thirst for success

After a lot of efforts, hardwork, sincerity and devotion towards engineering Maran became successful. He was invited to address few future millionaire.

He started his speech,"a very good morning to the great minds of the nation. It's me Maran adressing you few lines about education. My dear friends success is not constant, it's definition varies from person to person. For me success is like a mirror which billions of people see but some makes it shine. Education is very much important for success.

If you are not educated I'm sorry the chance of getting successful is very low. I'm not pointing only towards school education or post graduation, education is different. Holding a degree can't make you educated its your values you have have.

Education makes you understand your potential and create horizons. Education is a step of ladder towards success where failures is the way ladder towards success. I must say, have a greed for read which is a need indeed. My dear friends how much you fall that much you stand tall. Friends if you ever gets a time please meet or atleast recollect the persons who helped you. I hope you all will be successful in achieving great heights. I wish you all success.

I request you all one day when you will when you will be successful, offer others to be successful. Thank you gentleman for donating your precious time to me. suddenly, Maran hears a shout ,"Maran stand up." and a chalk got hit on him. It was his teacher punishing him for not being attentive in the class and sleeping in class. Maran realised it wasn't reality but imagine and promised to himself that he would make this reality.