Chapter 79: More than Dust

Nevi heared Lehi's back talk toward Ophir. He noticed how Lehi changed ever since she got married. It was unusual for her to sass someone and on top of that it's her husband. Nevi was having a double minded trouble between the two. As a man, he understand Ophir's concern and personality but as Lehi's childhood friend it would break her heart if Nevi were to take Ophir's side.

"Lehi, do you recall our last assignment at Acsents?" Nevi decided to be honest.

Lehi nod her head in response and waited for Nevi to talk.

"Ophir was mesirable because it took two months for us to have a clue where you were. Mainly, Ophir was scared to go through the same situation and he is also terrified that if you enter that step a while ago, it will led you to our era and that the Harpsichord duty might be lumpy. Then what do you think will happen to the rest of El Oathniel Kingdom." Nevi explained as gently and motivational to help Lehi fathom Ophir's weariness.

Lehi realised how selfish her thoughts back then. That is why Ophir said he won't forgive her because it might meant it will be the end for the two of them. Lehi had this thought that Nevi and Ophir got along so well and tried to tease Nevi.

"So, did you become Ophir's wife while I was gone? You act over familiar toward him and about him."

Nevi just burst out a what and covered his mouth. Urchin is asleep on his bed.

Nevi just pushed Lehi outside his room and shut the door in her face. Why do people keep banging the door in her face today?

Lehi decided to get back at their room thinking that Ophir might be snoring by now. When she open the door and saw Ophir seating at the edge of their bed with a gloomy face, Nevi's words echoed from her mind. When Ophir heared the door shut, Lehi can see a expression of relief in his face.

Ophir waited for Lehi to approach him. She sat beside him and she opened her palm as she enlace their finger.

"Sorry, Nevi had helped me calm down. He explained the reasons behind your action." Lehi muttered above whisper.

Ophir just smiled at her and he invited her to lay down at their bed as he yawn.

Ophir spooned Lehi in his arms and Lehi teased Ophir.

"I am starting to get jealous of Nevi, He acts over familiar toward you." Ophir jolted up with his face reddening.

"Don't say that, it's creepy."

Novena, Cyrus and Lila arrived by the next day. Ahava opened the library and the structure was the same when Lehi roam around. Their was the stair glowing from underground.

"Lehi and Hexel will be going with us" Cyrus stated. Cyrus knew that Ophir wanted to protest but he saluted Ophir's self control because he just submitted at his instructions.

"Ophir, Urchin and Nevi will stay with Ahl, while Natalina, Lila will wait for us here." Radney wrapped up.

Natalina and Lila paced inside the library as they waited. The stairs brightend when the three of them entered. Nevi just held Urchin's hand beside Ahl's bed, while he watched Ophir paced around.

Nevi tried to sooth him by saying Lehi will be fine and she will get back with them. Nevi tapped his shoulder when Lehi's voice replayed from their mind they both jolted up.

When Novena entered the underground library, she can feel a familiar presence within the area but she can't point out who was it and where is it. Cyrus felt the same, He knew something or someone was there but he cannot see it.

The underground looked like a green house but is full of books not library. There is a single flower all over that place and that would be the white morning glory. Lehi walked toward the large window and couch. From the dream, she remembered a shadow tried to hand her a book. When she got within the right proximity the books floated and scattered. A single book intentionally approach Lehi and she remember how blank it was. When she opened it the papers we're there but nothing is scribbled on it.

Urchin paused and tightened his grip on Nevi's hand. A vision finally got witnessed by him.

"He saw a woman with the same features as Ahava. The woman had her pants in blue and is in knight uniform. She was powerful and strong she was loved by everybody. Ahl was there with her and he would forced his was wife to spill out the beans about being a Harpsichord. When the woman would shut her mouth Ahl would threaten her that he will abort the baby in her womb. His hunger for new stories were greater than the affection he offer with his wife and unborn child. The woman started to talk everything about being a Harpsichord. When Ahl got obsessed of her story. He started to hunt every person who were a Gurdian of every pair of Harpsichord. When he tried to torture and killed one of the gurdian, endless torment happened to him to the point that he wanted to die but he cannot find death. So he decided to have his blood sucked out to halt his heart and used it to water the morning glory but his heart kept pumping and his lungs continued to circulate his oxygen. A tragedy he had put upon himself."

Urchin also warned them that the body of the gurdian he killed were used by Ahl as a fertilizer to his pots of morning glory.

Lehi was so scared to accept and keep the book. She felt the agony and pain back then, her lips were quivering when Ophir came in with his bones crushing the book.

"We have to get out of here before it's too late. Urchin have seen a vision. I will explain it to you when we reach upstairs."

Ophir stated but as soon as he delivered the message the morning glory started to grow and Ahl's laugh reverbed all over the whole house.