Akihiro sends the details of missing people

Baron could not believe that just to make the prank seem all real, they even started to involve people from around the world.

"Did you just mention, Jackson? Where is he? I could not reach him at all. It had been so many days. Also, what happened to our pilot whom we sent to drop him home? We did that out of courtesy for the long term friendship we had with Jackson but I did not expect that…" Suddenly Akihiro stopped talking and his angry voice echoed from the other end.

"Wait, what do you mean by prank? Are you guys kidding? You called me to say that it was all a prank?" Akihiro inquired.

"I apologize for my subordinate's rude behavior. We had been contacted by Jackson just a few hours ago. He was now a fugitive in the neighboring country and we are trying our best to bring him back to our country." Craig tried to explain.