Ahmya survives

The doctor came out of the room where they kept Ahmya and shook his head.

"What happened to her?" Thomas hurried towards him and asked.

His guilty consciousness was killing him. If only he came along together with her, then he could have fought with Spencer and let Ahmya escape. She would have not got hurt.

"She may survive but I doubt if she can ever speak again. She is still young, I don't know how she will be able to take it when she wakes up." The doctor said.

Thomas looked at Commander Akihiro for translation.

"He said she is fine for now but she has a problem with…"Akihiro kept his hands on his mouth and signaled that she may never talk.

"She will not be able to talk once again? It's my fault! It's all my fault. I should have not sent her alone. I should have gone together with her. I won't leave that guy alive. I will make sure that he is punished for what he did." Thomas grudgingly said.