Chapter 156: Heroes of Old.

It was not about how the heads of many prophets and masters roll out from their body. The slaughter was great that even the whole island died with it's people. The painful cries and howling made the aura grieving. The chase and blood splattered all over the place. The land overflowing with milk and honey became a house for the broken bones. The waters became desolate.

Kish sat before her and spoke.

"This place is where the remnants of nobles have rested. March on with your soul. This land will be reclaimed. This is where our Father's covenant begun."

Sienna nod at him as she grasp her heart in full remorse and warmth. Sienna replied with a giggle.

"Thank you. I felt the relief and breath of revival came alive. Truly this is our zeal."

The smog got thicker as the team got closer unto the border. Sienna warned Ain that his gift might create a friction that will get back at them. Ain just grunted when their steps were too careful and stiff. Sienna made the sign that she is ready. Hexel used the edge of his sword to make Sienna's finger bleed. When a single drop got connected with the water. A slight pause occured not long after illuminations happen. The whole place released a jelly like light that floats all over the place.

Lehi and Ophir held hands when the whole area glowed. The two were like in a different dimension in the world where the scene got romantic that if they can get back here for a date they would plan one. Ain and Nevi hugged each other as they watch the glow got upward. Kish, Cyprus and Kiel were amazed to see that it's legend lives.

Hexel sliced an edge of his cape and wrapped it on Sienna's cut. Sienna just muttered a short thanks and watched the area gain it's original scene. The ordinary became extra ordinary. Hexel can see how joyful Sienna's eyes when it twinkled at the sight. Hexel never realised that the beautiful view is incomparable with the woman in front of him. Hexel brushed off the hair out of Sienna's face. Sienna was shocked from the sudden gesture but Hexel just stared at her and said.

"I never knew that light effects makes you beautiful."

Sienna almost blushed but her body voluntarily retreated. Sienna decided tp never expect anything good and magical from Hexel.

Sienna escorted the tale bearers to get within the land before the glow disappeared. The whole view took them to another level when the trees started to use it's branch and leaves to attack them. The soil shook and trembled. The entire island became the enemy. Ain slice the dimensions and found out that the whole part where they stood was just an illusion. Kiel instantly used his cane and prayed.

"God Almighty who is the Crafter of every being. Let it be that your original design be realised. Take away all the enemy's trap and replica with your masterpiece. Amen."

Kiel used his cane to disturb the enemy's snare and the natural resources blossomed like it was waiting to be called. When Sienna stood up all the animals bow down before her. Sienna bowed her head and spoke.

"Thank you for not forgetting about me."

The animals lead them unto a secluded and isolated area of the island.

When the Tale Bearers arrived at the destination it was like a tiny village built in under a cliff upside down. An old man and his wife welcomed them.

"We were waiting for your return. Now we can speak of the secrets burried deep within us." Old man Robe started.

"The God's covenant is here and that is our Kish." the wife added.

"The whole island is rejoicing for your arrival. The whole place is longing to see and have it's lamb back. Hail and Praise our God's destiny because he had you two joined together." the wife proclaimed.

Old man Robe step closer unto Hexel and pointed.

"You are worthy to be her partner but don't let that insensitivity remove the respect that you deserve."

Hexel did not get what it exactly meant but he nodded in response.

Even Cyprus looked confused at the sudden bullet and naggings thrown by the old couple. Ophir and Lehi just shrugged while Nevi and Ain delighted with the sweet potato served before them.

"You!" the wife pointed toward Ophir.

Ophir furrowed his brows and heared the old woman spoke.

"You will be used to pile the seventy-five heads from the enemy within the basket."

The old woman eyed Lehi and said.

"You are in account to splat the witch behind the scene. Work with that man who shamelessly devoured our potatoes while we speak." the wife added as she glanced at Nevi.

Robe served the drink unto Kiel and Cyprus.

"You two whose blood is from one line. Remain at the spring because you will annihilate all the idols hidden within the island."

The wife intently gaze at Ain and wept.

"You will surely pay a debt that your ancestor have started but indeed you will come out renown."

After the declarations the tale bearers took note of the words given by the old couple. The two acted like nothing happened when their prophecy was done. Ain felt a pang of bitterness when he heared the declaration.

Why is it that he is always the one going through such pain and sufferings.

Cyprus and Kiel studied the place through the space cut by Ain and found a lot of golden idols that was emitting the illusions and who knows what kind of impact it inflict on the island. Lehi was worried about Ophir being within the enemy's gate. Even if victory was proclaimed, it does not mean that he will come out unscathed. Kish sat with the old couple.

Hexel sat and drink the tea with Sienna. The two did not say a word for each other. Hexel just silently sat beside Sienna savoring the moment with her.