Chapter 87: Ford of Crossing.

Gatsby made his report. The painter was one of the nobles within the auction and was actually the wife of Baron Hollu Yeru. She have attended the tea parties hosted by the queen. And would sit by the bench as she started to draft Gardenia's expression. The auction is untouchable for now. Aside from Ham and the host named Viva, There are webs of higher ups involved and those noble might belong to a different continent. Is what the Earl mentioned but having a lot of Gardenia's face all over the place can be hanged on the wall and will establish it as her corner but his wife strongly disagreed which left Cyrus to put in on their treasure room.

Cyrus ordered his knight to arrest the Yeru residence. The auction paused for a while and Ham's location were unknown.

Cyrus summoned Lehi, Ophir and Nevi for a private talk at his throne.

"Since you three are not from this dimension, how are you adjusting from here?" Cyrus asked.

"Isn't it's late for you to ask that." Ophir muttered.

Nevi just nod and spoke.

"I am from the same era with Lehi, So having her around soothes me. Aside from this place sounds like a fantasy in our age. I am honestly enjoying it."

Cyrus acknowledge Nevi's answer and he eyed Lehi who cleared her throat.

"I agree with Nevi but there are concern that I have in the back of my mind that I can't even put into words."

Cyrus shot up a question that made Lehi and Ophir blushed.

"Since the two of you got married in this era. Did you engage in any intimate actions within your bed chamber?"

Nevi covered his ears, for some reason he felt shy for the two and he doubt how can Cyrus asked those question without batting an eye?

"I see. But know that the resemblance of a blessed marraige is having an offspring. So what is holding you back?"

Cyrus followed up as he chew his cake.

Lehi spoke fidgeting. She keeps playing with her finger to distract her embarrassment.

"I am honestly frightened, this is not our world nor era. Plus Ophir and I are on different era and world. I am worried that the child will have to choose whom she or he will live with."

Cyrus intently look at Lehi and Ophir.

"Then are you two alright with a fruitless marriage? Aren't you worrying for nothing? What if that child is meant to be concived and birthed in this alien place in behalf of you two?"

Nevi cleared his throat from the awkward and speechless atmosphere which he eventually regretted.

"What do you think Nevi?" Cyrus pointed.

"Uhmmn.. I think our King had a point. I mean there are a lot of people got relocated by God to get married and seeded a generation. It's like everything that happens is in accordance to His will. I mean, if the Lord just wanted a couple from the same era then why is it that Lehi got married to Ophir if obviously she can just marry me.. I mean.. it's just an illustration." Nevi answered as he wave his hands and drop some spoon on the ground.

Kiel and Lila was getting pressured by the Elders to give birth to an heir. Kiel and Lila were doing their best but maybe it was not the best time yet. Kiel kissed Lila's bare shoulder as he dozed off.

Sienna got hired by the duke to be his wife's medical secretary. She lives with the Bowden Family. The duchess have been pouting and nagging their son to get married. The young duke would just brush off the idea and would never get home unless something major happens.

Sienna can just symphatise with Hexel who is getting nagged by his parents to take a wife. For Sienna on the other hand, she needed to learn more about the field she is in. She styled her golden locks into curls with bangs. She wanted a new outlook in life after what she went through with that fraction. She was also glad to hear that the children were reunited with their parents.

Natalina went home for a vacation. She started to involve herself with her father.

She found out that her father was the King's informant and messenger. He is just good in adopting every character the King directs him to convey. When Natalina heared of their jewelry shop suddenly got robbed by some bandits. His father returned with the case closed. Natalina started looking up at her father whom she used to hate and doubt. The man whom she never thought she can trust. Natalina served the tea she learned from Nevi's amazing gourmet.

Lehi sat on their bed pondering at what Cyrus stated. He got a point, What if they are put in this era for the child to be born? What if in her era she would never had the chance to bear fruit? Can she even imagine herself without Ophir?

Ophir grinned at her and comforted her.

"You don't need to get shaken by the King's word. If we are meant to have a child in this era then so be it. But we have the opportunity to take it slow and fully decide about it on our own. No need to get pressured. We still have a long way to go."

Lehi stared at Ophir. Most likely in this situation the men are the one who always initiate and would pursue but for Ophir to be this calm means, he might not be attractive to her. Lehi started to let the cog roll within her head. What if her sex appeal is not that enticing? Is Ophir even feeling anything when she was in her towel, robe or negligee? Lehi did not noticed how she voiced out her concern.

"Am I not that appealing to you?"

Ophir jolted and blushed at her question. How does she want him to answer that question? According to his mentor Kiel, it's a tabboo for women to get bashed and body shamed by their own partner and women are sensitive in this area. Ophir sat beside his wife and lean in enough to angle her wife's face to directly got connected with his eyes.

"Yes you are appealing to me. So you better halt all your following questions and actions especially when your not ready for anything involving this area of our relationship."