Chapter 50: Sacreds are not for Dogs

Lila retired for the night. She paced through the garden when she met a man named Ham. Lila heared from Kiel that he was the person behind the rebellious fraction. Lila gracefully bowed at him. Ham just nod at him and whispered upon her shoulder as she passed her.

"We don't need a queen who can't promise us with a new generation, Please be mindful of your true responsibility."

Lila just glance at him and flushed a sweet smile and politely answered the esteem noble.

"Thank you, for reminding me."

Ham just snorted at her. He carefully watch and check her figure. He can totally give her a perfect score. He wonder how can the royal prince keep his hand off her. The impending lust growing within him put a smirk and cunning grin upon his face.

Lila got reminded about the roaring issue. She needs to talk about this with Kiel. She was so emerged with the thought that she missed the noble behind her. Ham pulled Lila on the nearest pillar. He tried to kiss her but Lila was able to open a portal sending her to their bedroom. Kiel jolted at her appearance. Her hair was messy. Her dress was crumpled and she's shaking. Kiel untied her tangled and untidy locks. Lila flinch at the gesture. Kiel started to get worried when Lila just said she needed to visit the bathroom for a warm shower.

Lila scrub her neck,arms and legs especially the parts where Ham touched. She got so absorbed with the sudden attempted assault that she soaked too long in the water. Kiel's knocked on the bathroom door brought her mind back at the present. She assured Kiel that she was fine. She composed herself and joined her husband.

"Lila we need to talk. There were rumours going around. Father had warned me about the fraction's plan. "

Lila was just staring on a space. She seem to have her minds bothered by something. Kiel observed that something was wrong with her actions.

Lila notice Kiel's eyes on her. He looked worried and curious.

"Yes, umm.. mother have discussed it with me. And I was thinking this past few days how to open this topic with you. " Lila answered as she clench the blanket.

Kiel can see her frame squirm and twitched. Kiel extend her hand to entwine his fingers on her. And he inquired gently.

"What is wrong with you? You look nervous and restless. "

Lila can't bring herself to talk since Ham warned her to keep her mouth shut. Thankfully Lila was able to open a portal behind her.

"Nothing, I am just nervous about this and all. "

Kiel can discern that Lila is hiding something. Kiel wanted to test her, He wanted to crack what was she concealing. Kiel had his hand cupped her cheeks and is leaning to kiss his wife. He observed how her surprised gaze turned unto a terrified pupil. Kiel sighed and embraced her. Kiel decided to let it slide for the day.

Ham roam around the Palace nervously. Lila might have reported his assault. Ham spotted Kiel coming out from the King's throne. He greeted Kiel to confirm his suspicions. Ham was glad that Lila did shut her mouth. He smirked and bow his head unto Kiel. Kiel did not missed the mischievous smirk upon his face. Kiel noted that he need to unravel what is behind that cunning face.

Kiel summoned Mem to trail Ham since he encounter the rebellious noble. Mem reported daily at the end of the day. Until Mem mentioned about how he blitz his wife. Kiel wanted to chop off his head when he recalled his smirk. This can be a useful detail when the right time comes.

He retired for the day and went on to visit Gardenia's Palace and excused his wife for the day. Kiel dragged his wife inside their chamber to confirm if what he garnered was correct. Lila tried to deny it at first but eventually admitted it. Kiel snapped at her. His word were in between gritted teeth.

"Why did you keep your mouth shut? You could have let me know about it. "

Lila averted her eyes from him. She can hear the hint of anger from his voice.

"Kiel I am sorry, I did not mean to hide it from you. I was just scared to talk about it. " Lila answered with a hint of fear.

Kiel just wanted her confirmation not to scare her, but when his wife tried to deny it, he can feel a surge of anger. He tried to mind his tone but it back fired. His wife is now terrified in front of him. He comforted her and he apologised for his vehement delivery. Lila just hugged her.

Her warm touch made Kiel's mind drift at Ham's filfty attempt . His covetous nature is roaming around. He wanted to caress and kiss the spots where the rotten noble laid his hands.

Kiel initiated a passionate kiss that made Lila weak on the knees. He guided her on the bed and asked her how would she feel about it. She responded by clasping her hands and out of the blue she voiced out her concern.

"Kiel can we pray first? "

Kiel chuckled and held his wife's hand.

"Our God who hath promised and blessed us with fruitfulness. I pray that You would bestow self control and pure love with this engagement. We uplift to you our motive and intentions. You are the author of sex. You created it for us and you see it as something good. Protect us from any immorality, lust and greed when it comes to this area. Help us practice it within the parameter of holy matrimony and not defile ourselves. Amen. "

Kiel pursued his wife passionately as he brushed off his anger toward Ham. Kiel planted a good night kiss upon Lila's forehead and he used the devout to cloth their nakedness.