Chapter 38: Lap of Care

Urchin was jumping around his room when he heard that Lehi was awake. During their last mission Urchin saw a transparent being accompany them as soon as they entered the North border. Urchin was about to inform the team but got knocked out by the transparent being. Urchin remembered waking up when they were in the barn without Lehi.

When Lehi and Lila arrived he saw the thing hovering over Lehi. He was about to inform the team but the being hovered Lehi in a stance to stab her right on the chest, So Urchin quietly return with Lila. He informed King Cyrus of what he saw and the said King promised to expose and seek the said specimen.

When Lehi and the team returned, Urchin can clearly see that he is haunting Lehi. Urchin alerted the King about it and that is how they planned to play along. When Kiel requested him to outspread his vision. Urchin reasoned out that it was blocked. Urchin wanted to wail and whimper because the specimen hath been bushwhacking Lehi. Urchin also saw that the specimen will kill Ophir.

Urchin consistently reported to King Cyrus. When Ophir arrived Cyrus was able to update Asno and they put on a protective prayer over Ophir. That is why Ophir was able to penetrate the spell. The prayers and anointing purified the spell.

Urchin also vanquish the chamber they hath put Lehi. Due to the power of word given to Urchin the specimen turned into a gamete as they expected and it nested inside Lehi's spine. It is to draw out his weakness and form by forcing the specimen to open it's spell and drafts.

Cyrus, Gardenia and Urchin fully purified the place where they transported Lehi for the sanctification. The whole floor was Gardenia's diamond. The nails used to drive the specimem away are gathered by Lila and Urchin on the barn. The scissor was just a props to fool Kiel and Lehi. Thankfully it was a success.

Urchin just change into his pajama and joined Lehi to sleep since the others are currently tackling the previous event. Kiel was assigned as Ophir overseer until they fully remove the remnants of that specimen in Lehi's body.

Urchin got irked and hath his eyes invited the devil unto a trance. Urchin hath tormented the devil and sent an electrifying signal that intended to trigger a response. Even a kid would get angry when someone they care get tormented on sight. The devil kept his mouth shut until Urchin invited Hexel and Cyrus.

Within the trance Urchin and Hexel just hugged each other as Cyrus gave the devil a deathless torture. The devil finally started to sing when it realised that even if he would plead to be killed the sadistic King won't honor him. After the supernatural investigation. Kiel and Ophir came in to report about their recent duty.

When they were done they have summarised the situation with Ophir. The whole team thought that he might get mad but to their surprise he just nod off and excused himself.

When Lehi woke up the whole Kingdom rejoiced. The South even held a feast. Hexel made his way to Lehi and for the first time he embraced his friend. He also apologies for his clumsy stitches on her back. Lehi just thank him not long after he told him about the specimen's word.

"hiere mwyn ore" ( She is mine!)

"paṟaiyan"( Outcast)


Lehi trembled in fear. Loli was her childhood nickname. Only the people from her world knows about that nck name. She needs to talk to Ophir about this. The said being might have been trailing her since she was a kid.

Noven heared of the conversation. This is the first time that a Harpsichord got trailed by a devil plus it's the first time that a certain human got involved and suck in from her summon. She have to get back and start her fasting to recieve the answer.

After Hexel's profession Lehi paced inside their chamber. She is eagerly waiting for her husband to get home. She decided to take a stroll and witnessed Novena giving him some pairs of earrings. In the middle of their conversation Ophir blushed. Lehi can feel her jealousy boiling up.

Ophir came in with a bashful expression. Lehi can't help but sulk and pout. Ophir gently sat beside her on the bed. Lehi is itching to find out what was the reason of his bashful aura. Lehi wanted to be pampered. She just woke up from hibernating but all she see is his husband blushing while talking to another woman.

Lehi brushed off her jealousy and bring out the topic mentioned by Hexel.

"Does that mean the devil was following you even before we met? " Ophir questioned as he stare at her.

Lehi just nodded as he pull the blanket to cover her chest. She wanted to ask Ophir if he was aware that the devil assaulted her but she is scared to hear and see how will he view her from now own. Ophir sense her fidgeting beside him. Ophir suddenly grab her pillow and put it above his lap. He gestured her to rest her head on it. Lehi just obeyed him and allow him to play with her hair.

"Novena gave me my mother's earring a while ago. "

Lehi face him as he continued to talk.

"I was sorry for being late and for not being there when you got in danger. I almost vent out my anger to Asno. I heared how did that devil roam his hands all over you. I am not angry and it won't change how I view you. "

Lehi wrapped her hand upon her neck. Ophir seated her on his lap like baby as he rub her spine. Ophir can trace the stitches on her back. Ophir inwardly chuckled and smirked. He wanted to see how will she react.

"Oh.. by the way my mother had a request. "

Lehi ask him without letting go of his neck and he whispered to her ears as she her face is resting on the crook of my neck.

"That I need to bring home a wife and children. "