Chapter 47: Remain to Belong

Lehi and Ophir sealed the stories when Lehi's wound fully healed. Lehi's reverb already form a cover less book and Ophir had to seal it, before reciting tale bearers.

"Womb beneath the spine."

"Preserving the Motherly Scent. "

"Valley of ancient spring. "

After the books are fully ready Lehi and Ophir closed the book and surrendered it to Novena.

Novena had fasted and prayed for the answer to her question. The answer she recieved both shocked and excited her. She hath offered a worship song to acknowledge the answer given by the Lord.

Novena made her way toward the sea where she left and trained the unexpected human who got sucked in by her fireflies. This young man had a honeybee eyes with ash brown bubble hair. He is wise and athletic. He is like a celebrity that whoever sees him would get drawn to him. Novena helped her to sharpen his gift. He was bestowed by the Lord with a unique skill. His body was used as an armour due to his sporty nature. He can be compared to King Cyrus when it comes to agility and fighting spirit. It was calm but devastating.

When he came out of the same well where Lehi and Ophir came out. Novena freaked out. She blamed herself and thought it was a mistake. Yet when the Lord hath given him the gift. It got confimed that he is part of the Harpsichord. Again it was the first time Novena summoned a third party.

Novena saw him swimming and gliding. He was racing with a whale, see even animals can approach him. He waved and smiled at her. She waited for the young man to finish his whisking . After the race he joined her and start eating like he did not need to maintain his diet.

Lehi skimmed all over the library to research about familiar spirit. She read and take note of it. She tried to seek for answers on how to break the knot but she can't find any. She made her way to Queen Gardnia who is training Lila within her palace.

"Your Higness, I humbly request for a private chat. Please take this cream puff that I have baked to make the discussion worth while. "

Gardenia smiled at her and commanded Lila to visit Cyrus for his lunch. Lila gratefully accepted the task and made her way toward King Radney's throne.

Gardenia prayed for the lunch as she settled herself to comfortably take her seat.

"Lord Our God who is our stregnth, provider and beholder of truths. We uplift to you this conversation. And let your Word, touch and soften our hearts. Amen. "

Lehi put on a table spoon of sugar to Gardenia's tea. She also arranged some cream puff on her plate. Gardenia thanked her and acknowledged her hospitality.

"I am here to asked about familiar spirits. Your Highness. " Lehi quarried.

Gardenia tasted the cream puff and was delighted to how sweet and fluffy the dessert prepared by Lehi.

Gardenia can't help but smile at her question .

"So it was bothering you. Well, it was a demon who formed a contract to your ancestor forcefully or not. When a demon entered a person's life. It would assume that even the descendants will be it's slave. "

Lehi gripped her cup of tea and asked another question.

"Is there a way to break free from it, Your Highness? "

Gardenia chuckled at her curiosity with amusement and nod.

"Yes, It's to be aware of your Owner and Identity. It will be a lengthy and tough battle but the ground of victory is already upon you. Just keep claiming and declaring it. "

The tea time ended when Lila got back from King Radney's throne.

Novena lead the man to El Oathniel Palace. When they had reported with King Cyrus about his progress and potential. He immediately called the Tale Bearers for introduction.

The whole team reported and greeted the King.

He stood up in front of the throne and proclaimed the good news.

"Tale Bearers a new member will be added to your team. He will take over another chamber within Myrrh Cinnamon Library. His gift is extraordinary. He can equal me when it comes to tactics and agility. He majors in close combat. He can be your right hand Ophir when it comes to war. "

Ophir grinned sincerely someone will help him and that will empower the team. Most of their members were amzing in defence and long range battle.

Like how Lehi, Kiel, Natalina, Lila and Urchin. The only one who take the huge portion when it comes to close combat was himself and Hexel. They garner the most time in bed after the battle field.

Cyrus invited him inside. His eyes were like a honeycomb. His ash brown hair are tiny waves compare to him. He is taller than Ophir and was charming. His gaze was fixed on his wife. Ophir saw how astonished and joyful Lehi's face when he step in.

"His Name is Nevi Guadalupe. He is found and equipped by Novena. His gift is turning his body as the main weapon. In short He is a prayer warrior. Make him felt welcome, Ophir do the honors you are dismissed. "

As soon as they arrived at Myrrh Cinnamon Library. Nevi and Lehi embraced each other.

"How did you get here? What exactly happened? " Lehi inquired.

Novena excused the three of them for private conversation which the other team respected.

"He is part of your team. Basically this is the first time we had a triangular Harpsichord. " Novena informes as they sat down.

" Remember Lehi we are supposed to meet at fountain for lunch but suddenly the bell went crazy, I got worried and thought of checking you up but I saw you drowning. I jump in to save you but got myself stucked on a well. "

Nevi explained as he looked at them.

"You were there? " Lehi asked in surprise.

Novena butt in and said.

"No, He arrived first before the two of you did. "

Nevi and Lehi sticked too close together. Too much for Ophir's liking. After catching on Ophir toured Nevi inside their palace. Ophir escorted Nevi on his room and joined his humming wife on their bed. Ophir felt insecure as to how Nevi knew so much about Lehi but still he is Lehi's friend . Ophir just pulled the blanket and forced himself to sleep. He needs to trust Lehi on this matter.