This is where I found....

Travelling deeper and deeper into the depths of the forests of Winter Rain Mountain, the landscape and growth of plants started to increase dramatically as the group of fifty or so members of the Kovacs Clan walked through the forest.

The shrubbery grew thicker, with much larger thorns and spikes growing from their twigs.

The trees grew taller, more formidable, with enough life force to power the bloodseeker leaf fae for weeks.

The leaves grew sharper, becoming like the edge of a blade. One wrong move and even a Fae Master might find themselves covered in tiny bloody marks.

Vines grew tougher, and were filled with a seemingly endless amount of vitality. They often hung down from up on high, and seemed to sway slightly with the faint breeze.

The occasional track from spirit beast could be seen. The vast majority of spirit beasts in Winter Rain Mountain were mammals, but sometimes the remnants of avian or fish type spirit beasts could be seen.

Either one of these types would be enough to kill a Rank 1 Fae Master. Avian spirit beasts usually resort to picking up their prey, before flying straight up and dropping them from a ridiculous height.

Unless they specialized in wind or some sort of defensive type fae, one would usually die from such a fall.

On the other hand, those Fae Masters who wandered too close to a stream often in search of clean water or for a bath might find themselves pulled under by a tremendous force. They would get thrown around like a ragdoll, feeling their bones and muscles break under such an intense force, only to eventually die from a lack of oxygen....

Those spirit beasts, like wolves and bears and deer were the easiest to fight. A Fae Master wouldn't need to worry about flying or getting pulled underwater and could solely focus on whatever they could see in front of them.

Of course, this was assuming that the spirit beast didn't have any fae themselves....

The essence of the Heavens and the Earth was much thicker in this area, and would increase the chances of Fae forming, as well as spirit beasts appearing. Like humans, those beasts with the potential to become spirit beasts needed to come into contact with Hatred Fae in order to awaken their origin essence seas.

However, areas with high amounts of essence of the Heavens and Earth are more prone to Fae forming then say directly within Parachenko Village.

If one were to create large amounts of hatred here, there would be an uncountable amount of Hatred Fae that would form as a result.

Arthur noticed that none of the Elders or Rank 2 Fae Masters escorting them noticed any of Arthur's little "seeds".

They had practically walked over one, but didn't even give it a second glance when the noticed the discolouration in the soil.

In fact, they avoided it.

Arthur smiled when he saw such a thing.

'Perhaps they believe a spirit beast has hidden excrement in such a location? Or even hidden flesh and bones down there? I guess these guys aren't very adventurous when it comes to spirit beasts'.

Spirit beasts were an important part of the ecosystem, and most large Sects and Clans bred some in order to either defend the Sect, or sell and create a source of revenue.

The Kovacs Clan wasn't powerful or rich enough to do either of these things, so they could only lament and pray for a more powerful future generation.

Arthur glanced at Andrea.

'She could create entire legions of spirit beasts to do her bidding. The powers of the Boundless Forest Yearning are much greater than what anyone realises'.

Arthur sighed before avoiding another hanging vine.

He had just brushed it aside when a loud scream came from right in front of them.

Elder Vova's figure flashed for a moment before a wave of blood was sent flying into the air, along with the head of a large snake.

This snake, was exactly the same colour as the vines all around them, and was much too big to be an ordinary snake.

Elder Vova's brows furrowed for a moment before he turned to the rest of the group.

"This snake is not a spirit beast, however, it is the descendent of one. It's physical appearance is much larger than a normal vine snake, so be careful where you tread. The Elders will not always be there to save you".

Most of the group gathered around this snake corpse, causing some of the young girls to turn slightly pale and some of the boys to have shivers creep up their spines.

Randolf narrowed his eyes for a moment before pointing to the corpse of the vine snake.

"Elder Vova, don't the gallbladders of snakes have certain enhancement abilities? Like poison resistance and physical enhancements?".

All of the Elders smiled, before Elder Vova nodded at Randolf's words.

"That is correct Randolf. Not all snakes have this affect, and not all snakes gallbladders can be digested raw. Most of the time they are usually refined into medicines and then eaten on an empty stomach. This doesn't just decrease the chances of you getting poisoned, but it can also draw out the effects of the gallbladder better than just eating it raw".

Many of the young Fae Masters nodded before they continued.

Randolf was allowed to remove the gallbladder from the snake and place it in a special container that he had brought along, ignoring the slightly envious gazes from some of the others.

Arthur rolled his eyes, the gallbladder of a snake that wasn't even a spirit beats was useless. It could only increase the resistance of mortal poisons, not even poisons created by Fae.

The thousand year old demon frowned for a moment before glancing in an easterly direction. Towards the direction of Parachenko Village.

In the general direction of Elder Stas, who was following the group from a distance....

Arthur had long since memorized the landscapes and the environments in this area, and knew where to steer clear from, and where areas that were safe where.

Most of this knowledge came from his previous life, as well as his recent trips into the this area of the forest. It allowed Arthur to find the best places to form Fae, as well as the best places to hide, and lay waiting in times of danger.

Also, where to lay traps for unsuspecting victims!

Arthur glanced towards Elder Vova before muttering out loud.

"Huh.... this is near the place where I found the moonsword fae....".

Instantly, everyone in the group turned towards Arthur, their eyes slightly wide and their heads turning left and right.

Elder Vova and the other Lecture Hall Elders turned their heads as well towards Arthur, who looked off in a southernly direction.

Arthur glanced up and down the forest, adjusting his posture and footing before turning his entire body, facing the south.

He nodded slightly before lifting his head, noticing everyone look at him funny.

He showed a questioning expression.

"What? Did you guys need something?".

Ratimir, who used a fae similar to the moonsword fae, stepped forward and asked Arthur with a slight hesitance in his breath.

"Did you really find the moonsword fae around here Arthur?".

Arthur nodded before pointing to a small mark on a tree.

It was in the shape of an "A", and was hidden behind some moss.

"Yeah, this is the place. I even marked it for future reference".

Ratimir, along with Alina and some of the other young Fae Masters turned towards Elder Vova.

They didn't even need to open their mouths, because Elder Vova sighed and gave them all a small nod.

"Alright. It wasn't exactly planned but I suppose exceptions can be made. You all have half an hour. Anything you find is yours and if you didn't find anything then that can be considered an expression of your luck. And Arthur?".

Arthur raised his head slightly turning towards Elder Vova.


Elder Vova sighed.

"Sharing is nice, but please try not to derail what I have planned".

Arthur opened his mouth to speak before showing an expression of realization. The fifteen year old showed a slightly apologetic expression before giving Elder Vova a small nod.

"I'll keep things to myself next time then....".

Elder Vova had nothing wrong with people sharing what they had found, seeing as though they were all apart of the same Clan, and the same generation but....

Elder Vova sighed.

'This was supposed to be my excursion', he thought.