Chapter 32: Goal and Commandments is Love.

Asno can see that Ophir have the best quality. He is flexible and wise. Asno can see a kingdom ridding his tail. He can be qualified as the next King to reign but his background is mystery. A woman won't just marry someone who came out of a well unless a person is under a spell. Wait! what if that being is a supernatural. Asno's brain storming about Ophir made her to scrap her plans and establish a new one. Myabe Cyrus was right about the Glockenspiel household.

Ophir is under a tree root. Asno asked her to fetch some Yerbabuena. Asno instructed that the leaves are important. Ophir carefully recall her instructions. It is for making the ingredients more tasty and savoury when cooking. This tree root are like human veins except that it's large and are reliable for treaking. When Ophir reached the bottom of it, his feet got soaked with mawkish saccharin.

Ophir had no choice but to remove his shoes. When he tried to lick some from the roots he can determine that it's sweeter than sucrose but is calorie - free. Did Asno mixed up her ingredients?

This sugar beets rub his barefoot in a ticklish manner as he continue to search for the Yerbabuena . He can percieve the odour of mapples, sorghum and palms but it's not as strong as the refined crystalline.

Ophir roamed around the colorless surface with roots all around. How would a component for cooking be alive in this area? When he spotted a single plant within the corner Ophir rushed to it but got blocked by a large red ant. He was about to pray but Asno asked her to strategize without praying.

Ophir just regain his stance when the ant rummaged toward him. He can see it's eyes zoom in his physique. The ant intentionally bump unto him and got thrown at coated roots. Ophir missed his chance to got up because the ant straddled him. He struggle to fight but it overpowered him. Aside from the ant is a tactian it narked him to no end. It's so persistent. No matter how many time Ophir tried to knock it off. It keeps on pestering him. Ophir yanked some roots and utilized it to defend himself without hurting the said ant. When Ophir created a hole on the surface near the roots he gathered, he entrapted the ant and uprooted the Yerbabeuna. Before getting out of the place Ophir prayed.

"God who created everything and see it as good. I declare healing to the wound I have caused on the ant. Thank you for molding something wonderful that symbolises perseverance, Amen. "

Lehi flicker her lashes and uncover her ash muave pupil. She scan the surrounding and she can only see herself being laid inside a ranch. It's not the scent of horse rather of cows. She heared someone came in and handed her a bottle of milk.

"This is all we can serve you, please bear with it. " A man with gray hair pardoned. Lehi nodded her head and asked where would she be.

Cresent the one who sent them the request and arrow. The leader of the town and the one who rescued Lehi. His gray hair and orange eyes matches his flat pointy nose and thin spherical lips.

"We saw you being dragged on the muddy ground unconscious. We aided you. We just made it in time when you are about to be sucked in within a hole. " Cresent explained.

" We heared mirrors breaking but is unable to track and trace your friends. We apologise for putting your team in danger. "

Lehi bowed her head in shame. She admitted that her head has been hanging on the clouds this last few days. Despite her half hearted leadership the tale bearers sticked with her. And because of her lack in focus she hath put her team in a possible peril. She decided to catapult her ego and pride and sent a message toward King Cyrus.

Lehi can only think of one thing to solve this issue. It's to get back of the scene and find out any possible portal. King Cyrus reply immediately, Its Lila.

Lehi requested Lila to aid the team. She is the only one who can identify any passage that is unseen to the naked eye.

Kiel took charge of leading the team. Before entering the North Border. Lehi apprised them that if ever she won't be able to lead the team properly Kiel will assist and direct her. That includes this situation. They needed to rescue Lehi.

Hexel prayed for a weapon to burst the barrel without getting near it.

"Our God who sees the pupose of all things He brings in to life. I hereby call on for an instrument to burst what is hidden beneath that foul barrel, Amen. "

Hexel's sword transitioned into a javelin made of iron and horn. It bust the barrel and it revealed a womb of numerous cow. Natalina prayed for a vast basin to catch and scoop the battered animal organ. Her sapphire basin screened which is of the same size. When the team got closer to examine the said members. They can make out that all are snipped in uniform. Each cow womb are orientedly striked with a glancing blow and reversing pain.

Kiel asked Natalina to secure it and she did. They needed Lehi's behest on this matter. It's not that Kiel cannot take charge it's just that he does not want ro bypass Lehi's command and authority.

Lehi and Lila went back to the corn fields and tried to to discover a hidden lattice. Lila can see how dissapointed and agitated Lehi's move. Pressure and yearning is pottering a heavy yoke in her integrity. Lila noticed a slight pierce on the sky. Lila asked Lehi to break the sky above them. Immediately Lehi prayed.

"Lord God, forgive my selfishness. I got my head be a footstool for any harm that hath put your people in danger. I am not handling it well. My yearning and pressure is weighing on my head and shoulder. I pray for support and for a tool that will pave our way. We thank your consistency and unfailing protection. Amen. "