Chapter 177: Not for Bad Cause

When Cyrus recieved the confusing state of the small and remote island. He instantly gathered the team at dawn and planned for the rescue.

"Ecles gave me a report that the whole place went berserk. Ecles requested for an advance sailing since they won't how long will they hold up. Ecles qouted that the whole island became a moster that wanted to devour them."

Resh clicked his tongue and muttered.

"I knew it was worst for them and I am honestly surprised that they are able to hold on for a month."

Sage stamp his palms on the table.

"That one is riled up and he is always impatient. Of we won't be able to caught his timing those three will be in danger."

Sienna just shut her lashes upon hearing Sage's words.

Kish stood up an announced the name of people that will be sent.

"Sage will take the lead. Ophir will be his right hand. Nevi, Lila,Ain and Sienna will take the field. Kiel, Cyrus, Urchin and Cyprus will solidify our Kingdom. No questions asked."

Kiel felt like his ears tingled when his name was not mentioned to be sent out. And his ground paused to hear that Lila will be the one to wrestle out. He is not worried but he is a liitle bit disturbed at the thought. When Kish put on the period that no question should be asked. He eyed Mem and the knight just gave him the look that he should obey and zip his arguments.

Cyrus gave them his blessing as Kish sent them by the gate with prayers.

"God of all gods that rule over this world. All that is happening has been done and name before by You. We entrust this quest unto You. We are putting on your banner of love as our armour. May Your faithfulness refuge and direct us. Don't let our own hurts lord over us. Amen."

Lila eyed her son and husband. She raised her fist and spread her fingers like a petal as her palm connect them unto another dimension. The portal split the supernatural border and opened a window of the island directly. When everyone traversed. Lila smiled at Kiel and Urchin before he muted his palm unto a fist. Kiel gave him his best and encouraging laugh as the barrier persihed with gate closing before him.

Hexel clashed with the wind as it rips his masculine skin. His face contours in wrench when he punched through the invisible space. Ecles saved him by using his gift. He altered the atmosphere and seized the invisible being as he shouted.


Hexel dropped on the ground as Lehi caught him on time. Lehi instantly plucked her bracelet and bind him with oil as she commanded.


Hexel'a wound instantly closed up and appeared as flawlessly. Hus strength also got empowered. Hexel thanked Lehi and he unbuckled his sword as it transformed unto a huge fork. Hexel hammered it on the ground and commanded.


The whole island got tranquiled and steadied.

Ophir Heared Lehi's voice as soon as his feet stepped within the island. After a few seconds Ophir got alerted by Hexel's word and the whole place got washed over by a colorful slice. It was like the palce got baptised and it stilled. Ophir was surprised and was glad to hear that the three of them were safe.

Sage instantly got welcomed by unknown arrows. Sage safeguard the team by using his gift to turn it upside down. The arrows got magnet on the ground. Lila closed the portal as Ain reviewed the space.

"We are under someone's illusion. We need to get out of here as soon as possible or it will rewrite our memory ans personality." Ain advised.

Nevi acted out and used his index finger.

It took a single tap to break the invisible wall that lead them to the real deal.

The place looked like a paradise. It was like they are in the wrong place. Ain breathed freshly and announced that it's the real deal. Sage was taken aback since it was the opposite view of what has Ecles shown them. When Sage recalled Ecles he instantly summoned his oculus and waited for Ecles to connect. It took them an hour before he picked up.

Ecles was panting hard when he appeared on the communication line as he alarmed them.

"Bad news! When the a sudden wall crumbled the three of us got separated."

Nevi admitted that it was his doing.

Ecles just replied a short yeah. Sage asked them about the paradise they are in and Ecles confirmed that they are in the right place. Ecles proudly explained that it's Hexel's newly good points.

Sage and the gang cannot even comment at his boasting.

"Show me where you are and I will get there." Ecles instructed. Sage showed him the plain and greenery.

Ecles approach them from above as soon as Sage got disconnected. Ophir and Nevi just nod at him as he instantly spoke.

"When the invisible wall crumbled. Our location got ripped as if it's a paper. Hexel got carried out from the left side but Lehi got tore out before I can land my eyes on her."

Sage looked at Lila and Ain. The two instantly located Hexel but Lehi was untraceable. The team decided to get at Hexel. When they arrived at where he is. He is unconscious at the peak of a a unknown tower that suddenly grew out. The team used it as their base as they waited for Hexel to wake up.

Their rest got interrupted when the birds suddenly started to panick mid air. The whole place quaked for an hour. When they opened their eyes they found themselves in the midst of a plain.

Sage tried to weigh the gravity of the their location and got slapped by a tidal wave that appeared out of nowhere. The team got washed by a sea that swiftly engulfed them.

"This place is weird. It's like someone is toying with us by rearranging and redesigning the whole area." Ain exclaimed as he avoid the sea water to get inside his mouth.