Chapter 40: Spice Laden Mountain

The team is currently scouting the site where Urchin and Hexel were last seen. The local residents had informed them that the two entered the tunnel to track the source of massive gas. Aside from the gas complaint Otha had the most missing person within the Kingdom. King Cyrus just instructed them to follow the source of poisonous discontent.

According to the report only the men are being abducted. There are rumours about a psycho doctor and a lunatic woman that would go whoring at night.

The team devised a plan to visit the said bar where the rumoured woman leisurely enjoy her night. Ophir put on his usual turtle neck painted with orange paired in gray pants. Lehi pouted when she comb his hair. After his teasing that night Lehi just blurted out that she is not yet ready. Beside this is not their real world, what if she get pregnant then got summoned back to her world what will happen to the baby in the process? Lehi comb his hair while sulking.

Ophir can't help but chuckle at her reaction. He put his hand around her waist. His face is resting on her collarbone. The mirror reflected their current gestures. Ophir was seated on the chair while Lehi stood in front of him as she comb his hair with a sour face.

"Hey, as much as I am enjoying your pouting face, your sour expressions is not encouraging at all. "

Ophir commented. Lehi rested her hands on his shoulder

"Don't flirt too much in front of me with that woman. I might... you know... overturn some tables. It's not like I am alone. Lila is with me. I bet Kiel is hearing a suitable guideline. Even if it's for work , you guys are still married. "

Ophir can feel her every word crawls on the surface of his skin. He knew that Lehi rarely get angry or jealous but hearing a warning tone from a lovely wife motivated his hair nape to stand tall. It's quite terrifying. Ophir just nodded his head like a child doing his best to behave.

Lila zip Kiel's white hoodie as she look at her husband with a stern face.

"Please minimize your physical contact with that woman. Women are not possessive or obsessive but territorial. Keep that in mind your highness. "

Kiel can't help but shiver from his wife's words. Lila might be giving her instructions in full radiance and smile but Kiel knows that her sarcastic smile means foreboding. He wanted to back out of the plan and just arrest and confront the woman right away. Kiel knew better that his father is teaching them something on this strategy. If he only foresee that it involved his wife then he could have taken note of some tips to calm down a roaring wife.

The rigid and senseless shouting combined with the invigorated and intoxicated toast made the team uncomfortable and rough-hewn.

This bar look like an ordinary house outside. Entering it would let you think that this is a exotic bar for formal ticket. But behind the solace ambiance is what the team can say as illegal blast and blow out.

Lehi and Lila's get up is way out of their comfort zone. Lila is wearing scarlet dress with transparent white lace top reaching just on her knee. Lehi put on a blue flaunty dress. Her arms are hugged by long sleeve thread while her legs are hugged by black nets connecting to her coal shoes. When the two women entered after their husbands, all eyes were casted on them.

Lehi wanted to gouge all the pervy eyes feasting their frames while Lila grab a huge bowl shaped drinking vessel. She is itching to splash it on the men's faces but they both held them self back. They both sat on the counter and interviewed the bartender.

Kiel and Ophir left their wives to groom themselves. They entered the noisy ground and avoided every body that is grinding and shaking all over the place. This is not a dance at all. More or like a seducing gestures. Women hovered over them the moment their butt kiss the counter chair. When they mentioned the name Ramah the women led them to a woman who is wearing a purple dress that emphasized her legs and cleavage.

Kiel and Ophir froze for a moment as they literally see the flashbacks of warning their wives has given them.

The woman checked them and their hair skin stood wherever her eyes landed. They can't argue what the rumour says. She is just beautiful but what a waste her choice of destiny went dim.

They sat in front of the woman side by side and started to crack some leads.

The sudden silence made the whole place stare at the two lovely women who entered the bar. Kiel banged his hand on the table to distract the prying eyes toward thier wives.

Hexel got awoken by the chilly surface kissing his bare back. His body was chained on a rectangular altar. He surveyed the surrounding for any sign of Urchin but can only feature a portion of the room transmitting a fading light.

A woman with slender figure march her way to his body. Her long nails traced his bare skin. She licked her lips in anticipation. She bit Hexel's neck and nipped it till his skin became saturated with bruise and purple tint. Hexel groan at the pain. He tried to fight back but the woman dipped his thigh with her sharp nail. His body got numb as soon her skin dig deeper in his flesh. Hexel got intoxicated by the smell of his own blood.

Urchin escaped the laboratory he was imprisoned. He located Hexel's whereabouts and invited him into a trance. Urchin saw that his thigh hath deep hole and blood dripping from it. His neck hath some teeth mark. Urchin remembered what Gardenia told him.

He clasp his tiny hands and prayed.

"Hweavenly Fwather plwease hwelp us. Cure hwis wounds. Amen. "