Lucas head rolls near Akemi

Rando did not want to hurt Lucas neither wanted to do anything which would cause another human to get hurt. He joined them because he found that it was the only way for him to survive.

"What, did you not hear me? Do you want to do it or not? Just remember, if I take the axe in my hand, then I won't stop with just one head." Spencer uttered while leaning against the old door that creaked loudly because of his sudden weight.

Akemi tried to move further away from the group. Since her hands and legs were tied together that made it difficult to move even an inch. She closed her eyes and wished that this was all just a dream. When she opens her eyes once again, she would wake up in her old rusty bedroom.

Lucas shouted, "No… No… we are a team and I am your leader… You cannot do this to me! It is because of me you are all alive now…"

Spencer got annoyed because of all the weeping and wailing around. So he moved forward to grab the axe but the person next to Rando was fast and pulled the axe from Rando's hand.

Before anyone could realise what happened, Lucas's head rolled near Akemi. The minute his chopped head touched Akemi's bare skin, she squirmed and tried to screech. But since her mouth was plastered, her voice did not come out loud.

"Mmmm….mmm…." Akemi tried to get up and run away from these brutes. She did not know who they were or how she got caught up in this mess.

Spencer moved towards her and squatted near her. He slowly lifted the hair falling on her face and moved them away. Akemi trembled when his hand touched her skin. She wriggled, even more, to stay away from them all.

"Shh… Akemi… It's ok. Do not worry I won't chop your head or bring you any harm. I still have some use for you! Just listen to me and stay here quietly for the time being. I have some work, and once I am done with that, I will come back and pick you up. Till then do not cause any trouble for anyone and be a good girl. And never ever try to run away as I will catch you wherever you go. There is no escape for you from us."

Spencer stood up and walked towards Rando. He looked at him and said,

"You disappointed me. Still, I put you in charge here. Until I come back and pick the girl up, she is your responsibility. And if she is not alive when I come back, then I will make sure that each and everyone would lose their life miserably. Now, go dig up behind this house and bury all these bodies. I do not like to see them anymore."

Everyone with shaking hands and legs ran towards the back door to carry on with the digging. Only Rando and the other kid who chopped Lucas's head was left. Rando just stared at Lucas's headless body without any reaction. He did not know how the situation was completely out of anyone's control.

"Rando, it is your responsibility to take care of this girl and if you do not follow my orders next time, just look at Lucas and remember your end. I won't be forgiving to people who defy my orders. Let this be your last and final warning."

Rando held his head down and stood like a statue. He did not respond to Spencer and neither made any effort to move from where he was standing. He was unable to digest that one of their gang members could go against and do such a horrible thing. Spencer ignored him and looked at the other kid and said,

"You follow me, I have a job for you."

That kid followed Spencer and went out along with him without saying a word. Others waited until his car disappeared from their view and rushed back inside dropping the tools in their hands which they were using to dig a huge hole.

"Rando, what should we do now? Should we all run away somewhere safe?" Isaac asked who was still trembling because of all the incidents that happened around him.

"No. If we run away now, we cannot avenge Lucas's death. We will stay here and fight him." Rando replied.

"What about this girl? Should we bury her along with our pals?" Wade asked.

Akemi looked at them with terror-filled eyes. The bleeding on her shoulders just stopped. But the pain caused due to the injury made her twist her eyebrows.

"Let us keep her alive for now. She may come to our use someday. Looks like Spencer needs this girl for something. Let us get rid of all the bodies for now as instructed." Rando said.

Akemi finally relaxed as she felt at least for now she is safe. She needs to convince them that she was also a victim just like them. And then plan her escape from here. She was not sure what country she was in and she found it strange that she had never learnt their language. But she was able to understand each and every word they spoke.

"Do you think Eli will be safe? She went along with him without even thinking about what she did to Lucas even once. I cannot understand what she was trying to do? How could she kill Lucas when he was the one who rescued her from those thugs! She is really too cruel." Wade said.

"Yes, she really does not belong in our gang. She is the only girl and even when Lucas rescued her I warned him about her. See now what happened to him? She became the death for him. She always tries to pretend to be a guy when everyone here knows that she is a girl. I hope that the guy kills her after knowing that she is a deaf and dumb girl."

Issac tried to speak out what was in his mind. As he was always warned by Lucas whenever he spoke ill about Eli. No one supported him at that time but look at the situation now. She is eviler than anyone here.

"She is cruel. If she ever comes back then we should not let her stay in our gang. She deserves death." Blake who was silent until now spoke up.

Then everyone started to shout, "She deserves death! She deserves death! Death! Death! Death!!!!"

"Enough! Stop it!" Rando yelled but still, the shouting continued.

"Death! Death! Death to Eli! Death to Eli! Death to Eli! Death to Eli!..."

Rando just walked out to get some air as the atmosphere inside the house became uncontrollable. When Akemi saw the only person whom she found little trustable suddenly walked out of the house, she feared that the gang's anger would burst out on her.

She tried to move back a little more towards the wall as she was now afraid that she may not survive even a few hours if this continued. Thankfully, no one was interested in her and in a few minutes, they all went back to finish the work Spencer assigned.

Isaac went near Rando and held his shoulders, and said,

"We need to move on! Lucas gave us all hope, now the responsibility is on your shoulders. We all should work together once again and eliminate the trouble so that we can live as we wish from then on."

Rando walked inside the house once again ignoring Isaac. He moved near Akemi and pulled the plaster off her mouth.

"Who are you and what is your relationship with that guy?"

Akemi felt a little difficult to speak at first, Rando asked Isaac to bring some water for her. He then removed the rope which tied her hands and legs. Akemi's had red marks on both her hands and legs where the rope was tied tightly. She looked at Rando with clear eyes and said,

"I am Akemi and I am from Japan. I don't know about anything or how I even came here. When I opened my eyes, I was tied to a chair in that guy's house. Later he put me inside his car's trunk and brought me here. I don't know who he is or even what he is?"

She took the water from Isaac and drank it quickly. As she drank without a break, she got choked and coughed vigorously. Isaac moved away while Rando patted her back. Once she stopped coughing, she asked,

"I am hungry, do you have something to eat?"

Rando signalled Isaac to get her something to eat. Isaac got irritated as the food they stole with great difficulty from the mart would be wasted on one more useless person. Still, since Rando said, he brought her some stale bread.

Akemi pulled it from his hand and just devoured the bread as she did not eat for almost a whole day. She didn't mind the weird taste from the bread and neither could she complain about that.