I want to help you

Silence seemed to echo throughout the classroom as every gazed at the boy and girl pair at the front of the room.

Both Arthur's and Andrea's face seemed to turn completely red at this point, leaving them both completely and utterly flustered.


"Um.... yeah. I would like that Arthur".

Arthur's figure froze for a moment before he showed a smile completely unlike anything he had shown before.

Unlike his usual, polite smile, which hid his true expressions behind a veil of happy politeness, this one was completely "real".

Arthur's tall, yet thin physique was completely different to the normal standard of "handsome" within Parachenko Village, but was still visually pleasing towards members of the opposite sex.

He had relatively soft features which seemed cold whenever he taught them martial arts, and seemed to cause shivers to creep up their spines whenever they faced him in combat seemed unbelievably-.


His smile seemed to light up the room as Andrea unconsciously stared at his strangely new expression, the heat from her face forgotten as Arthur nodded happily.

"Ah, um, I'll see you in an hour! At the front of your parents restaurant!.... I'll see you then!".

Arthur awkwardly nodded and quickly left the room, his sister trailing behind him as she giggled happily at her brother's awkwardness.

The current Arthur was leaning up against one of the wooden posts use to practice kata. He couldn't help but let out a deep breath, before scratching his head showing a bewildered expression.

Over the past month he had been.... leaving indications of his attraction to Andrea, helping her more often during their martial arts practices, teaching her more about Wood Attributed Fae than what the Elders normally taught.

Suggesting ideas and helpful suggestions for her to use, all the while pretending to turn red in the face and quickly averting his attention away from her, every single time he got too close.

Arthur had been with a woman before, but he hadn't been in love.

This whole month had been dedicated to making him fall in love with Andrea.

At this age, attraction wasn't that hard of a thing to generate.

Physical appearance was important, but so was strength in the world of Fae Masters.

Strength was a quality that some people valued more than physical appearance, but not everyone.

Andrea had just started to get used to the notion that her own abilities far exceeded that of others, and was only just beginning to form her own confidence and self-disciple in regards to cultivation and her own personal life.

She had already experienced such closeness with Arthur during their first bout, and had left a mark in her heart, regardless of whether Arthur planned such a thing or not.

Using that to his advantage would be useful in his future plans.

Arthur let out another deep breath.

".... are you just going to stand there and make fun of me Chensa?".

The fifteen year old rubbed his face, trying his best to eliminate the shade of red that had taken over him.

His older sister shook her head, smiling in amusement at her brothers flustered expression.

"Yeah. I think I will actually. Y'know, after I saw your actions at the new Fae Master Tournament, I thought you would be one of those cold-hearted fellows who only marry to continue the Family line. But to think, that despite your cold exterior, you're as warm as a fluffy pillow on the inside!".

Chensa wrapped an arm around his neck, causing him to go limp as his sister shook his body like a ragdoll.

His sister took after his mother the most, and was much more familiar with her siblings than some other families were.

Arthur sighed, resigning himself to his fate.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say Chensa. Now, if you excuse me, I have things to do!".

Arthur pulled away from Chensa, causing his twenty something year old sister to pout as she watched Arthur leave.

She had a slightly proud look in her eyes as she watched Arthur walk in the direction of his new place.

Her younger brother had started to grow up after all....

Arthur headed straight for one of the shops in Parachenko Village that sold Fae, and entered immediately pointing towards the Fae that he selected.

"Young Master Arthur!? What a pleasant surprise. You want to purchase the Vine Fae? That'll be 20 origin essence stones".

Arthur took out a pouch of origin essence stones and placed it on the table.

He felt slightly reluctant in purchasing this specific fae, seeing as though he himself had no use for such a thing, but sighed, cradling the small vine in his hands before leaving the store.

Obviously the vine fae was a gift.

Andrea had more than just the two Fae that she participated with in the Fae Master Tournament, in addition to the Affection Tree Fae which she awakened a couple weeks ago.

The woodpecker fae and the affection tree fae were her Origin Fae, while the flash fae was the one she picked from the Clan Reserves.

It wasn't a secret that some of the Elders had given her a Fae, under the guise of self-protection, and had given her the thorn spear fae in addition to the blood petal fae.

The thorn spear fae was similar to the bone sword fae or the moonsword fae in that it created a strong spear created out of a large thorn. Like the bone sword fae it could regenerate using origin essence during battle.

The blood petal fae was a offensive ranged fae which could launch a thick, flurry of petals in a straight line towards her opponent.

It couldn't pierce through bone, but with the woodpecker fae added on, it definitely could.

The vine fae that Arthur had just purchased was a fae that create vines within a small radius around her. These vines weren't particularly dangerous, but could trap opponents temporarily allowed the Fae Master to use more Fae to defeat them.

Additionally, Arthur knew the advancement Formula to evolve the Vine Fae.

Once Andrea's cultivation increased, evolving this Fae would be a piece of cake.

Such a thing would definitely seem sincere in the eyes of most people.

Arthur didn't seem to bothered by it and headed straight home, instantly taking off his clothes and washing himself, putting on a new robe and jacket while looking towards the old man who owned the tavern.

The old man smiled at Arthur, feeling more and more comfortable with the young man's presence each day.

Ever since he lost his son, the tavern always felt sought of empty, but with Arthur here, that void had been filled slightly.

"How do I look old man?".

Wagner, the owner of the tavern nodded, ignoring the wolf whistles from a couple of drunk regulars at his watering hole.

"Better than I did at your age, that's for sure".

Arthur nodded, letting out a deep breath before walking out onto the street. He still had plenty of time before he organized to meet up with Andrea, so he opted to head towards the Fae Market, to check out what items they had for sale.


"Arthur. Wait".

Arthur's stopped his step before he could complete it, frowning for a moment before turning around.

A cold expression marred his face.

"Yes Randolf?".

The first-tier talent let out a deep breath before taking a step forward and looking towards Arthur.

HIs gaze clear, and without any sought of emotion within them at all.

.... Actually, if anything, there was a slight shred of hope in his eyes.

"Arthur. I want to help you.... kill Andrea".