Hastin realizes something is wrong with the app

Victor and Jackson slowly walked to the opposite side of the road and pretended like they were people, who came out for jogging. Looking at them, the guy got afraid and he ran to his car to flee away from there within seconds.

Once the car disappeared from their sight, Victor had other ideas.

"What do you think? Should we go and check that house? It looks like it belonged to the victim." Victor commented.

"I don't know," Jackson replied as worry was clearly visible in his eyes.

Every time he tries to see his son, something or other is stopping him. He cannot let this keep on going and make him stay forever away from his home.

"What do you know, then? We cannot continue to jog throughout the night. We need a place to rest. At least I need to sleep properly for a few hours. Either if you come or you are not going to come with me; I have decided to break in."

Victor left the confused Jackson behind and walked briskly towards the house.