Spencer revive Gary

Spencer reached the military hospital by noon. On all the screens, the dead five-year-old boy and the suspect who is actually his mother was shown being arrested.

"How could the mother be so cruel? She just killed her own son without any mercy. She is definitely not a human" one of the nurses commented.

"There are many such monsters around. We just need to be careful. Do not let your kids roam around outside alone. These days it is really difficult to differentiate who is bad and who is good!" Another nurse complained.

"Still, how could a mother have the heart to… Why do I feel like someone else killed the kid and the blame fell on the mother? If she really wanted to do it, then she would have not chosen such a place where it is too crowded… She would get caught immediately." A patient said and the nurse just agreed to her.

He ignored that conversation as if he was not actually involved. He walked towards the stairs and climbed each floor trying to scan for Gary's room. When he reached the sixth floor, he heard a conversation in the corridor.

"What is the situation with the patient from room 6002? He is a high commander in force, we cannot delay his treatment anymore." The director of the hospital shouted.

"Director, we are trying our best. But we are yet to find out what is actually wrong with him. There are no symptoms other than having slight neural dysfunction. We have given him sedatives to keep him calm. A thorough body analysis has been made and everything looks normal. We are unable to find the root cause of the pain. We have consulted the neurosurgeons and they have found a few foreign particles in his brain. And if we operate on him now without finding the exact reason for his pain, then we cannot assure that it will be a hundred percent." The senior doctor tried to explain.

Spencer moved towards room 6002 but there were several guards roaming around that area. So he climbed down one floor and opened the window on the staircase. He looked out and saw a pipeline going exactly towards that room.

He climbed onto the pipe and started to move upwards. He reached within minutes and tried to open the window attached to the room. Right at that time, a doctor entered the room to do a routine check-up.

So he jumped and stood on the window above. Once he was sure that the doctor had left, he crawled down and used his laser beam from his eyes to cut open the window. He took out the cut glass and kept it down carefully.

He leaped inside and walked towards Gary. He scanned his body and realized that he did not have much time left. He tried to pull the nano-bytes that had now become a part of his brain and would just not let of the cortex.

Left with no other option, he took the surgical knife kept on the side tray and made a cut on the side of his forehead. He pulled out one of the upgraded chips. He then turned him to his back and using the surgical knife, he cut open the part slightly above Gary's neck.

Then he inserted the chip he removed from him into Gary's system. He then sewed the cut on Gary's head while ignoring the blood that was dripping from his head.

The nano-bytes immediately left the cortex that they were attached to and rushed towards the chip. They took the chip to the central core and merged it with his neural system.

He opened his eyes the next minute, which had a red glow and the iris had a mechanical system that rotated around the pupil. The installation took the utmost five minutes and needed a reboot. When his system came back online after a reboot, Spencer fell down knocking the side table that scattered the things on it.

Gary heard the door to his room was being opened, so he shouted,

"Stand there! No one will come in until I say so!"

Gary jumped down from the bed and lifted Spencer up. The information was not yet fully loaded into his system, so he was not sure who Spencer was! But still, as per the intuition, he recognized that he might be someone the app sent. So he dumped him into the bathroom and closed the door.

He walked near the door and pulled it open.

"Colonel, How… How are you… able to stand now? When we brought you here, you were…"

"That's enough! I am alright now! You can all leave! I am not someone who needs protection… Disperse!" He ordered and closed the door behind him.

When he was about to walk towards the bathroom, the door was knocked. He felt a slight headache but he ignored it. He opened the door once again but to be met with the director of the hospital. Hiding his irritation, he asked rudely,

"You are? What do you want?"

"I am the director of this hospital, Tom. I just heard that you woke up! Would you let my team analyze you once, as we did not see much hope before for you to wake up at all! This is truly a miracle."

"No! I want you to discharge me right this minute." Gary ordered.

"But sir,..." The senior doctor wanted to talk back as he was worried about Gary's health.

"Very well, then...Let him go! If he says, he is fine then that means he is really fine." Tom said and walked away.

All the other doctors rushed behind Tom while hiding their astonishment. When they were little away, the senior doctor asked,

"How can we let him go? What if he faints once again or had to face severe pain like before?"

"Do not worry about him! There is something going on without our knowledge. Send me the neurologist with all the detailed scan reports. I want it on my table in ten minutes."

"Yes, sir!"

They all scattered around to gather all the reports, while Tom looked back once more with an astonished look. He and Gary had been friends for a long time and now he did not even recognize him. And the particles in his brain suggested that there was something huge going on but he was not aware of it.

He did not know if it was some experiment that Gary had been talking about a few years back. But he knows the more he wants to make him stay, the more he will rebel to leave. So, it is better to monitor him for the time being and sees what he was actually up to.

Gary moved towards the bathroom but all he saw a bit of paper lying on the floor.

'I am going back! The app is still down and it looks like Eli did not succeed in her mission. Make sure to destroy your base location, if Jackson had escaped. Most likely he won't, but still, in case destroy it as we cannot let Tucker be our downfall… No one must survive.'

Gary crushed the note and flushed it down the drain. He closed the lid and sat on it, the crushing headache made him unable to think. He held his head and sat there for a minute.

He stood up and walked towards the phone. He dialed his junior, Sebastian's phone number. The call was picked up in two rings…

"I am Gary! What is happening at the Dungeon?"

"Colonel, we were attacked. I have sent the troops to rescue them…"

"No, Destroy the base... No one should survive…"

"But, Colonel… There are some men of ours also stuck inside the dungeon. We cannot destroy until…"

"It is an order. Destroy everything and no one must escape! That place is dangerous and it is compromised."

"Yes, Colonel. I will issue the order right away." Sebastian said and messaged the troops he sent, to destroy the dungeon and no one must survive.