Charter 36: Roses of Prayers

Kiel gathered all the remnants scattered on the ground. Ophir led the team wisely and swiftly like the usual but when they are nearing the border his downcasted form resurfaces. As a person who grew up with Ophir side by side, he can say that his household held a riddle. When King Cyrus announced that he will be the head of his royal aids and assignment Kiel excitedly joined them. As the time went by Kiel saluted his resolution and commitment. Ophir is not a nice man rather he is a good man. One thing that Kiel wanted to duplicate from him is his self control. Even when the battles are getting annoying or agonizing he remains to honor his own word. He also made sure that each of the people entrusted to him is not to be treated as someone lesser than family.

Kiel can understood the reason behind those heartsore. Lehi haven't shown any sign of waking up. Yes, she is breathing but other than that Lehi had no sign or mark of consciousness. Hexel and Natalina are assigned by the King with another assignment inside the Kingdom. Hexel was put on studying the recent womb incident and Natalina was task to preserve every ounce from the visible left over gained from the kids and woman's body.

After the said report Ophir made his way to their room and joined the sleeping beauty. Ophir sighed and brush her hair. Eyel must have washed her already. Ophir planted a soft kiss on her forehead. Ophir repeated the same prayer he's been persistently and wholeheartedly praying.

"Our Heavenly Father, You are Almighty, Sovereign and our Healer. My heart is breaking and is sore. I know that my love for Lehi would never outrun Your love for her. I surrender my pain, doubt and this brokenness to you my God, At your feet I lay down all of my burden and I believe that it was Your love that hath called our Names. I uplift her to you. Amen. "

"The ashes from the burnt corn stems getting yanked by the stormy wind. It hath made the clouds in the sky dancing. The gray cloud waved vastly as the rain shower fell, the scent of asphalt envoloped the whole place just like how the pinkish colour embraces the dark clouds. It felt like even the sky knows how to blush. The heavy and cold drops upon me suddenly became light and warm, maybe because someone repaired the broken umbrella behind my back."

"Those arms that embraced and held me tightly, reminds me of the scars that you have kissed in agreement that it is fine to be the way I am now. My unshakable and stubborn balled fist begun to soften. It stroke my fingertips gently. Even the loud thunder inside my heart have calmed. It became a slice of the ocean within this unsync pattern of love. The fluffy emerald and gold sketch by a sun setting turned into a memory unforgotten. "

Lehi can see each word like a golden dust showering her way around. She can see a stair going downward. Her gut invited her to the unknown place. An intersection confused her. Yet her sole pace left and it led her to a small library. The place was rusty and rugged.

Aside from the floury books and floor a single cream couch is proportioned at the right corner beside a huge glassy window. Her steps made the floor creak.

When a book with a single feather seated on the sofa. She ascended toward it and picked it up. The book was all blank only the shade of paper changes. Her finger recieved a drop from her fallen tears. Her heart started to get sick. Her vision got blurry and her breathing started a marathon.

Lehi sat beside Ophir and started to wail. She gripped the blanket covering her. Her chest thump with the sting of agony. Just then Ophir woke up and was surprised to see his wife weeping and is awake. Ophir called her name to make sure the sanctification did not created any set backs. Lehi gazed at him through her puffy eyes. Ophir felt a sudden mental disturbance when Lehi embraced him tightly as she cried.

Ophir felt a wave of relief nudge his nerves. Her quality and glowing effect produced a new colour in his face. Ophir cand discern how the mist outlining his face faded. Ophir rub Lehi's back till she calmed down. When she got tired of the abrupt burst she had expressed Ophir scooped her and Lulled her to snooze. Ophir can finally say that his prayers was answered.

"Thank you Lord for your faithfulness. You never fail us. Give us the proper endurance to go through the process of any consequences ridding the previous experience we ventured. Amen. "

Ophir informed the King and his team. They all celebrated Lehi's recovery. Kiel even went on ditch his lessons. Kiel saw how the bright colors stroke Ophir's face. He can finally say that prayers can tame a thorny rose. Kiel believed that Ophir's faith is enough to cause a incense to rise up in heaven.

Eyel volunteered to aid and support Lehi to walk once more. Lehi's system reject her desire to immediately be put back on the front line. When Lehi insisted to join the team she recieved the same words from her teammates. And her husband hath given her a earful sermon that is worth to start a novel.

From time to time Urchin would stay and cheer Lehi to keep her exercises. Hexel would report any sudden news going on during their meeting. Lila and Natalina would make time to bond with her and Kiel would come to tease her about Ophir most of the time.

Lehi stared at her wedding ring and recalled what her vision hath allowed her to capture. The blank and faded pages sent an aching vibrate in her heart. There was something inside the blank pages but she can't read it. She can still feel the felted sheet tarry within her finger tips.