Chapter 22: Rake Free

The unearthly eerie vibration coming within the numerous coffin hang on the wall like a picture frame. The haunting and creepy feeling started to flow from their spine. This shiver is ghostly. Urchin shaked in fear as he pinch the giant ear beside him. Ophir commanded the team to split up . Wee, Von and Urchin will be going in the center door. Natalina, Kiel and Lila will be taking the left wing. Ophir and Lehi is left with right wing.

The team cannot sense Hexel's existence within this haunted tower. Wee, Von and Urchin went straight in the middle door and only saw a path of candles. The red candles give out a quiant feeling. Suddenly the ground turned white. The walls disappeared and woods came unto their view. This forest is new to the dwarf and giant. A deep howl came out from the tower. The next thing they witnessed, is that they are encircle by the ferocious leeches. The blood suckers keep attacking them but Von just continued to punch and slay it with his bare hands.

Kiel, Natalina and Lila thought they entered a canal but it's not with foul smell rather the course of blood. Bones and pieces of flesh are floating. Natalina keep vomiting as they walked through. Kiel cannot even walked straight at the gruesome sight. Suddenly the bones and flesh started to get attached unto their bodies like a magnet. Lila tried to screamed not of her voice but in her scribbles. Natalina steadied herself and prayed.

" God who weeps at His people's grief and comfort those who are meek and unfortunate. I pray and claim that you would grant us the firmness and fierceness to face this tunnel head on. Thank you for the weapon you have crafted in iron and silver. Amen. "

A chopping knife and shield was granted to Lila and Natalina. Following Natalina's opening prayer. Kiel prayed with his cane.

"God whose mercy is upon us. Give us the stregnth to fight and conquer this battle, believing that you see us with intense longing and love. Thank you for your unending support and security. Amen. "

Kiel with immediacy had a bomerang and blade on his hand.

With the last team formed by Ophir and Lehi. They are inside a huge pit made of graves. The graves keep on trying to devour and consume them. Lehi prayed for the comb to sweep the graves while Ophir hath his bones and armour on. Whenever they hit the grave it turned into a plant with iris flowers. They combat minding that each have their backs supported by a heavenly hands.

Hexel groaned as he opened his eyelids. He can smell a blood. He sat up to see that he is inside a coffin floating in the middle of a misty water. Hexel's movement is limited due to his injuries. He just saw how the little Mitzel got murdered by that ridiculously huge man. If he remember it right, there was a library inside this tower. So he prayed for a tool to reach and seek the said library.

"God who is my full armour and continues sword. I thank you for saving and keeping me alive in any means possible. I do believe that there is a lesson and purpose in this crises. Give me the break through to reach the library of this tower. Amen. "

Suddenly Hexel can row with a shovel. He did not give up until he found the said library. It is fenced with thorns. The books are hugged by the briers. Just finding a single book would take his life. No wonder he is granted with a shovel, he needs to do some digging. He remembered the book made of snake skin and fish scales. The papers are brown like the dried stem of leaves.

Hexel again prayed for a telescope. He already hath a joy ride with his coffin but he can't spot the said book. He slump on the coffin he is seating right now. When a pad of papers fell on his feet. He grabbed what is at the end of his feet with so much effort. And tried reading it. The conclusion is Hexel rowed the coffin for nothing.

The papers are burnt on some edges but the prints are safe. There are stains but not that thick. The letters started with greetings writen in pure ink as cursive.

"Dearest Mitzel, "

All letters are adressed to this Mitzel. He can see some clumsy drawings and lovely poems. The last letter is dated in February 21, 1121. It's been ages.

The last poem is writen in poetically but is the shorthest.

"The iris have bloomed from the soil where you are pioneered . The scent wards off any evil spirit. I do believe that your love has called my name.

- From Lineth"

His reading got interrupted by a loud pounding undeneath him. The coffin is swaying uncontrollably. For the first time Hexel willingly lied down the coffin and closed it himself. He made sure to secure the burnt proofs. He can feel the coffin got rolled upside down. He can feel someone pushing the coffin beneath this murky water. He felt sick inside. But he forced himself to swallow it all up. When he choose to drift unto his subconsciousness. He saw a beautiful lady sat on a rocking chair braiding a little girls blonde hair. The girl laughed as she embraced the soft doll in her chest. All his senses went blank. His body is being strecthed by thin thorns. Hexel's skin rends at the whip that hit his back. All he remembered before he knocked out is that Lehi came to his view.