Differing perspectives

Watching the caravan leave Parachenko Village, several different people all across the Village all showed different expressions. Most of these people had only been here for a month, but considering how many people they had lost in the previous beast tide, not a small amount of men and women found solstice in the arms of a complete stranger.

A few felt sadness at this second parting, while others found a small seed of joy in their hearts knowing that there was someone who they could share their pain with.

A few had said goodbye to friends, some formed in the thirty days that they were in Parachenko Village, while others departing for perhaps the last time.

Niklos stared at large amount of horse-species spirit beasts in the distance before glancing at Dominic by his side. The Father and Son were roughly the same height, although Dominic didn't have nearly as much facial hair, or the same demeanour that his Father possessed.

"In the future, it'll be your job to handle relations between the Clan and the various caravans that come through Winter Rain Mountain. You'll need to understand where our boundaries lie, and how much you can gain without risking the Clan. You'll have others to assist you with this, but know full well that when it comes to matters regarding Fae Masters, the only one you can truly count on is yourself. Is that understood Dominic?".

The twenty-four year old nodded at his Father's words. He had reached the absolute peak of Rank 2 and within the following few months would start preparing in order to break through to the vapour topaz origin essence stage.

He would leave the realm of Rank 2 Fae Masters, and become a Rank 3 Fae Master.

In other words, Dominic would become an Elder of the Kovacs Clan. His status and his position in the Clan hierarchy would change significantly, and he would have the same authority as Elder Velika and Elder Zarek.

It was a good sign that the next Clan Leader of the Kovacs Clan was a Rank 3 Fae Master at a young age, although Niklos was still in his late fifties. He might only be a emerald vapour origin essence Fae Master, but there was always the possibility of reaching greater heights in his later years.

So long as he continued to remain alive, he would always remain a pillar of the Kovacs Clan.

Dominic nodded, turning his head and watching the caravan leave as the sun rose over the horizon.

On the other side of the Clan, a meeting between Elder Zarek, and Elder Velika could be seen. Beside them both were a young woman and young man respectively. The two young ones seemed slightly red in the face, and kept glancing at each other despite their Elder grandparents being beside them.

"So it is settled then?".

Elder Velika nodded.

"In the coming days we'll announce the matrimony between your granddaughter Alina, and my grandson Ratimir. Both of them are second-tier Fae Masters at the very peak of Rank 1. When they both break through to Rank 2, then the marriage will occur. Is that understood Ratimir?".

The seventeen year old young man nodded, glancing at Alina sitting opposite him.

"Yes Grandmother. I understand. It is my honour to marry someone so beautiful, it is my luck".

Alina blushed slightly, hearing those words in the presence of her grandfather.

She had to admit, that out of all the potential young men within Parachenko Village, Arthur was the best and most optimal choice for a partner. His older brother Leon and Dominic were also good choices, but in the past few weeks, he had heard rumours about both of them having relations with other women.

There was also Borik, whose status matched hers in every single way, including his strength but in terms of.... appearance, he fell slightly short.

There was also Randolf, however he.... seemed different ever since he woke up from the coma. His emotions were very uncontrollable, and his demeanour seemed to grow colder, and more sinister by the day.

Ratimir, directly after Arthur, was the best possible choice for a husband.... and he was good looking as well.

Elder Zarek glanced at Alina, suppressing a sigh before nodding his head.

'Oh well. This was going to happen eventually I suppose. I'm just grateful that she isn't unhappy with Ratimir....'.

Elder Zarek definitely cared more about his family than anything else. Except when faced with immense benefits like the Shadow . Considering Alina was happy and satisfied with someone like Ratimir, that was more than enough for him....

In another corner of the Clan, Elder Vova searched peacefully amidst a seemingly endless sea of books and scrolls. Most of these ancient writings dated back towards the earliest days of the Kovacs Clan, and were written on spirit beast hides rather than actual paper.

These spirit beast hides would last far longer than most types of paper that existed in the World.

"Formula for the Rank 1 Shadow Wolf Claw Fae..... That's not what I need..... A thousand year old copy of the , nope.... I thought it was in here!? The last time I read it, I definitely left it somewhere around here. Unless.... someone else has gone and moved everything while I've been-. Oh wait, never mind. Found it".

Elder Vova found an ancient looking book, the majority of which had its pages destroyed or torn out. If Arthur could see this book right now, he could instantly discern that this ancient book came from before this current Era.

In other words, it was at least 3,000 years old.

Elder Vova narrowed his eyes, trying his best to discern some of the text written inside. It was already so old, and so damaged it was a miracle that it had survived this long.

"Hmm..... "I thought myself so talented before today. My talents and innate abilities as someone with the Seven Star Lupus Boundary Physique had never been so thoroughly shaken until today. The power of my Physique allowed me to innate possess a Transformation Law image within my Body Origin Essence Sea. The strength of Transformation Fae, specifically Wolf-species Transformation Fae were increased by more than 5 times the normal amount....

"But today.... after fighting "that" I can see why it is called the strongest. I don't even understand why something like that can exist. Why is something that powerful allowed to exist? What the hell were the Raum Race thinking creating a monster like that!? I've met the 3rd strongest Sovereign Boundary Physique wielder, the supposed antithesis to "that". Their power was undoubtably strong, absurdly so even, however that particular Physique's power lies within "repeating" not "ceasing".....

"The Eternal Hourglass Absurdity..... isn't necessarily the third strongest, but without knowing how many times the wielder has gone back, their power is practically invincible. The 2nd strongest is also freakishly powerful, but if notions such as time, karma and fate were removed, their place would be much lower on the strength rankings....

"But.... but the first, and strongest Sovereign Boundary Physique.... the Euclidean World Theory Sovereign Boundary Physique. It was.... frighteningly beautiful to watch. Mirrors laid upon mirrors create infinite space. Reflections in space. Gaps in space. Freezing everything in place.... It wasn't even a fight really. It was over within a matter of moments.

"If anyone actually reads this in the future, never try and fight the three strongest Sovereign Boundary Physiques, unless your Cultivation is at least an entire realm higher than their own. Otherwise, you'll get killed within a matter of....".

Nothing else was left. Only this single page at the end of the diary.

Elder Vova narrowed his eyes as he gazed at a single term in the book.

"Eternal Hourglass Absurdity.... huh....".

In another part of Parachenko Village, in a more desolate part of the Village near where the fields met the forests, a young man in a small shack sat silently, stirring a pot of crimson coloured liquid in front of him.

His tone was cold, and his gaze even colder. The perpetual expression on his face made it seem as though someone had just killed his entire family or something....

"How long until this particular Fae is ready?".

Randolf spoke out loud, as if expecting some sort of answer. After a few seconds of silence, he smiled, the corners of his mouth raising as he gazed at the floating heart within the boiling cauldron.

He let out an unsteady breath, as the image of a young man's face flashed through his mind. His grip on the wooden ladle in his hands intensified, and caused the wooden object to shatter into countless little pieces.

The anger and rage within his heart burned brightly, but Randolf steadied his breath and turned his attention to the rotting corpse in the corner of the room. If one were familiar with Randolf and his family, they would instantly realize that this corpse was Randolf's grandfather.....

"Very soon Arthur..... And I'll show you what happens when you try and fuck with me.....".