Chapter 216: Highway of Wilderness

When Ucrhin saw the vision he personally asked Mem to take him toward Kish and discussed about the issue. Kish firmly rebuked all of his plan but Urchin set free his argument and was brave enough to take responsibility.

"Uncle Kish, please tell me how to intercede. I don't plan on moving alone fully knowing thay my action may result to turning tables and death." Urchin pleaded.

Kish stared at the chubby boy in front of him. He sometimes wonder if he is talking to a child or an old man.

"I know how you feel. I understand why are you reacting like this but know that when you get in between the events of supernatural and natural it may cost to something more tragic. You recieved that vision to protect it not to cut loose with it." Kish gently explained.

Urchin bowed his head and replied.

"But what if we recieved those dreams and vision to be informed and instructed. What if we are choosen to see this things because God has faith that we are capable enough to be the solution for that crises." Urchin replied. Sienna took Urchin's side and Kish begun to strategize with the them and Cyrus. Resh was on the line but he was just chillin and going with the flow.

When Urchin revealed the truth to Ecles, it broke his heart to see Ecles' sorrowful face. It wound his soul that he needed to point out that he will soon become a murdurer. Urchin experience a tormenting train of throughts whether to kill Ecles or let him alive but Urchin knew that will break his grandfather's heart.

Urchin tag along with Lila to see if everyone was safe.

When Urchin heared Xyrie's tyranny on the innocent stream. Urchin remain silent and held back himself but when she started to declare her plans Urchin decided that this evil entity needs to be laid waste. Urchin waited for his seniors to take action but when he saw that the girl have the chance to escape. He instantly paused the time and proceeded with the plan.

Urchin used Ophir's bone blade to stab her heart. When the evil spirit tried to transfer toward Ecles Urchin scoop him to a trance.

"Tell me, how many are there with you?" Urchin peacefully inquired.

The evil spirit screamed in his face with anger. She tried to hurt the chubby boy but to no avail it ended up almost having itseld be shredded.

"Answer me!" Urchin demanded.

"We are an island." The evil yelled attempting to escape.

When Urchin can sense that his body is weakened he clasped his hand to pray.

"Our Heavenly Father who nailed the anvil of death and had us healed in your own wound. I humbly asked of your armies to send this spirit to where it belongs. May your time frame for us be done. Amen."

Urchin's trance enclosed the spirit till it vanished. The woman's writh of pain got muted within Urchin's realm. When the time resumed the gang were surprised to see the girl dead. Ophir and Nevi halted as Hexel was surprised to witness Urchin pull out the bone blade from the enemy's heart.

Their motionless nerve got alerted by Ecles' cry. Ecles started vomiting some blood. His stomach curled and twisted from the pain as the choker blended with his skin and entered his larynx. It pressured his modified trachea as he losed the ability to breath.

Urchin opened another trance despite his exhaustion and invited his mother on a trance. Lila took advantage of her son's realm and opened a portal to transport the team back at the palace.

Tera and Lehi take an immediate operation with Hexel who described how Ecles almost losed his breath.

Lehi applied her oil to amplify and soften his skin. Tera performed the necessary action but they are unable to locate where the magic penetrated and dwell.

Tera commanded Lehi and Hexel to halt any bleeding and complications as she needs the King's decision on the matter.

"Cyrus we need your judgement on the matter. Ecles received a powerful curse that seeded on his larynx. If we remove it he will turn into a mute. The curse speedily spread all over his throat causing his voice box to be damaged but if we won't cut it out... Ecles will die." Tera explained as she started to look down. Tera and Ecles were good friends.

Tera can't even do anything to help him when Ecles was always there for her.

"I am terrified Cyrus. First it was Yodh and Taw then it's Ecles what of the enemy was part of our circle or with our former encounters back then?" Tera whispered as Resh and Evi tried to comfort her by standing outside the surgery room to gave her the some support.

Cyrus needed to ponder what will benefit Ecles. Surely he does not wish his death so Cyrus proposed and took the decision which he thought was right.

"Remove it, I will join you to instruct and sanctify Ecles larynx."

Evi and Resh decided to enter the operating room in unity to help their old friend.

When Cyrus saw the ball like black magic actively devouring Ecles' vocal cord he instructed.

"Lehi, scoop that thing out from his throat with your oil. Evi can you minimise the size of it. Resh take over Lehi's position and aid Hexel. Tera will knit it after."

Lehi sucked in all her worries and used her oil to scoop the black magic out of Ecles' throat. Evi got in sync in minimising the size but along the process Ecles's body started to react in a convulsive way. Tera, Resh and Hexel steadie his body as Lehi and Evi successful segregated the black magic.

Tera took the opportunity to cleanse the wound by praying.

"Our Healer and Redeemer, May your vessel recover from the infliction that was put upon his throat. We believe that this situation is still in Your gracious hand. Amen."