson moves Skylar closer to him and feels her tremble. Alfie walks closer to Jayson, pulling out a machete which causes everyone at the party to leap back. A red ceiling light flashes over Alfie while a blue light flashes over Jayson.

Alfie charges at him, pulling his arm backward and preparing to swing down, but Jayson stops the swing and kicks him in the stomach. He falls towards the middle of the room and Jayson grabs Skylar again, although it's not to make her less scared this time, it's for him.

Alfie pulls out another blade, this one smaller but a lot sharper. He smiles and stands up, spitting blood on to the floor and speaking.

"I'm gonna kill you! No... Nononononono I'm not gonna kill you, I'm gonna skin ya! And then you're gonna die an excruciating death. How's that sound!?!?" His words held venom and they were meant to scare Jayson, they don't. He tilts his chin up slightly so he's looking down on Alfie.

"You aren't going to touch me." His words were frozen solid, making Alfie freeze slightly and shiver before charging at Jayson again, "what a pain in the ass." He lifts his mask off of his face and activates his left eye.

He grabs the hand that was carrying the smaller blade and pulls it towards the ground, disarming him for a few seconds. Jayson runs over to the other blade, picking it up and holding it in front of him to guard himself.

"Yaknow, I'm a pretty fast and strong guy and you can somehow read and restrict my movements as well as you can?" Alfie pulls the blade out of the ground and turns around, "someone skinny like you shouldn't have the ability to do something like that," he brandishes the blade and points it towards Jayson.

"I'm not that skinny though... I just kinda look it." Jayson takes his shirt off, revealing his semi-toned stomach covered in light scars. "See?" Skylar smiles lightly at him. 'She likes what she sees huh' Jayson thinks to himself.

"That doesn't explain how you read my movements though!" Alfie charges at Jayson once again but this time he notices something, whenever he charged at him, Jayson's left eye would glow blue.

Instead of swinging the blade, Alfie settles to tackle Jayson to the ground. Sending the blade that Jayson was holding flying.

"Shit!" Jayson tries to get up but is pulled back down and gets a punch in the face for his troubles. Jayson manages to get away from Alfie slightly and a drop of blood falls out of his mouth and lands on the floor.

"Get back here you prick!" Alfie throws another punch at Jayson but gets caught midway by his legs. 'His damned eye is blue again!' Alfie thinks to himself.

They both back away and stand up, Alfie still holding his blade.

'I can't win this with just my left eye but...' Jayson's thoughts linger and he is reminded of when he was 8...

"But mum every time I use my right eye it hurts me," the young Jayson rubs his eyes, "a-and I fall asleep a-as well!" Jayson's mother pats him on the head and pulls him close to her in a hug.

"Maybe not one day, but someday you will need that eye and I promise you it won't hurt when you need it okay?" She kisses the top of his head, "I won't force you to use it now." Jayson smiles and hugs his mum back.

"I love you, mum!"...

A tear falls from Jayson's right eye as it starts glowing red. 'It doesn't hurt...' he thinks to himself, 'she wasn't lying.'

"The fucksall this about eh!?" Alfie charges once again, opting to swing his blade in front of him wildly.

Jayson stares directly into Alfie's eyes, throwing him off a little bit before he flips to the side and jumps just high enough to go over Alfie's head. He spins through the air slightly and lands back onto his feet, striking up a conversation.

"My eyes have the ability to copy and defend against any fighting style, but when I use only one eye I can only copy things I've seen in real life, using both I can copy from any form of media. My left eye can also scan an area ahead of time so I know what's coming." Jayson grabs a large metal plate from a table nearby and prepares to throw it.

"So you've got a superpower!?!?" Alfie gets into a stance so he's ready to block the plate. "Sounds like you're just trying to intimidate me!"

Jayson darts towards his enemy and throws the plate at the roof, leading to it recoiling into him, he yells out in surprise mixed with pain but realises that Jayson completely disappeared after he yelled.

"WHERE THE HELL DID YO---" Jayson axe kicks Alfie from the stage and takes him down pretty quickly. "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!!" Alfie jumps up and swings his blade at Jayson a few times to no avail.

'This guy sucks at fighting. This shit is boring' Jayson thinks to himself, a few more swings for Jayson to dodge was nothing to him... he could just keep moving back until he found the right opportunity.

But the issue with getting cocky is that in the end cockiness loses more fights than skill difference.

Alfie throws his quickest slice straight upwards towards Jayson's right eye and there's nothing he can do to defend it.

'NONONOSHITSHITSHITSHIT' is all Jayson could think right now.

Steel-cut through the air and met flesh, tearing until blood met the ground.

A straight cut upwards through his open eye, enough to blind anyone permanently. Jayson jolts back like lightning, throwing himself straight into a wall and falling into a sitting position.

He held his eye, blood pouring through the gaps in his fingers and meeting his black jeans, forever staining them with absolute failure.

He was defeated by a brute, a big block of fucking meat had managed to take him down. He slowly starts to feel himself fading into sleep, oh the sweet release of sleep that awaited him.

Alfie inches ever closer to him, step by step, feels like an eternity.

His knight in shining armour, just one person dashed forward to stop Alfie, Skylar. She takes him into a headlock and slams him into the ground, once he's there she starts punching him in the face as hard as she possibly could, releasing all of her anger and hatred.

"S-sh... so hot..." Jayson completely loses consciousness, leaving a horrific scene in the building, blood, and knives, and tables and chairs were strewn about the place.

His hand falls from his eye, his head tilts back and his body goes limp, his blood drenching his jeans, then his shirt, then his face.

He might not be using that eye for a while...