Chapter 125: Spit of Song and Byword.

Lehi learned about how she almost break Ain's neck and Kiel's ribs. Kiel and Ain did not took it against her.

"I only remember the fangs of pain traverse all over my body and the fright after passing out."

Novena got back with the hunch that the person who intervene after the fight with the hunters is personally after someone else. Was it Lehi, Nevi, ophir or worst herself. Novena poundered with her brain. Such strength to take hold of someone's gift means a care taker or a former harpsichord. Novena is getting riled up, how come that there are lots of interventions to this underground auto-harmony. Novena took a leave to visit their temple. She needs a back up at this point. She also have to pay Kenan a visit since he caught her head hunter.

Kenan just clicked his tongue when Novena haven't paid a visit yet. It's been two weeks and he is doing his best not to kill the captive. When Novena appeared in front of him. Kenan smirked.

"I thought you already neglected me. I am on the verged of slitting someone's throat." Kenan commented in a perforating manner.

Novena just shurgged at him and unveil the face of the head hunter. If she recalled correctly this man with tortoise beard and hair was the man who slayed her co-caretaker 700 hundred years ago.

Natalina clenched her jaw to calm herself. She can't take someone's life.

Kenan noticed her sadness and anger.

He yanked her wrist and twirled her romantically before hugging her.

"How was it, Isn't it a cool move to woo a lady."

Kenan expected her to get violent but she leaned in to the hug. Kenan suddenly felt a goosebumps. Kenan rested as he heard his bones cracked. Novena's tight embrace had him aching.

Novena reported and surrendered the captive unto the higher up on the temple.

Novena alloted a fast and prayer for her anger. She does not wish to have it consume her being.

Cyprus stared at Natalina whose appetite was starting to scare him. She woke him up just to grill some meat and slice some water melon. If Cyprus is right it's 2am in morning. Their stock of meat were annihilated for a day. Cyprus can't help but wonder if it's still safe for them to stay here. Cyprus can literally feel the presence walking unto the shore above their sea bed.

Cyprus suddenly stood up and blocked the magic thrown unto them. It was a red lightning. The water served as a conductor that it destroyed even the house Cyprus built with his enchantment. Natalina prayed and summoned an emerald covering.

"Our God who stood with us in every pinch, battle or crises. We appreciate Your presence. Thank You for being with us despite all the backsliding that we committed. I hereby lay my guilt, shame and regrets unto You. This are the things You have asked from us. Thank you for humbling our pride. Indeed You are the Most High. Amen."

Her wall release a cannon ball to hit the enemy on the shore. The lightning suddenly stop. Cyprus did not know that Natalina was that capable to fight with her gift. Natalina grinned at him and she started to screech in pain. Her belly started to twist. Cyprus got anxious and is lose of any place to intrude. Cyprus swallowed his ego and vanished to seek help.

Cyrus just lay down in his bed when Cyprus appeared inside his room. He was holding Natalina in his arms. His eyes were in tears as he deliver his plea with broken voice.

"Please save her. Please help me. You can do anything to me just save her."

Cyrus called for an emergency. Tera and Evi arrived. Lehi and Hexel aided to cure Natalina. The Tale Bearers remain silent as Cyprus sat at the floor.

Gatsby arrived as he sweat. His facial expression was tired and relieved.

Cyprus braced himself for a punch but Gatsby run toward him and embrace his frame. They both wept at how desperate the situation was. The cracking sound made them tremble. The seconds felt like hell. Cyprus looked vulnerable to the point that nobody can't hate or recall their grudges. Ain even escorted him to take a shower. Cyprus just had his head bowed as he followed him.

" I am sorry." Cyprus suddenly delivered before entering the comfort room.

Ain just waved it off.

Tera and Evi stabled Natalina's womb and checked the baby's months.They were both shocked to find out that there are twins within her. The labour and giving birth will be a risky and painful process. Natalina got relieved from the pain after the massage she recieved.

Cyprus was glad to hear her condition.

Cyprus got monitored under the RAPHA.

Their room were also within the late queen's palace. They applauded the huge transformation in Cyprus character, behaviour and personality. He was obedient and more joyful. But his deliverance continues. Natalina can't be handled by anyone since she would get angry and cries whenever Cyprus was out of her sight. Nevi can just panic and Hexel would comically try to make her laugh. Lehi and Lila would bond and dine with her. Urchin and Kiel would listen to her singing and Ophir would run to Cyprus whenever her tantrums got out of hand. Her pregnancy was more worst than a woman in her period. Gatsby's sweet nothings were fully rejected.

Cyprus can't help but get anxious as her belly get huge each months. Sotai have declared and claim as he sanctified and cleansed all the evil attachment from Cyprus and Natalina which he greatly appreciated. As Natalina's belly get huge the Tale Bearer's lack of sleep just to grill some meat increases.

Ain even resized the meat and watermelon to help Cyrpus relief from his unending shopping chart.

Cyrus would make fun of Cyprus at times but mostly he can just symphatise with him. Cyprus appreciated the Tale Bearers effort in aiding and helping his wife. Cyprus can't help but noticed how Natalina glows as her last month approaches. Tera and Evi scolded Cyprus for spoiling her sometimes but they can relate how hectic and problematic Natalina's pregnancy mood.