Jackson escapes with Victor

"Alright, guys. Let us go in!" Jeremy ordered and everyone rushed inside the dungeon.

Victor held his pounding heart but he suddenly realized that no one will be near the truck, he could escape right away if only he knows how to drive this stupid truck.

"Shit!" Victor shouted.

They all stopped and looked back.

"Vic, what are you doing there? The supply truck will come in an hour's time, so do not dilly dally there and open this door" Jeremy shouted.

Jackson watched everything on the screen. He knows now that their chances of escape would be almost zero as the number had increased. He did not have enough strength to even bring one guy down, forget about the rest four. And with Victor's muscleless thin body, he would be broken into two if they just blew at him.

Suddenly he remembered seeing some repellent sprays near the place where he freshened up a while ago. He ran towards that area in a hurry that made his feet hurt more. His already infected toe had now started to bleed once again. He limped fastly and rushed back in a few seconds before the door was opened.

He let Victor enter and gave a gun to him while he sprayed at others without any mercy. He pointed the gun at their head and ordered,

"Everyone, kneel down and face towards the wall, or else I won't hesitate to take the shots."

"What are you? How dare you attack us? Do you know who we are?" Jeremy shouted while rubbing his eyes.

"I said Kneel down!" Jackson shot near his legs.

Jeremy immediately kneeled down and tried to wipe his eyes to get a clear view of that person's face who had the guts to order him. But how much ever he rubbed, it made it even worse. His eyes started to sting a lot and he cursed out loud.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! Just fire at them and kill them both." Jeremy ordered.

But the remaining people gave away all their weapons already and knelt down right at the moment when they heard the shot along with Jeremy. Jackson shot the doors lock once, as the mechanism will shut the doors inside and can only be opened when someone unlocked it from the outside.

He held Victor's hand and pulled him away. The door closed behind them and locked the people inside permanently.

"What if they unlock the door and come out? We need to hurry now! The supply truck may come at any time." Victor rushed to Jackson.

Jackson and Victor hopped into the truck and Jackson started the vehicle. Even though the controls were all almost similar to a car, driving a military truck without first-hand practice was very difficult. At first, he knocked on the rocks and then at some wild bushes. The truck went back when he wanted to make it go front.

"Do you think we will be able to escape? I feel like they would come out soon, please hurry! I do not want to die at their hands. Please" Victor shivered while looking at the back.

"Do not worry, that door cannot be opened from inside now. I have shot at the door from inside, so it won't open and they won't come out. Just let me figure out how to drive this truck and then we will be on our way…" Jackson looked around for any instruction manual to find out how to operate this giant vehicle.

"How do you know that door cannot be opened from inside if it was shot with a gun?" Victor asked.

"It is written in bold letters on the door. Did you not see it even once?"

Victor did not want to tell him that he is illiterate and doesn't know how to read. He never went to school or to be precise no one was there to send him to school or even take care of him.

He grew up in an orphanage where he was chased out by the bullies. Anyways he did not want to recall that horrible place ever in his life. But compared to that life, he did not mind being here with all those criminals and terrorists. At least he had a roof on his head and food to eat. But now the situation is different.

If Tucker dies then there is no guarantee that the blame would not be put on his head. Those guys there are more merciless and could make his life miserable. He did not want to go back to being bullied once again.

Finally, after trying for almost ten minutes, Jackson figured out how to drive that truck.

"Let us go now… And stop looking back with worry. They will not catch us,"

Even though he said that to calm down Victor, he himself looked behind once and slammed the accelerator.

"We need to take the right here… I have seen that the supply truck always comes from the left." Victor said.

Jackson turned right and drove the truck at high speed. They did not realize that in a few hundred miles they would be entering the border of some other country. He drove the truck with full speed and rushed towards their freedom.

Just a few hours after they left, one more truck pulled into the desert and parked next to the dungeon. The supply delivery driver got down and knocked on the door but no one opened even after waiting for a long time. He felt something was wrong and called the base to inform them about this immediately.

The five had now decided to crawl inside the tunnel to escape from that horrible place. But Zinna still complained,

"I really do not think this is a good idea. How can a build be without a door? There must be a door from where those animals came from! We should try to search for that instead of doing something crazy."

"Zinna, if you want then you are welcome to roam around this haunted place to search for an exit door. We are happy if you could really go and find a door for real" Upton barked as he finally lost his cool because of all the nonsense Zinna was spouting.

Ura decided to stay away from Zinna and just started to crawl inside the tunnel without waiting for anyone. She felt like the more they delayed, the sooner the animals would find them. And with a bleeding person next to them, it is like carrying prey that had almost become food to that giant beast. She was still unsure how Aaron rescued Zinna and why that beast let her go?

Is it because the beast was using her as a bait to lure all of them into its trap? The more she thought, the more she feared. She felt goosebumps all over her body just thinking about looking at the giant animal's big round fiery eyes.

"Can't you see how hurt I am? How can you be so selfish? You want an injured person to roam around to find an escape for you guys? Are you trying to get rid of me? Do you want me to become a snack for the giant snake which you all saw?" Zinna shouted.

Adan by then had already crawled into the tunnel behind Ura. Upton shook his head and bent down to crawl inside as well. When Zinna saw that almost everyone had left other than her and Aaron, she played her pity role.

"Aaron, can you let me go before you? I am hurt and…"

Before Zinna could finish, Aaron said, "Anyways I am planning to do that right from the start. You can go ahead before me but with wounds on your legs, it would be difficult to crawl. Will you be ok?"

"We do not have any other option, do we?" Zinnia said and crawled inside.

Her legs started to ache but she still crawled as she did not want to meet that giant beast once again and neither did she want to become a prey to that snake that these three saw. She had noticed the snakeskin before and looking at the size, she was sure that it was no ordinary snake.