Chapter 208: Feed On by Summer

Lehi felt like a filter was removed from her sight. It was more clear to her how to utilize her gift.

Kennan then pointed that whoever was the culprit it's not human.

"Then how about the engraving on her belly flesh?" Lehi quarried.

"It's a name. I will look into it. Try not to let your team mates be involved further or it will create a huge distortion in this time table." Kennan dismissed as the clock hit the late evening ticking.

Nevi resigned for the day. He laid on his bed staring blankly on the cieling. Nevi can't help but wonder who the author of Counting Finger might be. His thoughts log off and his body dozed it's system to summarise the day.

Ophir stared at the photo and wallet that Bethany always carried. When he unwrapped the vintage cover. The paper had something scribed on it.

"Novena needs to be save. She is trapped on a well. My fingers will point it. My time flees like a shutter but you Ophir is my crocus.

Heinous is a pen name. Among the owls and ravens a hyena preys on summer.

Love From


Ophir took note of what he remembered as the words disappeared. Lehi sat beside him and saw what he acquired.

"She left this note. It means that target was Novena." Ophir voiced out as he eyed Lehi.

"So, she really based it on the story of Counting Finger." Lehi stated as he slump down on the bed.

"I wonder why the title was Counting Finger not Melting Candle?" Ophir questioned.

"Maybe because the author want to cover the real message of the story?"

Lehi reasoned out.

When Ophir focused his mind on thinking, Lehi uttered how Nevi would be the same even after sleeping.

Hexel saw how the burial took over. Yet his mind can't brush off the thought that the victim recieved such torture. Hexel looked back to see how the ashes got washed by the river. His eyes can't release the forming defeat he had on this operation. It was fruitless and was frustrating since he was not able to get near toward the shore that will lead him to find a clue. Usually he would be able to draw out the gist of the situation but it's a failure on his part this time.

Ophir approach him later on to commend and appreciate the little effort he contributed but Hexel felt like he did not do anything.

"It's okay, this is beyond our reach. You don't need to feel defeated, because your works are not in vain. It will be useful somehow young duke." Ophir stated. Hexel had his shoulder relaxed and replied.

"I am sorry, captain for failing to help you in this personal matter."

Ophir just nod at him and said.

"Yeah right, but I did not said you failed."

Kennan researched about the Heinous and Counting Finger topic and was shocked to find out what has transpired.

Kennan head back to see Nevi, Ophir and Lehi inside his room.

"Aren't you too cozy in my room?" Kennan teased.

Ophir handed him a note.

Kennan made the expressions that he already knew and informed them about what he acquired.

" The story of Counting Finger was later on written by Ecles. The word Heinous stands for the message he wanted to convey. I don't know why will Ecles write that story but it is an advantage for us to know this. Something foulsome will occur. In Bethany's case she cut her own finger to preserve the crime scene."

Nevi clasped his hand and said.

"That was right, I now recall that the Author's name was Ecles. I used to wonder why would a name this beautiful wrote something sad."

"Then if we follow through the story. It might give us the conclusion that Novena is long dead." Lehi uttered forgetting about Kennan's affection when she realised what she just said. Lehi instantly apologize to Kennan.

Kennan had his head hang low and professed.

"Her body got burried by the fellow care takers in Myrhh Cinnamon from the main era. Our force investigated the issue and concluded that she was killed by a demon whom she helped before. It was shocking on our main area as well but one thing is for sure. Sooner or later the time killer will come after Lila, Cyprus, Urchin and you, Lehi." Kennan stated.

"We need to tap Cyrus about this. He got the power to summon Ecles at any moment. And it is dangerous enough that someone is trying to kill someone in related to time." Kennan suggested as he stare from afar.

The Harpsichord left giving him the time to mourn his unrequited love. Kennan was dumbfounded to hear and see how Novena's lifeless body emerged his morning. Kennan already knew that Novena was in a dire state but he was unable to do anything. His broken heart wailed because deep within he wanted his future to with Novena even if she was unable to reciprocate it.

Cyrus heared from Kennan what happened. His eyes scanned and studied the words written by Ecles in the future. Cyrus knew how Ecles would react when he sees this but Cyrus won't be able to confront the present Ecles since at this moment he is innocent. Cyrus can't even tell Resh what would he thinks about it because it might sabotage their current era as Kennan stated. When Kennan delivered the news that Novena was dead Cyrus knew that something major will occur. For a person to die in this state not mentioning how prolonged her life was since Novena had the power of time capsule.

Cyrus can't help but think and decide for a sacrificial measure to protect the future fully knowing how would Ecles turn sour in the near future. Cyrus will. never take the route where he would kill his own friend. His sigh got deeper when he read another letter from his late wife.