Chapter 158: Nursed Temple

Sienna went back at Kisiena. Sienna went back to fulfill her vow. Kisiena raised it's wall that is made of stone designed by the builder. When the villagers learned about the arrival of prophet and priest the whole Kisiena residents build a temple for the people to visit when they wanted to. Kish and Sienna designed a chest with hole for the people to drop their prayers and offering. Whenever it got full Eyel and Sage would count and segregate it.

Eyel was against being sent with the pastor. Her service and loyalty is with Lehi not with a boy who is younger than her for five years. Eyel submitted and did not raise a protest considering how her inside revolt circulated. Their are times she hated how Kish would ask her to do things that are unrealistic and unimaginable.

Like when she fetch a basin to wash a stranger's dirty feet. There are times that she aimlessly swing the stick out of nowhere and threw salt unto the mud. Yet despite the weird actions all the miracles happened right after the insane actions. Eyel wanted to say no because of embarrassment but she did not voice out anything nor voice out her complaint. From time to time her thought piled up and lead them to argue.

"Your asking me to do whatever you wanted but refusing to do what I requested was off the line!" Eyel scolded.

Kish raised his brow and said.

"Your supposed to follow my instructions. I heared about your request but found it irrational."

Eyel glared at Kish as she balled her fist.

"You always ask me to do the irrational. My request was just simple. It was for you to hear me but you always slapped with the things I can't do and what you did for me. I am too done in pleasing you."

Eyel walked out of the room and asked Sienna of Hexel will be visiting. Sienna replied that Hexel will arrive soon. Sienna heared their argument but refused to middle. Sienna took a peek ay Kish who clenched his jaw and pressed himself on the wall.

"What's wrong?" Sienna asked.

Kish muttered with his downcasted face.

"She requested for a counselling but I refused to hear the rest. Since it felt like she was complaining against me."

Sienna just wrapped it up with a short

"I see." and excused herself when one Sage informed him that Hexel with Ophir and Lehi arrived.

The whole meal was awkward. There was a certain atmosphere that made it stiff. Hexel learned how to minimise voicing out his insensitive words and whispered unto Sienna's ear.

"What happened?"

Sienna just gave him a quick smile and whispered back.

"not telling."

Hexel playfully nudge Sienna shoulder that left her off the chair. Sienna glared at Hexel and like a husband who fears his wife's wrath he instantly helped her stood up from the floor and seated her on the chair. Lehi and Ophir laughed at them. Hexel heared how the two wanted to go on a date when they first saw the land. Hexel does not want to live up to the rumours that he is a husband that follows her wife's tail.

Ophir took Lehi's hand and the two visited the church with Kish.

His smile was forced that it made his face looked frightening. Lehi knew her grandfather's habbit when his sad nor lying.

"What's wrong? you seem to be down."

Lehi inquired with concern.

Kish tell them about what happened. Lehi sat with Kish while Ophir excused himself to give the two a time.

Kish scratch his head and was at lose on how to handle the situation.

"Eyel is always honest with her words. It might sound a complain nor critical criticism but her desire is to help you grow. She is the kind of person that wanted to give all the support she can give." Lehi explained.

Eyel bowed and hug Lehi as they departed. Sienna often heared the women tease her about delaying their honeymoon for too long. Sienna felt off whenever it got brought out as a topic among women. Sienna would shrink and sneak out from the centre unto the back till she disappeared.

Sienna never heared any complain nor request from Hexel about it but there are moments that she caught Hexel gazing at her with an emotion she can't identify. It is true that he would hug and hold her hand but he never dared to be affectionate toward her. It's not right for her to bring out the topic nor do the first move. Sienna expected how tame and insensitive her husband is but he still have his own points.

Kish called Eyel ay his counselling room. Eyel entered the same seat and room a while ago where. Kish instantly apologised and Eyel stated her concern after they cleared the air. They get back to what they used to do.

Cyrus was glad that the Kisiena got prospered and grew in a short span of time. The people visited and named it as the house of prayers. People would often visit it due to the news that all prayers uplifted there were answered. Kish and Sienna managed and monitor how it got fruitful that it's praised reached the ends of the whole Kingdom.

Kenan pass through the river and followed the peak of the hill. He just get out from the mountain. The person who get out from the sudden appearance of a unknown well pooped out of no where. Kenan wiped the grain of his sweat as he examined the area.

Kenan heared that the individual headed toward the newly opened island of Kisiena. Kenan jump down from the bridge and entered the gate. Sage welcomed him and updated him about the latest number of people who ventured on the place. Kenan grunted when he saw the number of people that is more than fifty he needed to investigate and narrow down the list. Sage and Eyel aided him from interviewing and found none.