Chapter 54: Stars Born Under Feet

Kiel thought that it would be the usual meditation his father had thought him but he was wrong. Cyrus had him climb up the rocky wall with his barefoot and it was getting in his nerve. Who would do that to their son? Cyrus had Urchin swim on the water. As far as Kiel remembered Urchin almost lose his life at the maximina lake. So his father might be helping Urchin to get over his trauma.

Kiel screamed when a worm from the wall touched his palm. Because of the unidentified transparent worm Kiel have to climb up from square one.

Urchin trembled as soon as he saw the water turned into black and red. It was where he got sacrificed a year ago. Cyrus looked at him with austere and severity. Urchin dipped his shaking toe to feel the water. It was cold and outmoded. Urchin looked up to Kiel who screamed "worm" repeatedly and eventually fail. Urchin was about to rush toward Kiel but Cyrus pointed that he should mind his own business.

Cyrus was observing Kiel who can't climb up even the smallest tree in their garden. He heared his murmurs and snapped his finger to invite the worm. Yodh has commanded the inhabitants within their vacinity to obey him. When he fail Cyrus smirked because Kiel did not even noticed that it was his punishment. Cyrus sighed, He knew that his son was spoiled but not to the core and it figures that Yodh was right. If Cyrus won't discipline this cry baby son of his, Kiel will get rotten. Thankfully he listened to Gardenia's suggestion.

Cyrus wanted to show some softness toward Urchin but that won't help for now. He will just procrastinate and Cyrus might not be able to turn him down. Cyrus remembered Urchin's opening prayer.

"Fwather towday wew prway thwat, Wew will bwe abwle tow obwey owur teawcher. Amwen. "

Cyrus can see that he is doing his best when he stood in the red and black liquid he prepared fot Urchin. Urchin was gliding and splashing the water with his eyes shut. Cyrus was surprised of his sudden growth when he utilised his gift to save Lehi. Urchin had the gift of trance and time wrap. His observation about Urchin got distracted when Kiel started shouting at him.

"Father, I made it. " Kiel shouted at the peak of the wall.

Cyrus replied with the same volume of voice.

"Slide from there without any rope. "

"What?!" Kiel complained stamping his feet.

"Yep, to eradicate some childish behaviour from you. So, slide down without complaining or I will punish you punk!" Cyrus shouted back as his eyebrows furrowed in sarcasm.

Cyrus glance back at Urchin who started diving and gliding. He is starting to enjoy his bath. Cyrus approached Urchin and asked.

"How was it?"

Urchin giggled as he enjoyed his swim.

"Urchin, thank you for not complaining unlike someone I know. "

Urchin smiled and splash Cyrus with the water that is now ocean blue as soon as Cyrus joined him to swim.

Yodh had taken the boys on a cliff. Hexel just stifle the rising nervousness from his system. Nevi just spread his arms like an eagle and started romanticising with the gush of wind. Ophir inhaled the natural surrounding as he mimic Nevi's gesture.

"Alright before we get excited and forget about it, Let us pray. Open it up Nevi. "

"Our Souverign and Holy God. You are the source of any righteous acts. We uplift to you our teacher that You have purposefully alloted for us to mature and be equiped. I humbly ask that you would give is the wisdom and strength to handle without any complaints whay you prepared for us. We thank your Almighty works. Amen. "

"Thanks Nevi. Here are some overview for today's training. Since you are good in close up battles we will have to fight it out. You have to stop me from pushing you on that cliff. The wind from the cliff is a actually a monster's breath. And when you attack me I will assign which part of your body will be maximized for today. " Yodh enumerated like it's normal to have a monster breath blow from the cliff. Nevi and Ophir started coughing as soon as they heared that the air was a monster's carbon dioxide.

"Hexel use your feet alone. "

Ophir use your knees and elbows.

Nevi used your palm only. You can attack whenever your ready. Note that when you violate my instructions. You will willingly threw yourself in that pit. So let's get started!" Yodh finalised as he raised his fist on the air.

Hexel being the insensitive member jump in to Yodh first. He thrust his thigh on Yodh's side arm and smashed his shoulder with his heel. Yodh just grinned at Hexel and grab his ankle. Yodh pulled him like a string and grab Hexel's face with his palm and he crushed him mercilessly on the ground.

Ophir wanted to aid Hexel. He slid under Yodh's body and striked him with his right knee. Yodh avoided his knee and slammed it with his fist. Ophir felt his knee cap sent a volt. He almost punch him in the face when he recalled his instructions. Ophir withdrew and used both of his elbow to hit Yodh's broad shoulders. Yodh finally released Hexel's face.

Nevi did not give him the chance to regain his momentum. Nevi used his palm to grab Yodh's face and slam him on the hard bottom. He duplicated what he did with Hexel. Ophir and Hexel was about to attack Yodh when he twisted Nevi's free palm with his arms and threw him toward Ophir and Hexel who was approaching them. Nevi landed on top of the two and they all fell flat on the edge of the cliff.

Yodh march toward them as the three wailed in pain. Nevi noticed his presence getting nearer so he met him half way and slapped him on the face. Like a lover who was caught cheating. His palm got imprinted on his left cheekbone. Everybody froze at his action. Nevi realised that his action was out of the blue but is cliche. So he voiced out with a bashful expression.

"What? I only used my palm! "