Gary takes back the control

"So will anyone tell me what exactly is going on here? Who ordered this mission without my permission?" Captain Gary shouted at the group who was sitting inside the conference room.

"And Tom, what are you doing here?" He looked at his once best friend and asked in an unfriendly tone.

Tom looked at him provokingly and said,

"I did run a diagnosis on Tucker personally. I came to know that he has super healing powers just like you. I don't know how it all happened but we came to a conclusion that it started from the day you visited the dungeon. Since rescuing Jackson was important at that time, we could not identify the particles that was helping him heal. It is a medical miracle and we need to know the technology, so that...."

"So that, what Tom? Do you think that the technologies that he said are really true? You have lost your mind as you have grown old..." Gary shouted once again.