Chapter 144: Wool for Linen

The Tale Bearers got greeted by Tera's whimper as she wept uncontrollably. The Duke's household is currently being rebuild. The people remained at the villa after repairing the cieling that was broken by Kiel.

"She was diligent... She easily learned the basic and is being equipped for another enhance level but when Sienna found out that she will get married to Hexel,... the next day she run away!" Tera explained between tears.

Kiel, Ain, Nevi and Ophir exchange glances as they tried to hold back their laughter. Lehi and Lila comforted the duchess. When Natalina and Cyprus heared the news. Cyprus instantly laughed with his stomach. Natalina got worried with Hexel who must have recieved a teasing and roasting from the men. When Cyprus noticed how Natalina's expression looked that weary. He halted his laughing and cleared his throat.

"Kindly take care of the kids for now. I"ll go and check Hexel's condition. The duchess might have been broken hearted. Thanks." Natalina stated as she quickly paced toward Myrrh Cinnamon Library. Natalina's step got halted with Cyprus answer.

"I understand that he is your friend. But don't forget that your married. It's the second time dear."

Natalina looked at Cyprus irritated as she replied.

"I did not! I am just checking on them since this people are a family to me. Which I am supposed to belong if not because of certain events."

Cyprus paced toward his wife not with anger but with a painful expression.

"Are you implying that you regretted marrying me?"

Natalina breathed tiredly.

"A huge part of me does! If not because of your obsession toward my aunt then I can freely laugh with my friends."

Natalina delivered every line with a hint of remorse and frustration. Nevi, Kiel and Ophir who was hiding from Hexel stumbled upon the lovers quarrel. The three if them halted as if they were a statue. Hexel came running in rage when Nevi, Ophir and Kiel muffled his mouth. They dragged Hexel to hide behind the pillar. Cyprus was speechless since Natalina was right and he won't deny that, but Natalina's next line twisted his heart into half.

"See, You won't even deny it! I am moving out, for now I don't want to see nor talk to you."

Cyrus who just finished his breakfast also hid behind the pillar. Cyprus tried to talk it out with Natalina but she decline and refused every apology that was coming from Cyprus. When Natalina left with her triplets toward the Earl's household Cyprus looked hopeless. Ain who also witnessed the event felt bad for his adoptive father. In a sense Cyprus was the one who matured Ain.

Cyrus trailed his twin brother who portrayed a gloomy facade.

"That is part of marraige as well. Just give her some time to breath. Women tend to snap out of the blue and it's undefeated when they do. Trust me, I had my own suffering and toiling."

Ophir and Kiel who had the same experienced nodded. Ain, Hexel and Nevi just sweat dropped.

The Tale Bearers paced back toward the library. They heared how Sage wailed when the triplets were moving out. Kish is having a hard time to comfort him.

Kiel patted Hexel's shoulder and said.

"You really should get married as soon as possible. Cyprus and Natalina are arguing concerning you since last week. Let's find that Sienna and get you married right away."

Ophir and Nevi just paces toward the dinning table as Ain nudged Hexel on the back.

"Don't let it get in your head. Cyprus was just insecure of you. Let's go and eat."

The following days were a bliss for Cyrus and Kiel. Cyprus immersed himself in doing all the palace and paper works. Sotai and Evi were impressed as to how Cyprus finished a week's task in a day. Mem for the first had a break for nagging and scolding the King and Prince. Hexel heared how Cyprus overworked to distract himself. Hexel made the decision and asked the Tale Bearers to help him.

Ain felt edgy while Nevi and Ophir shifted on their seats uncontrollably. Kiel just sat in leisure as he felt at home. Lehi and Urchin were enjoying a tea. Sage fidgeted as he is excited to see the triplets. The Tale Bearer with Sage visited the Earl's household. Hexel wanted to talk with Natalina. Ain was awestrucked when Hexel frankly talked to Cyprus and asked for permission to visit Natalina. Cyrus was dumbfounded when Cyprus gave him the permission. Kenan can relate at how hard it was to woo a woman who does not give you the chance to explain.

When Natalina appeared, Lehi and Kiel immediatey hugged her. Gatsby led Urchin and Sage toward the triplets. All of them excused themselves and left Natalina and Hexel alone. Hexel clenched his fist when Kiel also escape. He even begged the esteemed prince to sit with them by baby sitting Urchin for three nights since he said he wanted to celebrate his wife's birthday. Hexel cleared his throat as they sat at the veranda with a small round table.

"How are you feeling? I heared from Cyprus that you might have been having your monthly period that you suddenly snapped." Hexel stated insensitively.

Kiel, Ophir, Nevi and Ain with Gatsby almost jump to strangle Hexel. The men spied from a distant to see how would Hexel try to comfort Natalina.

Kiel whispered how he soiled Cyprus side even more. Ain just gaped while Nevi and Ophir shook their head in dismay. They already expected something like this will happen.

Natalina just cracked up. She laughed loudly and non-stop. She even had her hands slapped tha table. Hexel just sip his tea in front of Natalina. Thankfully Natalina understand his personality well. She calmed herself and admitted.

"Yup. That's right!"

Hexel was not shaken and asked.

"Then why don't you make up with him?"

Natalina just shrugged her shoulders.

"I want to.. but I am waiting to see what he will do."

Hexel just sighed.

"You better do something as well. He looked pathetic this past few days. I don't know if he is even sleeping properly. Kiel was glad since Cyprus is doing all the palace works."