Zinna gets pulled up the wall.

The five high schoolers who were stuck inside a room moved towards the wall which had an opening on the roof.

"Adan, why don't you go up and try to jump out first. You can analyze the situation on the other side and let us know if it is safe to go. If you could find a rope or something you can pull us all out." Ura said.

"Oh! Shut up, beauty queen! No one is asking you to take the lead. And who are you to decide who will go out first? Do you have a crush on Adan now? Aren't you behind the senior a few days before? I saw you go behind the school with him and do something…" Zinnia tried to criticize Ura and completely forgot the situation they were in.

Aaron couldn't bear Zinna's unnecessary talks anymore and removed her hands which were holding tightly onto him. He was unable to move freely because of that and he found this to be the right opportunity to get rid of her.

"Then why don't you go up first then? You can help us out once you are up!" Aaron suggested to Zinna.

"Can I? Is that ok?" Zinnia asked, looking at Aaron and Adan alone.

"Yes," Adan just spit this one word and moved away to avoid her intense stare.

Ura and Upton stood at one corner and whispered to each other.

"Why did you not tell her that the senior was forcing you to go behind the school? But you came back immediately, I was also there at that time. You should have defended, when.." Upton asked.

"That's ok! Everyone knows that she is a big gossiping thing. Let us just ignore her. Our first priority must be to escape from this place as I think the App is real. I have heard from my uncle that in Japan a girl disappeared when she clicked on a lucky draw link. They have never found her yet. I don't know why but I have a feeling that the web novel which we were reading also had a character like that." Ura said.

"Akemi!" Upton shouted.

"Why are you all discussing that loser's character from that stupid novel? And not bending down for me to climb up. Are you for real? Don't you see what situation we are into? Is this the time to do all your gossiping? Unbelievable!" Zinnia barked.

"Let us stop arguing, who wants to stay on the ground and who all will climb up. I can stay down and lift a person up! And the other can help lift one more up by climbing on my shoulders..." Adan asked.

"Adan, let Upton stay on the ground. And Ura can climb on him, then Aaron and then you can ascend above them all. Once I mount on you all and reach out, I will try to pull you out. Then we both could reach for Aaron to pull him up." She completely forgot about Ura and Upton who will be standing on the ground carrying all their weight, only to be abandoned.

"Then what about Ura and Upton? We should either find a rope or go down to open the door for them to come out…" Adan suggested.

"I would suggest we let the girls out first, and then we can ask them to find a rope to let us all out," Aaron said.

"No, I think I need to go out along with Zinna first as we don't know what might be there on the other end. It's better to be careful first." Adan said.

"Fine then, but I would replace Ura in the formation and let her climb on top of me."

"Why would you let her climb on top of you? I want to climb on your top first" Zinnia screeched.

They all just glared at him and ignored her. Upton went and stood near the wall and held it with his hands for support. Aaron tried to climb on his shoulders but it was difficult to mount on top of him. So Ura and Adan helped him up. When Ura was about to go up, Upton couldn't hold Aaron's weight and staggered.

"You are such a loser! You couldn't even hold Aaron's body, then how can we trust you and mount on? You are really good for nothing," Zinna commented.

"That's enough Zinna. We are all trying our best here. Even if you could not help us, it was fine. Just don't criticize when someone is helping…" Ura muttered trying to keep calm.

"Whatever! But do not forget, I am climbing out first. So if you do not treat me well, then don't even dream about coming out of this room." Zinna whispered near Ura's ears and moved away.

Anyways, Zinna never wanted to save Ura or Upton. Once Adan and Aaron climbed out, she decided to dumb these two down. They were just being a hindrance and nothing useful. She hated them both. She hoped that they did not come along with them and spoil her mood. But since Aaron decided to replace Ura, she made a decision to leave him as well. Once She and Adan are up, she would just convince him to leave along with her.

"Ura, you stay down. I will climb up on Aaron next. The roof actually looks almost reachable, so we don't need you to ascend. Zinna, you are next." Adan said and climbed on top of Upton and Aaron.

When he reached a safe position, he shouted, "Come on Zinna, you can do it!"

Zinna stamped on Upton's neck without any mercy. Upton staggered once again and was about to lose his balance. Ura came from behind and held his back for support. Slowly, Zinna happily reached the top. But she just needed an inch more to scramble up.

"I can't! It's a little too far… Just raise me a little more." Zinna shouted from the top, which awakened the beast lying on the top floor.

The beast majestically walked down the stairs with a lazy look. The spots on its body glowed in the mild sunlight splattered across the place. The Panthera Pardus which looked like five times its size yawned and stopped to look at the direction the noise came from. The paws were soft and did not make any noise while moving towards the room.

"Come on guys, lift me a little more up. What is wrong with you all? Everyone is useless…" Before she could even finish her sentence, something held her hands and pulled her up.

The huge leopard shaped creature pulled Zinna up and threw her body to one corner. Ura, who watched that in horror, ran towards the door and opened it. Due to the sudden release of the heavyweight from their shoulders, all of them lost balance and fell down. When they saw the door was already open and the back of Ura who was running away, they forgot about the pain which was inflicted on them because of the sudden fall. They lifted their aching body up and started to run behind her.