Chapter 193: Soil them Again.

The pinshot of explosive light devoured the sacred library. All that was gathered got burnt. The books collected by Harpsichords for generation got soiled. Most of the caretakers were injured and persihed. The whole cinnamon library in the main realm got eaten half way. Kennan checked the source of such explosion and found himself receiving a strong force hit upon his neck.

The unknown intruders scanned through the hall and burnt shelves to look for the book that they have been searching but was unable to find. The whole seven floor got it's shaded in coal. The posture of the whole building was like a cake half bitten.

One of them voiced out that the book might have been in the hands of the current Harpshicord. When they checked the list of caretakers they only saw Novena's name on the page. One of the male intruder commented that Novena has been banished from this era and is serving as a watchman to another time dimensional piece. The unknown opponent left with the goal to hunt all the current Harpshicords.

Nevi sweat from the nightmare he had and woke up at noon time. He was later informed that the Tale Bearers visited a a border town within the Kingdom. When Nevi asked about it. Cyrus just said that it was a day trip and check up mission.

Nevi was left with nothing but to visit Kennan. When he descend to the first floor. Kennan was not yet back. He decided to go up and train with Urchin when a unknown man inquired.

"Is the library open? Can I read in here?" Nevi can smell a strange aura enveloping the man and acted in service. Nevi thought that it won't be bad to take over Kennan's public task.

"Sure, I would like to know what kind of genre would you like so that I can assist you." Nevi politely offered.

The man thinly smiled with his pouty lips. His coat looked expensive and his eyes were strange.It was like a rainbow after the rain. His height is no joke as well. His skin were like papers, blank and white. His friendly voice answered.

"I want some true to life experience."

Nevi nod at him and escorted the man unto the left corner of the library. The shelves were labelled as Diaries.

"This is our section. If you have any specific topic of interest. Just let me know." Nevi again offered.

The man just said it was fine and that he will search for it alone. Nevi respected the customer's request and left him.

The man ruffled through the book.When he was not able to spot the book he was looking. He started to get frustrated and angry. If only the annoying clock would pause and give him more time to search. The man tried to use his magic but got repelled. He uttered some latin words to put a hole on the protection.

"penitus barre."

But his magic had no effect. His magic triggered an alarm that sounded like a siren. The library got sorrounded and Nevi run toward where he escorted the man but found it empty.

Kennan woke up and found him self on a bed. He got informed by their head department of caretakers about the incident. The warning horn sounded, a watchman reported that a unknown man visited one of the Myrhh Cinnamon in a certain era. When Kennan heard about it he rushed toward the library and found Nevi seating unto his usual desk reading a book.

"Did something happened? You look terrible." Nevi greeted as Kennan scanned the area.

"Nothing much. Moreover did something happen?" Kennan asked observing the area.

Nevi let him know about a foreign man asking for real life stories.

"So, I led him to the diary section. But the siren within the library sounded and the man was so shocked that i thought he disappeared but was just ducking in the corner. So we calmed him down and eventually sent him." Nevi reported.

Kenan walked toward the diary section but the shelves were complete. Kennan tried to rummage his recollection and a sudden phrase got echoed unto his mind.

"Find that book no matter what."

Kenan loudly whispered enough for Nevi to hear.

"I wonder what book they were looking for."

Nevi just shrugged at him. Kennan left the library in Nevi's care. Kennan cannot fathom what kind of book that was. Was it that significant for them to annihilate the cinnamon tower in the sacred era?

Kenan got reminded by something Nevi mentioned and run back to the library.

Nevi was surprised when Kennan slammed his face unto his space.

"Did you mentioned that the siren sounded?"

Nevi just nod in agreement. Kennan rushed to the same section but was confused as to why the shelves were complete. He scanned the list and alphabetical arrangements of the library but found it in one peice. Nevi was being curious because of Kennan's reaction and inquired.

"Just what does it mean when the siren sounded?"

Kennan answered Nevi without looking at him as he peek through each spaces.

"It means that someone tried to steal a book with magic. But the library have a barrier that protects each books. It would repel any magic making the caster to feel a double amount of the magic they applied."

Nevi again tried to recall how the man looked but he was just sweating and tearing up. Nevi even observed that the man was unimaginably fine despite his distance from the shelves where the barrier reacted. Nevi step closer unto the area where the man was ducking and noticed a single drop of blood.

Nevi called Kennan and explained that it was the place he found the foreign man after the siren.

Kennan thanked him for the information and went back to report unto the higher ups. There meeting room that was elegant and vast are now down seating on the floor. Kennan reported about what happened and was surprised when he got the notice that his Harpshicords are in great danger.