Chapter 174: Poverty within Kingdom

Kish extended his hand and uplift it to reach Ain's shoulder. Ain uncovers a numerous page of his life that were unknown to his team mates.

" I was four when I started to see how bad it was to see my parent's quarrel even before I got abducted by Cyprus. Almost every night I can hear a glass breaking and my mother's crying voice."

"It got painful to sleep as their hurtful words kept echoing within my mind that causes a nightmare. Then one night my mother started to get hysterical and my father got violent. Our household got burnt with only me as the survivor. Cyprus was the one who saved me from that fire even if he was the cause of the possession. My parents were a perfect channel from the beggining because of the holes they created themselves. I admitted that life with Cyprus was better than being with my parents. But the late queen had awesomely inspired me to do the same as she does. It was to forgive. It was to release those ashes I have been gripping for too long. It's time for me to grab a new cord and follow a path that I have never seen in my life, which the Tale Bearers have shown me."

Kish intently noted every words give by Ain. Kish understood Ain's facade right now. Kish used to think that Ain always draw out a line against his parents but is too close and comfortable with the Tale Bearers. Ain never really spoke about himself and that he always followed Cyprus around. Kish gave him the prayers he needed as he thanked Ain fro trusting him with his emotions and raw past.

" Our God who behold the past account of every individual you created and loved. We thank you for the heavenly season and time You have put to operate over our life within and underneath Your son. We thank you for opening our ears and hearing our concerns. May your peace rest upon us with your eternal happiness and goodness. Amen."

Kiel followed through the the last step till he finished the symbol. When he translated what it means Kiel found himself to be in a trance.

"Borrowed time that is heavenly, show me the meaning behind those season and time that is from Your lot."

Kiel saw a woman who resembles himself but is a woman with angelic radiance and sweet voice. Her presence gave out a tranquil melody.

Kiel gripped Sotai's rod and spoke.

"Introduce yourself!"

The woman just blinked at him and another scenery came to embrace him. But the same woman was there. She is wearing a skirt that is too short with a blouse in uniform with the people around her. Kiel felt like he is in another dimension but when the woman caught a glance of him. Another setting came up. Celicia is crying within this tower as she watched from a distnace. Her eyes reflected Kiel and Kiel felt like his time paused.

The woman approach him and spoke.

"Hi Kiel, I have been watching you for a while. My name is Celicia and I am your great, great grandmother."

Kiel just laughed at her and replied.

"Your already dead. How can you speak and appear in front of me?"

Celicia giggled and replied.

"I am a memory from this rod your holding. I am the previous owner if this rod before I passed it to old man Sotai. But it's kind of disappointing to see my grandson lack his manners." She pouted as she finished her explanation.

Kiel bowed his head and was embarrassed since he got rebuked by someone who is long dead. Kiel observed Celicia and cannot help bit stare at her. Kiel cannot believe that this lovely woman is someone he resembles.

Celicia poked his cheeks and said.

"Stop being preoccupied. You do resemble me in many ways. I look exactly like you when I was youthful lady. Except from our genders. I fell in love then got rellocated and then I got planted here."

Kiel got curious and asked as he pay attention to the woman before him. Her white dress and barefoot made her look like a homeless woman in Keil's perspective.

"What do you mean relocated?"

Celicia covered her mouth and got flusttered.

"It's not time yet for you to find out but I will let you in to a secret that only few had known."

Kiel nod his head and readied his ears.

Celicia gave him a lonely smile and said.

"Your time has run out, but know that every thing that has happened in your life are not accidents even the people you met. Be happy and good for my revere is upon you."

Kiel woke up and found himself at the bottom of the stairs. Kiel heared the door opened and Cyrus fetch him with the news that Lila's gang are back. Kiel hurriedly hugged his wife and son as he put off Celicia for the mean time.

Resh looked tired as Nevi and Ophir displays a certain air of maturity.

Mem even had his beared grown which made Ain laugh at them.

Ecles laughed at how Hexel would always knot his brows whenever Lehi would be able to figure their test and problem solving before he does. Hexel's relationship with Ecles got better. Ecles seemed to have grew fond of the two. When Ecles inquired if they want to return at El Oatniel. Lehi honestly spoke that she was not ready. Hexel and Ecles understand her view and situation since Ophir did not even connect to her even once. Only Nevi and the others did. Lehi heared from Resh and Ecles that Acta Divertere might have been Ophir's conclusion.

Dorothy rebelled against the palace and tried to kidnap one of Cyprus' children which angered Natalina and almost end up killing Dorothy. Since the Yue family is from the Count's family. A hearing was held that put Natalina's name on a hot seat as well as her reputation. Cyprus does not wish to see her wife to be on a difficult spot but the loud and rowdy nobles started to spit unto her name.