Chapter 196: Ruddy, Wavy and Black.

Cyprus stared at the man as he spoke. This Vine had a vibe that he does not wish to remember because the same incident would flash in his mind but when the wind surrounded him like a current. Cyprus saw his mother's face and memories.

"Just who the hell is this man?" he muttered.

"Just how many times would you ask that? He is Nevi's father. He was the King who sacrificed in order to established this kingdom. He is the man our grandmother married... wait what.. does that mean he is our grandfather?"

Cyrus asked as he stumble in words.

Cyrus and Cyprus exchange glances and like the usual they acted as if they are joined by the hip. The two run and visited the room they never ventured for a long time. Cyrus unlocked the room and they searched the paintings.

When they found the first royal wedding in the palace. Cyrus and Cyprus had their mouth hanged opened.

"So, you found me out." Vine's voice echoed behind the two who was starled and shocked.

"How... how...?" Cyprus asked.

"Are you a ghost?" Cyrus followed up.

Vine wanted to tease the two and answered.

"What do you think?"

Cyrus and Cyprus hugged each other as they screamed. Vine can't help but recall how he was like that with Sotai in the past. Resh can't hold out any longer and started laughing.

"I can't believe that your this childish. How can you think that he is a ghost when you bow down before him."

Cyprus was the one who replied.

"Well that was because you instantly bow down. It felt like at that moment it was the right thing to do."

Vine invited the two to join them. The table had a legendary vibe that made Cyprus and Cyrus behaved. Vine chuckled at how the two maintained their etiquette.

"You two reminds me of myself and Celicia. And yes I am alive, if you heared the story then that was true. The only favour I am going to ask out of you is to allow me to explain this all to Nevi."

Kenan got back and heared about the guest. When he met Vine Kennan was surprise to hear that he came out from the library. The gang head out to check where he came from and found it suspicious.

"This portal is opened from here." Vine stated.

"Nevi was here when it happened. He was with that stranger. According to Nevi he was asking for a testimony and diary book." Kennan explained.

"And then the explosion occured not long after Nevi introduced his father to us. It means that it is someone who can transport or who have the same gift with Lila or Urchin." Cyrus deducted.

"Lila or Urchin?" Vine asked.

"Your great grand daughter in law and great great grand son. I losed count of the line." Resh remarked.

"Or it might be someone who practice something black and is searching for a book that is within our library." Cyprus stated.

Vine pointed his finger at him and praised him.

"Bingo Cyprus. You think like Celicia. Mean while this stern looking face have the same way of thinking with me."

Ophir splitted the team. Kiel and Mem went with Wency to deliver the linen while the three harpsichord fulfilled their task and started to ponder how did Nevi's father passed through the space and dimension.

"Is uncle Vine angry?" Lehi inquired.

"Nope, he just said. I never got home and that he will bring me home." Nevi replied.

"But Lehi mentioned that when she get back to your era. No one remembered you. So how?" Ophir expanded.

Lehi and Nevi realised what Ophir was trying to say and stated.

"We need to get back at the Palace now."

At the corner of El Oathniel Kingdom. A team who was suppose to be celebrating since they destroyed the heavenly library was impressed to see that their breaker member Huaji injured.

"How can you let your self get this injury from an ordinary royal library?"

A man in his frizzy and bizarre out fit asked.

"I tried to steal one of the diary but got electrified by a sharp current and even barely escaped." Huaji explained as he allow Defy tend unto it. Her gentle facade and sassy feature made him crings when she used her nails to purposefully press his wound and spoke.

"This is a wound from another space. Could it be that you opened a portal by touching a single book from that library?"

Teng raised his brow as his frizzy hair bow with his lashes.

"Oh come on. We are the only people who are powerful enough to break through the space and time. And this single book is giving us a head ache."

A man in with indigo braised hair and nude eyes complained.

Their meeting got interrupted when a carriage losed control and is heading their way.

Ophir stood up to check if Wercy, Nevi, Lehi, Mem and Kiel are fine. Lehi got protected by Keil while Wercy got shielded by Mem. Their carraige were in pieces after hitting a tree.

Nevi saw the man who visited the library earlier and said.

"Your from here sir?"

Huaji grunted and just nodded.

"So, your bleeding?" Nevi stated.

"I heared that when the library alarms it meant that someone tried to steal a book with magic." Nevi added.

Mem instantly appear in front of Huaji and put a Wercy's chain unto his neck.

"Then you are under arrest for attempting to steal our book." Mem notified.

Clutch, Defy and Teng surrounded Mem but the Palace Knight swiftly avoided them and pulled Huaji with his bare hand out of the circle.

"I am getting arrested just because of a book?" Huaji sarcastically remarked.

"No gentleman. You being arrested for attempting to steal and putting the whole Kingdom in alarm just because of a single book." Kiel pointed.

"Well that can't be helped but I am not allowing someone like you get in our way." Clutch warned.

The Tale Bearer braces themselves for a new heated battle sprouting from their prone accident area.