Chapter 28: Loaves and Fish

The Tale Bearers are now rummaging through a lightless cave. It's broad daylight from the outside. Kiel surveyed the cave about the passage being blocked, and was reminded that this portal only welcomes travellers if the Cinderella flower are on bloom. They are heading east. The home of the stars and also known as Terifimo.

Ophir suggested that they should wait for the night and went back to the opening of this cave. Under the trees they started a fire. When a little girl came out of the cave. Her tiny arms are wounded. Her messy pink hair covered her face. Her clothes are rugged and she is barefoot.

Ophir step closer toward the unknown kid but she used her arms to cover herself in fear. The reaction made Ophir sympathise. He scoop the pink haired girl and rub her back. He stride to the team carrying the girl. Hexel pulled one of his shirt and snipped it with his sword. He just crafted a small dress with his black shirt.

Lehi and Natalina with Urchin looked for a place to wash the young girl and found a brook. It's rocky but the current is upward. Ironically the brook's structure is downward. If you mind the landscape you'll feel dizzy.

The young girl felt giddy when her skin made contact with water. Urchin played and giggled with the young girl. Lehi comb her frizzy pink hair and styled it to reveal her eyes. Her eyes is paled peach. It's round as her face and her lips. She is cute. She will surely gain a lot of suitors when she grow up.

Natalina asked her name and she said it's "Asno". After the said bath Hexel is praising himself as he parade the young girl wearing his on the spot dress making. Kiel is getting irritated as to how he parade the shirt like it's a masterpiece. Well yes, the black color suited the young maiden but to proclaim it non-stop made his eye brows shut up and his viens pop out.

Its already dark with the stars peeping behind the moonless night. Yet the Cinderella flowers are yet to bud and spread it's petals. Even the scent is not perceived. So the only way to enter the said cave is to go through it without it's navigator.

Kiel once again delineated the chasm but the Cinderella are hibernating tonight. There was no answer aside from the echoes of dripping water inside the cave. Natalina prayed.

" Lord God we believe that there is a purpose to this. We trust your guidance for us. Please give us some light to compass our way. We thank your leading and eternal light for us. Amen. "

A heart shape light is made of emerald floats all through out the abyss. They just followed the straight path. The first door is infront of them and it says.

"Each people are to say their favorite color. "

Lehi - Brown

Ophir - Voilet

Kiel - scarlet

Natalina- Blue

Hexel - peach

Urchin- pink


When the door heed their favorite colors. The pathway became all the color they mentioned. It was colorful but are dim, and it painted the wall with...

"True colors can transform a blank space. "

A curtain made of sacks appear in front of them and again it asked them to surrender a tear from each one of them. The first one to squeeze out was Urchin followed by Asno.

Lehi needed to think of the people she missed just to produce some.

Natalina recalled her father's sermon.

Hexel noted in mind how his mother nagged him to get married.

Kiel just thought of his father's creepy smile and Ophir dramatically imagine Lehi's long time friend that she mentioned few nights ago whom she admired.

The curtain of sacks became a carpet and aisle for the tale bearers. And it says.

" Single tear speaks of a million hearts. "

The last path was with invisble line. It says "Fish or Loaves" with the tagline

"The first thought is pure. "

Suddenly Asno hath her face flat on the greasy surface, Ophir hath his head burried on the ground, Urchin's half body is covered in sand .And Hexel fell on top of a camel with his butt. Those who thought of Fish were sent to a desert.

Lehi is on top of a large sliced grapes. Natalina felt oily and sticky all over her body. And Kiel hath his body craved on fresh meat. As the word loaves come to mind they got swept on a boiling pot.

As the sand and heat immobilized the Fish team. Ophir prayed for an oasis in front of them.

"Lord God who is the giver of water and stregnth. You are the only one who can show us a way to drink in the middle of nowhere. We thank your water that would never thirst us eternally. Amen. "

A well fomed in front of them and Ophir suddenly shiver from a memory. The good thing is that the water gush out to it's ring like a spring.

The Loaves team are doing their best to get out of the pot before they became a essential ingredients of wine. The journey to reach the star is of a challenge and to pursue dozens of flower is doing what you've never done before.

Lehi prayed for the oil to scoop them out from the extra large and oversized pot.

" Our God who is a way maker when there was no way please rescue us. You have gone through fires and water with us and we have this faith that you will do the same this time. You will never fail us. Amen. "

The team landed on top of flours and icings. They are on top of the cake that is about to be served. Thankfully they are able to jump out of the huge plate. They were like ants that needs to fight for survival. The irony is against food. Does that mean they needed to endure and persevere?