Baron read the red book

Once Craig put him on hold, Baron looked around the room. He tapped the book that was kept on the table. Suddenly, the cover of the book attracted him and he lifted the book up.

He instantly remembered this book. He could not believe the book was still here with him and was not lost in the sea. He held the phone between his ear and shoulder, while he flipped the book's pages with his hands.

The contents of the book shocked Baron. He almost dropped the phone's receiver down. Before he could read anymore, he heard Craig's voice.

"Chief, almost half of the missing people are inside this book, that I found with Tucker. Looks like these people are crueler than we could imagine. Not only do they have the latest technologies, but they are also murderers who use animals to do their killing. I am now sure that this thing is too huge for us alone to handle." Baron exclaimed.

"So should we involve the military?" Craig asked.