Chapter 111: Caravan of No Returns.

Nevi got hooked by the strange man's words. Is being a harpsichord a curse or destiny? Nevi watched Ophir and Lehi who are helping the Terifimo people put on their cargoes. Asno and Cyrus received some help from the north, south and west. Prince Aleph also extended his hands and sent most of their carpenters to help build a home for the victims. Hexel noticed how Nevi pout and sulk as he help the children cross a deep portion of the inverted river. Nevi wanted to discuss his hesitations and doubt with Novena but she is yet to return.

Novena recalled kicking Kenan and suddenly passed out. Kenan smiled at her when she woke up. Novena observed their current site and can make out that they are underground. The huge rocks and mud walls have notified that she might have been sleeping for too long.

She tried to stand up but her shoulder painfully reacted. Kenan sat beside her and handed a warm drink.

"You got pierced by a venomous arrow. I prioritized aiding you and did not caught your assassin. But the arrow's emblem looks foreign to me."

Kenan infromed as he handed her the arrow and Novena surveyed it. The arrow is engraved with a worm hugging a wood. Novena heared of this organization before. They are head hunters of caretakers. She remembered being warned by her co-caretakers. She decided to remain silent about it.

"How long did I sleep since that day?"

Novena inquired and drink the bitter drinks Kenan offered.

"Almost half a month." Kenan replied as he brushed a strand of her dangling hair.

"What?! I have to get back at El Oathniel or my harpsichords will get anxious." Novena exclaimed as she tried to stand up but her wound halted her.

"About that, I already brought them here and the woman applied her healing gift unto you. Also I alerted them about your attacker. I advised them that if ever the King seeks you, tell him that your in a honeymoon." Kenan beamed.

Novana twitched the side of her lips and kicked Kenan off the bed.

Nevi took over Novena's task as the King's secretary. He was surprised to see that their issues within El Oathniel is not that different from their era. His focused got caught by a report concerning a village priest that got burnt to death inside the chapel. Nevi had encountered the same news at their era and that the suspect was unidentified. Nevi asked the permission from Cyrus to operate on the case when he stated about his opinion. He informed Ophir and Lehi about it but the two won't be able to join him on the assignment since they were assigned by Sotai to support Asno.

Ophir decided to send Natalina, Hexel and Ain to be with Nevi. Ophir firmly instructed the team that Nevi's words will be significant on the mission. He also added that no matter what happens they need to be back alive. Hexel, Ain and Natalina were surprised of Ophir's stern advise. Nevi thanked Ophir for giving him the opportunity to move in liberty.

Nevi inquired about the village's location and talked to the governing authorities before trully tracking the suspect and crime scene. From what they have garnered so far, the priest is his 59th victim. The inspection done by patrol and knight had the same pattern.

The priest had their heart split in half and their ears were missing.

Nevi felt pity toward the priest. He recalled vomiting and skipping meals after he witnessed the gut-wrenching and obscene event during his era. Nevi even lacked some sleep because of what he saw. And if the culprit will not be caught unto this time Nevi can imagine a bloodcurdling scene for new more victims.

Nevi ransack his memory concerning the nightmare he locked and purposefully forgotten. It was after lunch back then that he is supposed to meet Lehi for the planning of sport festival within the orphanage when he accidentally witness the direful and repugnant butchering at the abandon court near the orphanage. The figure in viel sensed his presence and started to run after him. Nevi felt how his adrenaline hit his maximum to the point that he jump a fence and crawl under bridge. Nevi got cornered on a block near the orphanage. He recalled the ripped ears dangling at the veiled person's face. The bloody scalpel almost snapped his neck. Thankfully Lehi called out for him when she marched with the kids from the nearest store candy. The terrifying killer withdrew it's motive and warned Nevi. It's voice was of multiple husk and reverbs.

"It's your lucky day, young man. Next time for sure I will put on a widows scarf upon you"

Hexel noticed Nevi's blank face surfaces. His temple were sweating and his eye balls were unsteady. Hexel cannot point out what kind of face he is making. Hexel approached Nevi and whispered to his ear.

"Nevi, don't block it. Just release it. No need to hold back for us. Go and visit the cubicle. We will wait for you."

Nevi's thought got summoned to the present. His noisome memory got shifted unto a loud and irresistible laughter. Does his face looked that bad for Hexel to think of his stomach being waisted? Hexel, Ain and Natalina were shocked at the sudden crack from Nevi. Natalina and Ain just accompany Nevi's break out laugh while Hexel turned red from his embarrassing judgement.

When Ain and Natalina heared what trully happened they started to roast Hexel. Nevi was glad that his nightmare got interfered by a good friend. Back then it was Lehi but now it's Hexel. Nevi gathered all of his senses and realigned his focus. Nevi just thank Hexel who was unaware as to why he suddenly recieved a expression of gratitude. Natalina and Ain read and scanned all the documents given by the town mayor and was disgusted to see how brutal and repulsive the captured evidence they just had. Nevi shut his eyes to brush off the gehenna that's been haunting him even from his era.